ICCF21 - Akito Takahashi &al presentation

    • Official Post

    The slides of Akito Takahashi presentation have been published, and Ab Ul Rahman lomax made a review on his blog.

    The slides are there


    and the review is there


    I see 3 themes covered by the presentation:

    • generality on LENR potential usefulness
    • experimental results of the Nissan/Technova/UKyushu/UTohoku/UNagoya/UKobe collaboration
    • TSC theory

    for each theme, your opinion may be very different depending on your mindset, your interest, your competences. Abd have his position on each.

    • Official Post

    I won't enter into other's ego, but I can report that the experimental results of the Nissan/Technova/UKyushu/UTohoku/UNagoya/UKobe collaboration have convinced some stakeholder.

    They hide, because of LENR stigma, but they work.

    Smaller organization, both public or private, are less afraid by pathological consensus, and more interested in making the difference with realism.

  • The work Akito et al reveals is exciting to see as it fits well into the schema where the gentle movement of deuterons through complex materials yields predictable and consistent heat and energetic emission, my favourite are the lovely gammas. It is a great example of what happens when one produces complex atom-ecologies and lets deuterons in motion therein find the ideal locations for themselves where they are clearly observed by multiple means to engage in their unique cold fusion behaviour. That the thermal signature of this protocol is in the tens of watts range makes it a good petri dish on the path to engineering practical technologies.

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