Paper: E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions

    • Official Post

    Tape barely covering up some hand written notes. Descriptions (Van der graf) hand written in some of the blocks, typed in others. After years of being paranoid, and exceptionally secretive...Rossi all of a sudden allows an Ecat diagram be released? Something fishy here, so I would be very careful buying into this. Reminds me of the Favioranti signature scenario, for the 28 Oct 2011 Military customer acceptance test.

    Only thing that might give it a little more legitimacy, is that Nikolova says she got "the hot scoop" "from a scientist involved in the venture". If she knows this person, and can vouch for his role,

    then maybe.

  • Quote

    Perhaps cavemen should have studied up on the regulations on the use of rubbing sticks together before attempting to produce the campfire. If they didn't, perhaps we should go back in time and try to inform the leaders of the neanderthal council so they can feed them to the sabertooth tigers.

    Are you suggesting that Florida safety standards and enforcement are of prehistoric quality?

  • I'm saying that we live in an extremely risk adverse society. If those who are attacking Rossi for potential safety violations (there are many, many more issues that could be brought up against him) were around back in the days of Nikola Tesla, we wouldn't have alternating current and a wide rang of other technologies. In fact, they probably would have insisted on all sorts of regulations before the Wright Brother's made their first flight.

  • For more convenient access and reference, I took the time to find links to the works cited in Rossi's paper.

    1. D. Hestenes. Hunting for Snarks in Quantum Mechanics. In P. M. Goggans and C.-Y. Chan, editors, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, volume 1193 of American Institute of Physics Conference Series, pages 115-131, December 2009. doi:10.1063/1.3275605 ResearchGate:…arks_in_Quantum_Mechanics
    2. Frederick J. Mayer and John R. Reitz. Electromagnetic Composites at the Compton Scale. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 51(1):322-330, 2012. doi:10.1007/s10773-011-0959-8 arXiv:1110.0034
    3. Shahriar Badiei and Patrik U. Andersson and Leif Holmlid. High-energy Coulomb explosions in ultra-dense deuterium: Time-of-flght-mass spectrometry with variable energy and flight length. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 282(1-2):70-76, 2009. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2009.02.014
    4. David Hestenes. Zitterbewegung Modeling. Foundations of Physics, 23(3):365-387, 1993. doi:10.1007/BF01883718 ResearchGate:…1_Zitterbewegung_modeling
    5. Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Olafsson. Spontaneous Ejection of High-energy Particles from Ultra-dense Deuterium D(0). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(33):10559- 10567, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.06.116
    6. David Hestenes. The zitterbewegung interpretation of quantum mechanics. Foundations of Physics, 20(10):1213-1232, 1990. doi:10.1007/BF01889466 ResearchGate:…tion_of_quantum_mechanics
    7. David Hestenes. Zitterbewegung in quantum mechanics. Foundations of Physics, 40(1):1-54, 2010. doi:10.1007/s10701-009-9360-3 arXiv:0802.2728
    8. David Hestenes. Mysteries and insights of Dirac theory. In Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, volume 28, page 3. Fondation Louis de Broglie, 2003. ResearchGate:…_Insights_of_Dirac_Theory
    9. Aharonov, Y. and Bohm, D. Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory. Physical Review, 115:485-491, aug 1959. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.115.485 ResearchGate:…heory_Phy_Rev_115_485-491
    10. Oliver Consa. Helical Model of the Electron. The General Science Journal, pages 1-14, June 2014.
    11. Celani, F. and Di Tommaso, A.O. and Vassallo, G. The Electron and Occam's razor. Journal of Condensed matter nuclear science, 25:76-99, Nov 2017. ResearchGate:…lectron_and_Occam's_Razor
    12. Celani, F. and Di Tommaso, A.O. and Vassallo, G. Maxwell's Equations and Occam's razor. Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 25:100-128, Nov 2017. ResearchGate:…uations_and_Occam's_Razor
    13. Di Tommaso, A.O. and Vassallo, G. Electron Structure, Ultra-dense Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. to appear in Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, (accepted) 2019. ResearchGate:…_Energy_Nuclear_Reactions
    14. Carl-Oscar Gullström and Andrea Rossi. Nucleon polarizability and long range strong force from σI=2 meson exchange potential. arXiv:1703.05249, 2017.
    15. Carver Mead. The nature of light: what are photons? Proc.SPIE, 8832:8832 - 8832-7, 2013. doi:10.1117/12.2046381
    16. S. Zeiner-Gundersen and S. Olafsson. Hydrogen reactor for Rydberg Matter and Ultra Dense Hydrogen, a replication of Leif Holmlid. International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, ICCF-21, Fort Collins, USA, 2018.…ndre-1-Rydberg+Matter.pdf
    17. H. E. Puthoff and M. A. Piestrup. Charge confinement by Casimir forces. arXiv:physics/0408114, 2004.
    18. S. K. Lamoreaux. Demonstration of the Casimir force in the 0.6 to 6 micrometers range. Phys. Rev. Lett., 78:5-8, 1997.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.5 {Erratum: /Phys. Rev. Lett./81,5475(1998) doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.5475}.
    19. Jean Maruani. The Dirac Electron and Elementary Interactions: The Gyromagnetic Factor, Fine-Structure Constant, and Gravitational Invariant: Deviations from Whole Numbers, pages 361-380. 01 2018. isbn = 978-3-319-74581-7. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-74582-419
    20. Paolo Di Sia. A solution to the 80 years old problem of the nuclear force. pages 34-37,10 2018. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1472981.
    21. Eugene Paul Wigner, Alvin M Weinberg, and Arthur Wightman. The Collected Works of Eugene Paul Wigner: the Scientific Papers. Springer, Berlin, 1993. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-02781-3
    22. Norman D. Cook and Andrea Rossi. On the nuclear mechanisms underlying the heat production by the e-cat, 2015. arXiv:1504.01261

  • Anyone figure out how the water gets in and out of the SK heat exchanger, or why the voltage generator sits on a scale?

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