Display More2) Place discs in aluminum camping pan and bake exposed to ordinary atmosphere in household oven at 200C for one week.
3) Before they can drop in temperature, drop hot discs through funnel into 100ml bottle of room temperature 99.8% purity deuterium oxide and allow them to soak for unknown duration.
4) Stack ten soaked discs into a stack and wrap with copper magnet wire (enamel still on and not removed) directly in contact with the discs. Copper wire not always used inside the tube.
NOTE: I've been informed that this interior copper isn't used by LION in all of his tests and it is not required.
Regarding step 2 in the LION fuel preparation as follows:
"2) Place discs in aluminum camping pan and bake exposed to ordinary atmosphere in household oven at 200C for one week."
What this procedure could generate is nanocavities in the surface of the diamond showing the Ryvita effect:
Damage Craters seen after Field Emission Testing of Diamond Films
CVD diamond and DLC films are routinely tested for field emission of electrons. After testing, the surface of the films often exhibit morphology changes, from small indents to large craters. This pit generation process is similar to the spark processing done by Mizuno performed on nickel and palladium materials.
It is inside these cavities were metallic hydrogen forms via Pauli Uncertainty Principle compression. The bonds of diamond are the strongest to be found in nature and are less likely to fail under the high pressure conditions that occur when metalizing hydrogen. These bonds are strong enough to hold hydrogen in compression for extended periods of time. The crystal structure of CVD diamond also is hexagonal thus providing an ideal template for the growth of metallic hydrogen inside these cavities.
These cavities are produced through oxidation where carbon in the diamond surface is converted to Co and Co2. The time that this erosion process is allowed to continue impacts the dimensionality of the cavities. Baking for an overlong period would produce cavities that were too large, and a too short bake duration will produce cavities that are too small.
Regarding step 3 in the LION fuel preparation as follows:
"3) Before they can drop in temperature, drop hot discs through funnel into 100ml bottle of room temperature 99.8% purity deuterium oxide and allow them to soak for unknown duration."
This step allows the hydrogen to find its way into the diamond cavities. The duration of this step should not be critical to the metallic hydrogen formation process but according to Holmlid this timeframe may require weeks of exposure. The metallic hydrogen is contained inside these cavities and will gradually escape over time. These disks will provide the means to transport the metallic hydrogen into the reactor.
The purity of the deuterium oxide is critical because the formation of metallic hydrogen inside the microcavities on the surface of the diamond is destroyed by any isotopic impurity in the isotopes of hydrogen.
In summary, there is an ideal baking time for the diamond coated disks. The soaking time is not that critical but an overlong period may begin to destroy the cavities on the surface of the diamond. Once the reactor begins operation, the diamond will deteriorate as the LENR reactor increases in activity leaving the nickel substrate.