A note from Ball Lightning expert Ed Lewis...
Warning about Micro Ball Lightning and Shielding Materials
According to the recent article by Priakhin et al.[1], using aluminium foil for shielding against these objects negatively affects the growth of lettuce seedlings even more than using no shielding at all. Of the several materials used for shielding, lead foil produced the best result for seedling growth.
They wrote that they were able to determine that it was this strange radiation (micro ball lightning (mbl), microplasmoids) that was responsible for the stunted growth. Why and how this damage happens is yet unknown. The Russian researchers may not understand that the mbl can change between states.
So I suggest researchers not use simple aluminium foil for shielding from mbl microplasmoids in transmutation and energy generation devices. Recently, I suggested possibly trying energized shielding materials.
1. Priakhin, EA and Urutskoev, LI, et al., Biological Detection of Physical Factors Related to the High-Current Electric Explosion of Conductors in a Vacuum. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 84(11), 1341–1348.