The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • Posts here moved from the BEC thread...Alan

    Transmutation is by definition nuclear reaction. When fusion involves atoms of the metal lattice to other atoms of the lattice, then extremely high atomic weight atoms are formed which fission. The products from the fission range most of the periodic table.

    See ENECOtheseventh.pdf (

    The reaction active environment or EVO produces tracks called stange radiation. These tracts have recently been captured in Sveinn Ólafsson's cloud chamber. The tracks begin to appear after the superconducting ultra dense matter is exposed to light. Holmlid studied the emission of these EVO particles that Holmlid assumed were mesons. The time of flight analysis of these particles shows production of the EVO after laser exposure of the superconductor in the 50 nanosecond time scale. Using Holmlid's time of flight analysis performed by Holmlid will show in detail how an EVO is produced.

    Mesons from Laser-Induced Processes in Ultra-Dense Hydrogen H(0)…1371/journal.pone.0169895

    Analysis of these tracts of transmuted matter indicate that magnetic vortex flux tubes extend out of the EVO at some distance while transmuting matter. Magicsound magnified these cloud chamber tracks in a post pictured below that showed a spiraling path.

    The tracks are seen in this video.

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    The picture of the magnified tract is as follows:

    These tracks leave a path of transmuted matter that can be analyzed to determine a fair picture of the transmutation process.

    When in flight, the EVO travels at a high speed as seen in the cloud chamber. How the EVO can pass through the walls of the cloud chamber is unknown. The EVO through these tracks leaves a repeating pattern of a complex of transmuted matter comprised of various elements likely due to rotation of the EVO in flight. As seen in SEM micrographs of such tracks, amazingly the distance seen in these repeating patterns are equal to the nanometer. This means that these magnetic vortex flux tubes are producing a path comprised of a complex of various elemental transmuting matter INSTANTLY without any time delay and without the appearance of any nuclear footprints such as unstable isotopes, neutrons, or gamma rays.

    Edited 3 times, last by axil ().

  • Because of the near absolute zero temperatures ambient in deep space, it is possible that interstellar dust can generate abundant superconductive matter in space. When exposed to photons, EVOs will form in the optical cavity generated by this superconducting interstellar dust. EVO activated interstellar dust could be dark matter as suggested by Holmlid.

    A new electroweak mediated boson called "dark photon" has been predicted to be generated by dark matter.

    Dark photon - Wikipedia

    The dark photon (also hidden, heavy, para-, or secluded photon) is a hypothetical hidden sector particle, proposed as a force carrier similar to the photon of electromagnetism but potentially connected to dark matter.

    the dark photon)can then couple very weakly to electrically charged particles through kinetic mixing with the ordinary photon and could thus be detected.

    The dark photon would mediate the electroweak force.

    From the experimental results by Chukanov, he shows that EMF is shielded from any interaction with the EVO. The coherent EVO could shield the superconductive interstellar dust from EMF interaction. So the EVO might qualify as the active agent in dark matter and generate the dark photon that could explain why EVO driven LENR can stabilize unstable isotopes at a distance.

  • From the experimental results by Chukanov, he shows that EMF is shielded from any interaction with the EVO. The coherent EVO could shield the superconductive interstellar dust from EMF interaction.

    Apologies that we're off BEC topic, but the above reported result by Chukanov I found to be quite something. The guy generates something akin to ball lightening about 20cm across that can last indefinitely in his apparatus. He says that when he shines a laser on it, rather than the laser going through it and out the other end, the light is redirected and travels along the ball's surface and does not penetrate the inside of the ball. Weird.

    Now, if such objects were abundant in the interstellar medium one might expect a lot of light distortion from distant stars, but we don't see it. (Then again, considering all the interstellar dust out there it seems amazing we can see the stars as well as we do.)

  • Quote from Mark U - Now, if such objects were abundant in the interstellar medium one might expect a lot of light distortion from distant stars, but we don't see it.

    Distortion is seen

    Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its influence by observing how the gravity of massive galaxy clusters, which contain dark matter, bends and distorts the light of more-distant galaxies located behind the cluster. This phenomenon is called gravitational lensing.

  • Quote from Mark U - He says that when he shines a laser on it, rather than the laser going through it and out the other end, the light is redirected and travels along the ball's surface and does not penetrate the inside of the ball. Weird.

    They don't award patents to inventions that do not work.

    US6936971B2 - Methods and systems for generating high energy photons or quantum energy - Google Patents

    From the Chukanov patent

    During some experiments, the quantum macro object was touched with a metal stick. In this experiment, the metal stick could not penetrate into the nucleus because the nucleus possessed no volume. Instead, the nucleus was deformed by the metal stick. Thus, the quantum macro object behaved like a solid. During these experiments, the dimensions of the surface of the nucleus did not change either. The quantum macro object nucleus is “closed to the inside,” therefore, no macro-material formation can penetrate through the quantum surface.

    When observing the quantum macro object experimentally, the macro nucleus and the electron cloud are perfectly visible and distinguished from one another. In several of these experiments (using a quartz dielectric container and air as the gaseous substance), the color of the electron cloud was orange. The nucleus was observed as having a sharp spherical boundary between the orange-colored electron cloud and the volume of gas closed by this quantum boundary. Using various levels of input power, the quantum macro object may become transparent. In this state, the quantum macro object radiates a lot of heat, but no shining plasma formations are visible in its volume. This experiment provides a very good visual illustration of the two-dimensional structure of the nucleus of the quantum macro object.

  • The assumption that the LENR reaction involves nuclear reactions and fusion is why LENR is rejected by Science. Because of this assumption, LENR has become a laughing stock in Science. If LENR supported a fusion reaction, it would demonstrate neutrons, and gamma rays of a specific energy levels associated with the type of fusion that is occurring.

    To the best of my understanding, nobody in the LENR community has ever explained why these tell tale fusion indicators were lacking in the LENR reaction. The assumption that LENR is a nuclear reaction is obviously invalid.

    Surely BEC's electron capture model is appropriate enough to allow further engineering approaches?

    I agree. Every single theory of CMNS anomalies predicts radioactivity. In the vast majority of theories this radioactivity is not observed and consequently is strong evidence that the model is fundamentally wrong. This is the elephant in the room which most people ignore.

    Of course there are many other reasons why LENR is NOT explained by any fusion reaction. After 33 years of sterile searching, we need to take a step backwards and look at the big picture. I have systematically analyzed the major proposed mechanisms of LENR / CMNS and I presented at IWAHLM14 last year. In particular I covered

    Heavy electron capture

    Proton / Deuteron capture

    Poly deuteron capture (Iwamura like reactions)

    Poly neutrons


    Exotic Neutral Particles (ENP)

    I studied how these conjectured processes would interact with the 288 isotopes found in nature. The ONLY model which seemed to pass the test was the ENP model. Not only did the model predict radiation correctly, but it also explained why nickel, palladium, titanium, and other metals can produce heat without radiation.

    Of course a model is only as good as the data on which it is based. Some of the claims of radiation seem to be tenuous at best. It's amazing how researchers use primitive methods such as dental X-ray film, Geiger counters, etc., but finding some anomaly, do not follow up with more specific measurements. No wonder LENR is rejected by Science!! Only nuclear measurements can identify nuclear reactions precisely. And if we cannot identify nuclear reactions, we will never convince the scientific community. It's the "get rich quick" mentality of developing a valuable anomalous heat device without the slightest coherent understanding how it works, which undermines the entire field.

  • Quote from WJMFC - The ONLY model which seemed to pass the test was the ENP model. Not only did the model predict radiation correctly,

    I am afraid that my current theory of the reaction is very complicated, packed with cutting edge science so here it is. The keystone of the theory is negative mass. Negative mass is the connective tissue that links together the many complex science threads behind the reaction.

    As an introduction, the behavior of the electron in a condensed matter system is extremely complex. One such behavior is polariton formation. Polaritons are quasiparticles formed from a superposition of an electron and a boson which typically is a photon. Polariton deminstate reduction of the mass and charge of the electron through integration and entanglement with these other bosonic waveforms. The polariton behaves like light but hides the electron inside its waveform. When polaritons form from electrons, this inherent polariton behavior of the electron seems to be carried over to the polariton condensate. This may be where the negative mass behavior of the polariton condensate comes from.

    When an electron becomes a polariton, it loses its mass. But as the polariton being a potential fundamental property of the electron, when the polariton behavior of the electron deminstates in the polariton condensate, the mass of the polariton condensate goes negative.

    Science violently rejects the concept of negative mass as a real property of matter. Science says that effective mass can only show the behavior of negative mass without that mass being created. So effective mass is not considered real mass, Effective mass behavior that just acts like negative mass but is not real negative mass. But when all the quasiparticle behaviors of the electrons are mixed in a polariton condensate, the real negative mass of that condensate actually becomes real negative mass.

    Science is constrained by rules and assumptions. For example, some of the rules that speak against the details of the reaction mechanism are as follows: a Bose condensate cannot form in a plasma, negative mass cannot exist, transmutation is wako science, and tachyons cannot exist.

    But there is speculative science that does accept the possibility of the existence of these mechanisms. One such discipline that accepts negative mass and the tachyon is string theory.

    Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'

    Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'
    Physicists have created what they say is the first device that's capable of generating particles that behave as if they have negative mass.

    Negative mass opens the door to the weirdness of the dark sector of the universe. A famous negative mass gateway particle is a tachyon.

    Tachyons have out of this world properties especially when they condense. This is how the Sen conjecture in string theory comes into play.

    Sen's conjecture

    Sen's conjecture

    This conjecture predicts that the vacuum will decay in an explosion of energy when a tachyon condensate becomes unstable. This explosion is called a Bosenova. In other words, the tachyon condensate will convert both itself and the spacetime that holds it into energy from the vacuum through vacuum destruction.

    Such a process of vacuum decay is where LENR gets its overunity energy from. The telling characteristic of the explosion of any Bose condensate in a bosenova is that half of the matter that comprises the condensate will disappear. I contend that this unexplained process of missing mass destruction is due to vacuum decay as predicted by the Sen's conjecture.

    String theory via Sen's conjecture predicts that a tachyon condensate will produce a micro anti universe (AKA the EVO) which will convert a like congruent portion of our universe into energy. This conversion of a universe/anti universe bubble into energy happens when the EVO (or tachyon condensate) becomes unstable and explodes in a Bosenova.

    We have seen this Bosenova explosions occur in the VEGA experiment.

    The spacetime micro bubble that the EVO exists in will mix with the anti spacetime bubble that is the EVO. This mixing will produce the Bosenova that generates electrons broadcasts in all directions radially at the speed of light. These electrons carry the energy produced by the decay of the vacuums in both our universe and that of the anti universe of the EVO.


    Being a superconductor, any Bose Einstein condensate of polaritons when fed with photons and electrons will become unstable and explode in a Bosenova.

    There is current research into the Bosenova that lends insight into the Reaction as follows:

    Current research papers on the Bosenova.

    Search | arXiv e-print repository

    Current research into the Bosenova is coming close to producing the vacuum reaction and identifying many of the behaviors that we see in our experiments.

    There is more. There is the superconductor connection which connects to the Higgs field and false vacuum production but I will leave that for another day.

  • Brilliant analysis axil - one simple question, is 'negative mass' equivalent to 'anti-matter' or am I barking up the wrong tree? And what about 'negative entropy' upon which all life-forms are based? Meaning the utilisation of our DNA to extract order from chaos according also to Darwinian evolutionary theory.

  • So the EVO might qualify as the active agent in dark matter and generate the dark photon that could explain why EVO driven LENR can stabilize unstable isotopes at a distance.

    Paul Brown used gamma ray to accelerate decay times of radioactive isotopes. It is reasonable that LENR transfers MeV range energies by contact with the NAE or by collision with the high energy deuterium radiation that Ed Storms observed in glow discharge experiments. Radioactive isotopes become less stable with LENR. That is why some companies are consider radioactive waste treatment via methods that are LENR. How would one even determine that a radioactive isotope becomes stable rather than gets a shorter half-life in the presence of LENR? I think you are mistaken.

    If this is what you mean by process not defined as the usual nuclear reaction, I see your point.

  • Quote from Dr Richard - one simple question, is 'negative mass' equivalent to 'anti-matter' or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    In the video lecture below, there is an interesting and revealing video characterization of negative mass. Negative mass may well be the key concept that drives the vacuum reaction. Negative mass appears to be the property that enables the Vacuum reaction to form. Among other things, this video explains how artificial gravity is produced by negative mass. It also might explain why no energy is observed when an EVO is transmuting matter.

    As a preface, the concept of mass is a complex issue. All particles have zero bare mass. These zero mass particles get their rest mass from interaction with the Higgs field. Particle mass can change if other factors influence the particle in addition to the Higgs field. For example, an electron can interact with other electrons in a condensed matter system or magnetic fields can change the mass of an electron either upward or downward.

    This lecturer on negative mass states how all apparent negative mass is actually effective mass. This is one of the absolute rules in science. But Hutchison's floating 75 pound cannon ball experiment makes it clear that the reaction must be based on real negative mass rather than effective mass of the polariton. IMHO, Hutchison produces the negative mass effect by generating global polariton condensates everywhere on the surface of a 75 pound iron ball using RF radiation.

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    Negative mass propulsion (antigravity?)

    Negative mass propulsion is a hypothetical propulsion system based on the juxtaposition of ordinary positive mass and negative mass. In theory, such a system would be able to provide continuous thrust, without violating the principles of conservation of momentum or energy. It would require no input energy and no reaction mass. Workability of the scheme, however, hinges on the existence of negative mass and also on negative mass having negative inertia. The combined interactions of the two types of mass would then result in a sustained acceleration of both masses in the same direction.


    In yellow, the "preposterous" runaway motion of positive and negative masses described by Bondi and Bonnor.

    Negative mass of the EVO can explain why the EVO can fly around as strange radiation.

    In the lecture on negative mass, the section about the math of a negative mass harmonic oscillator (also energy wave) in an negative mass powered enclosure is explained. That particle (assume a photon) will seek to exit the local area and move out to a location that is at a far distance from the point of transmutation. This answers a question that I have had for a long time... why doesn't transmutation produce energy?

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    Another great article on negative mass

    In 2013 my student Jonathan Belletête and I won fourth prize, just as Luttinger had, in the Gravity Research Foundation essay competition. We demonstrated how to deform the Schwarzschild–de Sitter metric so that the singularity could be smoothed out. In a follow-up paper, student Saoussen Mbarek and I showed that it was possible to find solutions of the Einstein equations with the matter corresponding to a perfect fluid. The matter that gives rise to negative mass is contained in a spherical bubble. Outside the bubble, the spacetime corresponds exactly to negative-mass Schwarzschild–de Sitter spacetime. Test bodies outside the bubble will be repelled.

    In the realm of speculation, the possibility of creating negative-mass bubbles in the laboratory could have incredible applications for energy production, warp-drive transportation, and armaments.

    IMHO, we have created negative mass bubbles called EVOs.

    So far, the EVO demonstrates three fundamental but related active agents in its behavior: negative energy, the Sen conjecture, and the false vacuum.

    I would like to explore another point, "how can a Bose concentrate occur at any temperature no matter how high?

    In the Gross-Pitaevskii theory, one of the operative terms in the math is the strength of the confinement of the Bose condensate. As an anti universe (anti de-sitter space) the force that keeps the two universes separated must be infinite. For example, In the the Chukanov patent states that Chukanov could not force a metal rod into the EVO, the EVO acted as a solid. So the Bose condensate that develops in this bubble of anti space cannot be influenced by conditions that exist in our universe. This restriction includes temperature that the EVO floats in. This is why a Bose condensate can form in the plasma cloud of the SAFIRE system.

    Edited 3 times, last by axil ().

  • Quote from Drgenek - Paul Brown used gamma ray to accelerate decay times of radioactive isotopes. It is reasonable that LENR transfers MeV range energies by contact with the NAE or by collision with the high energy deuterium radiation that Ed Storms observed in glow discharge experiments. Radioactive isotopes become less stable with LENR.

    Gamma rays are photons. It is likely that a high Dv/Dt impulse of photonic energy such as the Q-pulse can initiate the development of the EVO.

    There are a number of experiments that use lasers and gold nanoparticles to stabilize radioactive isotopes. One is as follows:

    Laser-induced caesium-137 decay


    Experimental data are presented on the laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137. We demonstrate that the exposure of a gold target to a copper vapour laser beam (wavelengths of 510.6 and 578.2 nm, pulse duration of 15 ns) for 2 h in an aqueous solution of a caesium-137 salt reduces the caesium-137 activity by 70%, as assessed from the gamma activity of the daughter nucleus 137mBa, and discuss potential applications of laser-induced caesium-137 decay in radioactive waste disposal.

    Nanoparticles are one of the creation methods involved in the LENR reaction. A nanoparticle can provide a 1 dimensional superconductor that can act as a photonic cavity were Polaritons can form and condense.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

    A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework, ⋆⋆

    J. S. Farnes

    Received: 22 February 2018 Accepted: 20 October 2018


    Dark energy and dark matter constitute 95% of the observable Universe. Yet the physical nature of these two phenomena remains a mystery. Einstein suggested a long-forgotten solution: gravitationally repulsive negative masses, which drive cosmic expansion and cannot coalesce into light-emitting structures. However, contemporary cosmological results are derived upon the reasonable assumption that the Universe only contains positive masses. By reconsidering this assumption, I have constructed a toy model which suggests that both dark phenomena can be unified into a single negative mass fluid. The model is a modified ΛCDM cosmology, and indicates that continuously-created negative masses can resemble the cosmological constant and can flatten the rotation curves of galaxies. The model leads to a cyclic universe with a time-variable Hubble parameter, potentially providing compatibility with the current tension that is emerging in cosmological measurements. In the first three-dimensional N-body simulations of negative mass matter in the scientific literature, this exotic material naturally forms haloes around galaxies that extend to several galactic radii. These haloes are not cuspy. The proposed cosmological model is therefore able to predict the observed distribution of dark matter in galaxies from first principles. The model makes several testable predictions and seems to have the potential to be consistent with observational evidence from distant supernovae, the cosmic microwave background, and galaxy clusters. These findings may imply that negative masses are a real and physical aspect of our Universe, or alternatively may imply the existence of a superseding theory that in some limit can be modelled by effective negative masses. Both cases lead to the surprising conclusion that the compelling puzzle of the dark Universe may have been due to a simple sign error.

  • Alan Smith

    Changed the title of the thread from “EVO” to “The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.”.
  • I would like to show the results of a fiew experiments that show some of the characterizations of the reaction that I have listed in previous posts on this thread.

    Radiation can be produced when the EVO undergoes Bosenova when the EVO becomes unstable. Up to 10^23 light speed electrons are broadcast into the lattice; bremsstrahlung is then produced as these high energy electrons interact with the atoms that make up the lattice or plasma. The spectrum of this bremsstrahlung radiation can range up to 1.5 MeV. But this radiation is not produced by the EVO itself when it produces transmutation; It is only produced post reaction when energy stored in the EVO is released after the Bosenova.

    Seen below is a video of Bosenova generated by the disintegrating EVO.

    The popping sound is produced by an AM radio tuned between channels as the release of high energy by the Bosenova derived electrons produce radio waves. The bright connections between the Bosenova and the anode are the high energy electrons and photons after explosive release as they are attracted to the anode.

    In a reactor, you can see how easy it would be to capture these electrons using a photoelectric method supported by a metal grid intercepting the electron streams.

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  • That would be a grid triode valve.

    My advice about using the VEGA experiment as a basic for a plasma LENR reactor and Henk's reply as follows:

    Hank: please allow another input as follows...

    When I watched the VEGA experiment where the EVOs exploded in a BoseNova, I noticed that the high energy electrons in a bright band from the explosion traveled directly in a short straight line to the anode. You should see a voltage spice in your circuit when those high energy electrons return to the anode.

    When we saw the QX demo, we saw the random high dv/dt voltage spikes on Rossi's pumping input show on his input line scope. Those voltage feedback spikes destroyed his controller, but it looks like he found a way to capture that voltage in the SKL reactor. The over unity energy is carried by those high energy electrons at 1.5 MeV, I beleive that Rossi is capturing this return of high energy electrons in the SKL reactor These electrons may be getting to the anode before they can release their energy as heat in the plasma. If you can see these random voltage spikes on your scope, you might be able to capture the energy from those electrons before they release their energy as heat to the plasma.

    HenkOct 19, 2021

    Thanks Axil, I have been measuring with the oscilloscope and have seen spikes, but mainly when the plasma is arcing (well, we know now that involves EVO's). Also some weird patterns I did not understand and the oscilloscope was not able to track them properly. It is not possible yet to correlate the spikes with the events, then a better recording should be done. But, using a AM radio gives enough 'proof' to see a reasonable connection. I had problems in the beginning to make plasma, I was increasing the voltage (up to 4000V) and then I blew out fuses. The discharges whers very load (impressive) also. That was when I got the feeling I was dealing with a lot of energy coming back. I use a induction in the anode feed. I used transformers for that purpose and I could take energy from the secondary side. But that could have come from the discharge of the capacitor also. So I have been experimenting with it but was not able to get a consistent result. The induction coil I have to protect because the reverse spikes are 'nasty' I have damaged a few coils now while the spikes damage the insulation of the coils. I have a parallel capacitor plus resistor (in series with the capacitor) to dissipate the spikes. So yes, something electrical is coming back for sure!

  • Some thoughts on developing a pasma based LENR reactor.

    The real game stopper in developing a workable high powered reactor is the transmutation problem. Experiments like VEGA have come a long way in producing the reaction and the transmutation problem that VEGA suffers is acute. Many first generation LENR reactors produced effects that looked like fusion and fission, but with a experiment like VEGA, transmutation is so intense that it is apparent that transmutation is not a nuclear effect. Like SAFIRE, structural material does not last very long in VEGA. The corrosion of the structure is intense. VEGA is great if you want to study transmutation and we will get into this subject down the line here.

    The real challenge in designing a workable LENR reactor is avoiding the problem of transmutation that eventually destroys the guts of the reactor. So as distasteful and distracting as it is, it is important to understand the details of how transmutation works.

  • Knowing the equations that describe a process can be critical in informing the way that that process will behave. Because the EVO is a Bose condensate, The EVO obeys the Gross-Pitaevskii theory.

    In the Gross-Pitaevskii theory, one of the operative terms in the math is the strength of the confinement of the Bose condensate. The stronger that the force is that confines the condensate, the more likely it is to keep itself together. As an anti universe (anti de-sitter space) the force that keeps the two micro universes separated must be infinite. For example, In the Chukanov patent, it states that Chukanov could not force a metal rod into the EVO, the EVO acted as a solid as follows:

    <blockquote>During some experiments, the quantum macro object was touched with a metal stick. In this experiment, the metal stick could not penetrate into the nucleus because the nucleus possessed no volume. Instead, the nucleus was deformed by the metal stick. Thus, the quantum macro object behaved like a solid. During these experiments, the dimensions of the surface of the nucleus did not change either. The quantum macro object nucleus is “closed to the inside,” therefore, no macro-material formation can penetrate through the quantum surface.</blockquote>

    So the EVO as a Bose condensate that has developed as a bubble of anti space cannot be influenced by environmental conditions that exist in our universe. This restriction includes temperature that the EVO floats in. Being a closed system, the EVO can withstand any environmental situation. This is why an EVO as a Bose condensate can form in the plasma cloud of these various plasma systems such as: the SAFIRE system, in Rossi's plasma, the Corona of the Sun and in the R. Mills SunCell system.

    The confinement term is the term with the 'g' in it

  • Negative mass may well be the key concept that drives the vacuum reaction.

    Stop using such silly terminology!

    Negative mass = negative energy photon is idiots talk.

    The reality are energy holes we can exactly describe in SO(4) physics. If the mass shrinks following a fusion event the space occupied by the "vanished" mass can act mass like because it is a cavity that can be refilled.

    But as said most physicists never had a basic logic class.

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