ICCF25 - 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Announcement

  • @cydfonia. Revealing in that Fran gave a very clear explanation of a complex system. Including details of the electrical inputs that i had not seen before.ick

    right now I am listening to Shinya Narits from Iwate University. He is talking about (for example) Pd foil which is ion-etched using Ar to. This has been found to improve the results. The foil was then sputtered on the etched surface using Nickel. The hydrogen loading by exposure to 5 Bar. for 24 hours, and then the sample was put into a vacuum and heated to desorb the hydrogen. This caused additional heating effects (fairly low level). This was presented with cautionary notes about the calorimetric methods employed.

    Reminds me a little of that old Lord R's paper.

  • Florian Metzler now, talking about the ARPA-E funded projext

    The first part of his talk is about improving the perception of LENR results, to reduce the problems people have in obtaining funding. As part of this the team is searching for an ideal reference experiment, particularly experiments which produce nuclear daughter products. As ever, this is the search for irrefutable evidence.

    They have settled on a system where hydrogen loaded metal (actually PdD) lattices are hit by laser beams, hopefully producing a combined fusion/fission effect. He references Peter Hagelstein, also Uchikushi (Japan paper in 1991 using a similar method, also work by Mastromatteo and including Nassisi 1998 (Pd/d) and Jean-Paul Biberian. These experiments apparently showed Pd fission daughter products. Member JonahMessinger is part of the team.

  • Francesco Celani is who is still working with Constantsn Wires, but has now been intent in simplification of his experiments enabling easier replication.

    His use of inexpensive materials and low cost power supplies is designed to make this possible. His new idea is to coat the wire with low-cost powders. Worth following this one up.

  • I Thought It was at 6:30 pm, that’s 1:30 pm my time zone, or in 1 and 1/4 of an hour.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I Thought It was at 6:30 pm, that’s 1:30 pm my time zone, or in 1 and 1/4 of an hour.

    It was 6:30pm central european summer time....

    (not that it matters, if we can't get Zoom to work)

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Bummer, I thought I was going to be able to attend in my laptop, as I can’t get my phone to like zoom, but if the meeting was pw protected then I hope it was recorded and we can watch it later.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I guess the meeting will be quorate just with the people in the room, so it can go ahead without the remote members.

    But this does feel like the chaos at the start of the pandemic - when groups first started taking meetings online, and kept messing it up ^^

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • I've taken many notes, but not sure if it is better than the abstracts, so I write just some teaser.

    NB: most of the paper are teamwork, please read the abstract to understand who participated to what was presented.

    The presentation of JP Biberian


    interested me much as it is experimental. He worked on 3 calorimeters, with quartz cell working up to 100°C, and the latest tries to increase power and temperature per watt by increasing thermal resistance (insulation), with 800g sample above 750°C. It seems to works well. Jacques Ruer worked on the design, to approach self sustainability.
    previous calorimeter showed good results with a NiCu alloy base on nano Talcite (it is a common industrial compound, he explained), with hydrogen (1H).

    smaller version showed power like 6W/100g powder, around 750°C... there seems to be a threshold around 350°C for the reaction.

    Latest calorimeter show "encouraging" results, which seems to be the scientific term for "it works well, I alm happy, but let's check first I did not make a mistake".
    It results are confirmed, and as I understand, replications may be interesting...

    Presentation by J Kasagi (team involving Clean Planet and Tohoku University)


    explains who they improved measurements on their NiCu+ H2/D2 nanomaterial, to measure photons in the IR (Fourier Transform IR) and UV range, to confirm heat measurement, and eventually detect strange gacts, like heat burst, short term oscillations, strange electrons behaviors...
    The measure heat at desorbtion and quite much, for H2 and D2 (few MeV/atom sometime).

    Peter Hagelstein representing Melvin Miles


    explained the challenges and history of He4 measurement versus the heat... Very technical, but to read if you plan to measure He4.

    Kang Zhou


    Explained the unknow about the source of energy considered for some earthquakes, and proposes it may be LENR, and why it is possible (some reaction producing hydrogen, and metal hydrures).

    Franz Tanzella


    presented the calorymetry used to measure the performances of Brillouin reactor elements, from DC power to heat.
    Not so simple because of the complex pulse electronics.

    It's overunity from DC to heat, but not great as told in the presentation (numbers like 1.15).

    Takeito Hito presented the work their team did (involving Clean planet and Tohoku university)


    where they measured photons (UV, Xrays, IR, visible)from their LENR experiments.
    Analysing the transiends during heat burst, they discovered some precoursor events just before burst, that happens even during a burst.
    A subject of further research !

    Dimiter Alexandrov


    Presented experimental results that seems to support his theory on constantan wires heated with hydrogen.

    Using contactless thermography, he found a temperature threshold that match what he proposes theoretically.

    Shinya Narita


    presented the work done at Iwate University, with excess heat observed

    during H2 ou D2 desorbition in pd foils with various multilayers of PdNi, PdZr, NiPdZr, PdAg, PdTi.

    Layers were added through Argon+ ion sputtering, about 100nm thick.

    They observed also sample deformation, and proposed a theory to explain it, a phase transition of the H inside the Pd, leading to condensation and then LENR.

    David Nagel


    explained how he observed some strange coincidences about the isotopic transmutations resonance curves in unrelated experiments, the Widom-Larsen Optical Model, and the compilation of transmutations results made by Edmund Storms.

    Something unexpected to understand ...

    Volodymir Vystoskii


    described an experiments where heat waves at about 80MHz propagates to excite LENR, and have been generated by ultra sound and cavitation bubbles.

    He3 and electrons are detected.

    Harishyam Kumar


    presented a theoretical work at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

    They created a simplified toy model for LENR, to see if it could be explained by a two step interaction, one at the chemistry level, on ate the nuclear level.

    It would not explained LENR in the vacuum, but introducing constraints like in condensed matters, let some possible reaction rate to be expected.

    With this good preliminary results on the toy model, they plan to work on a more realistic model.

    Florant Metlzer


    presented a collaboration in the context of Arpa-E strategy.

    Their goal is to obtain irrefutable evidences, considering the field is stuck, with better evidences required while funding is missing.

    Possible results may be excess heat above any possible chemistry, but it can always be dismissed. Otherwise good nuclar evidences, like neutrons, gamma, charged particle, istotopic shifts may convince.

    They work on replicating some experiments, that is well defined, banal conditions, with active collaboration, and unambiguous products, to expect an chance of success.

    They currently chose a gaz loading experiments with laser excitation, as replicated by Mastromatteo and JP Biberian already, producing neutrons, gamma, morphological changes and isotopic anomalies...

    They consider some theoretical questions, the possibility of quantum coherent processes, transfer of energy in coupled oscillators, and connect their research to other research like quantum "superchemistry".

    Tomotaka Kobayashi


    presented work at Waseda University.

    They tried to improve some experiments on Ni powder , by simultaneously applying pressure and heating.
    It is improving the excess heat, and they work on a design of compression engine.

    Francesco Celani


    presented the work ar INFN for CleanHME project around the constantan wires.

    they worked to simplify the design of their experiments, by basing the electronic on commercial and simple components,

    and to make the treatments of the constantan wires more simple,

    so it can be less expensive and easier to replicate.

    It works, and they observed that the negative pusle excitation of their wires, is the most efficient, and exchange with M Staker make them consider it may be related to Super Abundant Vacancies theory of LENr as M Staker proposes. The way the constantan wires is placed make it looks like a coaxial line.

    It appears the 0.45g of constantan produces currently up to 40W of excess heat.

    NB: It is jus teasers, so you wait for the papers that will be published in JCMNS, or ask the authors as presented in the abstract book.

    hard day.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • During the General Meeting of the ICMNS, Lynn Bowen and others asked: What is the best way to promote cold fusion and convince the public it is real? Here is my answer.

    Assume the LEC works well. We should make 5 or 10 LECs and distribute them to researchers at universities and corporations. These researchers have to be enthusiastic. They have to be inclined to think cold fusion is real, even if they are not fully convinced. They have to agree to test the devices quickly, within two months. They have to agree to publish the results of their tests.

    I am confident we can find such people. I do not think we should give a LEC to a "skeptic" who strongly doubts that cold fusion exists. We can do that later on.

    I would be willing to pay for the cost of fabricating and distributing 5 or 10 LECs.

    I have some other suggestions, but that is the most important one.

  • To the extent that the LEC can be systematised into a standard BOM using off the shelf parts, available online, it could also be presented as something analogous to LookingForHeat / the SPAWAR co-dep STEM Trackers kit.

    i.e an off the shelf experiment with detailed instructions and a streamlined BOM that is suitable for students.

    For some suppliers, you can even provide pre-built shopping carts for one click purchase. In principle, it could be as straight forward as something like a PDF of instructions and BOM + links to several pre-built shopping carts (like Mouser, for example)


    Edited once, last by orsova ().

  • First of all apologies to those who had problems logging into the Zoom link for the ISCMNS presentation. Obviously in the run-up to the presentation I wasn't able to monitor this site for problems! But I am told quite a few forum members did manage to get in. AFAIK the syystem should not have demanded any passwords.

    Yoshino Iwamura is starting of the day, good value as ever. I will try to get a copy of his slide deck.

  • First of all apologies to those who had problems logging into the Zoom link for the ISCMNS presentation. Obviously in the run-up to the presentation I wasn't able to monitor this site for problems! But I am told quite a few forum members did manage to get in. AFAIK the syystem should not have demanded any passwords.

    Yoshino Iwamura is starting of the day, good value as ever. I will try to get a copy of his slide deck.

    Not sure if a replay is available via zoom, but the link is still requesting a password for me. Could it be that those on a preapproved list are getting in fine, but others are being gated?

  • It doesn't matter, anyway Alan can summarize in few lines what was discussed yesterday and main conclusions done.

    Not sure if a replay is available via zoom, but the link is still requesting a password for me. Could it be that those on a preapproved list are getting in fine, but others are being gated?

  • Basically the meeting went as planned. I will post the presentation later, so members can see the new structure. Most encouragingly, at the end of the meeting I asked those present (around 40) for a vote by show of hands on whether to accept the new action plan for ISCMNS that Lynn Bowen, Jean-Paul Biberian and I had put together. The members voted in favour 'nem con' s the say, (none against).

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