Document: Isotopic Composition of Rossi Fuel Sample (Unverified)

    • Official Post

    It is fairly standard to detoxify certain industrial poisons and it is standard to convert used vegetable and certain other oils into diesel. But what Rossi claimed has not been achieved and certainly, it was never achieved by Rossi, even if a small portion of what he claimed is being done by others now.

    Mary - you are totally wrong about this. Bionic GMBH in Germany have cracked the whole rubbish to diesel problem with a plant that can be tuned (and has been) to run on everything from shredded tyres to farm waste to fish-wrappers. It produces clean diesel and other useful oil fractions by microwaving the waste in close proximity to a specially developed Zeolite catalyst. No dioxins, no stack-gases, no dirty water effluent and (typically) only around 2% residual nasties at the end requiring plasma incineration. And very energy efficient. The company has a small plant in Brno currently and is building a bigger one in Austria. The Brno plant (Smeral) was a deal I was involved in a few years back and I know this is 'good kit' and a sound technology - currently hampered only by the low oil price.

  • Maybe but Rossi never produced a drop of oil (I suspect he did plant some like he planted nickel isotopes and a fake thermoelectric prototype). And his tanks when examined were filled with poisons such as and including dioxin. Find me conclusive evidence that Rossi detoxified highly poisonous industrial waste and turned it into appreciable quantities of oil. Other than what Rossi says. I have no idea why you people believe such crappola from a crook like Rossi.

    To argue about what Rossi claimed compared to currrent practice would require figuring out what Rossi actually claimed which is laborious and useless if it is even possible. And it doesn't matter. Rossi did not develop anything and his allowing all Petroldragon patents to lapse for nonpayment proves it.

  • Rossi, as Petroldragon, simply claimed to turn organic waste into fuel oil.

    He claimed a bit more than that. Here's from Mats Lewan's An Impossible Invention.


    Rossi claimed that the pilot plant could process ten tons of organic waste and in 24 hours extract about two tons of oil, two to three tons of gas and the rest as coal. Futhermore--the energy needed to power the waste conversion was extracted during operation.

    And in a eerily similar-to-the-present conspiracy:


    During construction he received a fresh setback--the Swiss financiers had received a negative report about Rossi and his technology and instantly froze all investments. Rossi continued with his own money, small loans and assiduous attempts to convince customers that had delayed payments for his old plants, but he was soon forced to slow the project. Somewhat later, it turned out that the report to the Swiss had been manipulated by Rossi's detractors. They had accused him of pouring mineral oil into the tanks at night and selling it as his own genuine process byproduct during the day. But Rossi was cleared of those accusations. Funding continued and the plant was inaugurated on August 5, 1979.

    • Official Post

    Maybe but Rossi never produced a drop of oil (I suspect he did plant some like he planted nickel isotopes and a fake thermoelectric prototype). And his tanks when examined were filled with poisons such as and including dioxin. Find me conclusive evidence that Rossi detoxified highly poisonous industrial waste and turned it into appreciable quantities of oil. Other than what Rossi says. I have no idea why you people believe such crappola from a crook like Rossi.

    Mary. That's as maybe - quite possibly Petroldragon was a heap of crap - that is not what I am talking about- it is in fact of little interest. But you claimed it was inpossible to make diesel from waste cleanly even now, and that such a technology would be worth billions. Wrong wrong wrong. With the oil-price where it is it is not worth very much at all, a really hard sell.

    And let's have a bit less of the 'you people' stuff please. It is a turn of phrase that does you no credit.

  • Rossi never produced a drop of oil

    By Gianluca D'Agostino* writing for

    * A man whose CV and ability to read the original Italian sources, offer him more credibility than Yugo and Krivit combined.

  • Alan, you're a pedant. And a selective one at that. When I write "you people" the people concerned know exactly the subset I am talking about. As for making Diesel from waste, it depends on what waste. I am pretty sure I can find you some toxic waste that can't be rendered to oil, especially not economically. But that is mostly irrelevant anyway! And it is probably not what Rossi claimed -- hard to tell but his claim was both more general and more vague. And of course, Rossi made the claim in 1979 when much of the current technology was unavailable to the best, much less to a clod like Rossi. And Rossi, like with thermoelectrics and ecats, never delivered anything that worked.

    Does Big Development Corp even exist? Did it ever make oil from toxic waste? Does it now?

    As for the link to the article supposedly by Gianluca D'Agostino, I can't find it.…e-man-who-saved-the-world it now leads to a linkfarm so I guess that's what it's worth. (ROTFWL) is the main current source I could find, not that was much better. doesn't exist any more. And the text is all "Rossi says". The guy might as well have read Lewan's execrable book or Rossi's idiotic web site.

    Edited 3 times, last by Mary Yugo ().

  • Mary Yugo wrote

    " When I write "you people" the people concerned know exactly the subset I am talking about"

    Well I don't know whether I am in the "you people" category or the "Yugo people" category.

    I am concerned. Could you enlighten me please on what the characteristics of the "you people" category are.?

  • Sure, Robert. Let's perseverate on this non issue some more. Be my guest.

  • Mary Yugo wrote : "And of course, Rossi made the claim in 1979 when much of the current technology was unavailable to the best, much less to a clod like Rossi"

    This seems to be a very sweeping and rhetorical statement.

    The idea of recycling waste oil back to around the time of the first oil shock in 1974 and the second oil shock in 1979.
    In Australia and NZ(where I did my Chemical Engineering degree) there were start up companies based on recycling used engine oil


    The technology is not rocket science.. based on physical separations such as filtration and distillation, (perhaps some catalytic cracking if you wanted diesel.)
    The main difficulties was disposing of toxic pollutants and making the process energy efficient.

    A parallel idea ,the production of diesel from biological oils, dates back to the same oil shock time e.g 1979 sunflower oil in South Africa.

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