Electrogravity (electron-gravity) as a cause of nuclear reactions.

  • One can use Maxwell’s equations to solve the velocity of light. It is predicted as only a function the permittivity and permeability of free space. The speed of light as measured is precisely as predicted. So, when special relativity predicted gravity as a function of speed of light, it seemed natural that gravity would be in some way be derived from the electromagnetic force. Many theories have tried to unite gravity and electromagnetic force with mixed success. Further, for more than 90 years electrogravity has been explored for propellantless propulsion also with mixed success. These efforts so far seem disappointing. However, these prior efforts should not be confused with the current subject. However, perhaps as we come to understand how the electromagnetic force and gravity might affect nuclear reactions, we might better understand how these forces are related. One might even find ways to use of form of gravity in engineering application; perhaps even propellantless propulsion.

    T. Matsumoto has proposed cold fusion can produce electronuclear gravity. Matsumoto explains that the usual sources of nuclear reaction produce tracks on photographic film. But radiation from a cold fusion reaction can develop an image as if the radiation were a light source. This development of images rather than just tracks is a unique radiation to cold fusion. A related but different phenomenon is ball lightening and Ken Shoulder images of EVOs.

    The object of this thread is to discuss cold fusion data and analysis of that data particularly as the experiments relate to ball lightening, charge clusters and gravitational effects. A further object is to suggest that an explanation which summarizes these observations could be called electrogravity. However, perhaps a better term would be electron-gravity. I intend to show that unique states of electrons cause a form of gravity which gravity creates an energy distribution which energy distribution catalyzes nuclear reactions. Unfortunately, such a long logic chain is best presented as a series of presentations which add upon each other. Further, historically the first piece of the logic chain was hard evidence of a non-thermal nuclear reaction. So, I will start there.

    The involvement of gravity in cold fusion is like seeing a purple cow. It is a hard thing to see as real. So, there will be many pieces to fit together until what is logical from the start becomes real.

    Finally, by way of introduction this thread is to fulfil a promise.

    LENR Theories Discussion. - Page 5 - Physics - LENR Forum (lenr-forum.com)

    I think the most effective method for a detailed presentation for a forum is a pdf of a powerpoint (slides and presentation notes). So, here the pdf to start.

    Properties for a Balanced Nuclear Reaction Equation, The Kidman Reaction.pdf

  • I don't know about others, but I don't expect anything to come out of this. You've already indicated that it's too complex.

    Already you are campaigning rather than reading. If you don't what to know then stay off this thread.

    I will provide a proof that anyone who accepts facts with basics skills in logic can follow.

    The first pdf shows that the derivation of a balance nuclear reaction equation leads to the presumption of a cluster catalyst as the cause of the nuclear reaction equation. The catalyst is the reason the reaction occurs without meeting the Lawson criterion as required by a conventional fusion reactor. Further, it is the reason for the other so called "cold fusion miracles".

    The next part is complex because unless one believes the derivation of the balance nuclear reaction is correct then why would one believe the presumptive conclusion based on that derivation. It is complex because the facts fit together, each fact is important and there are many facts to consider.

  • like the video i posted about torus
    The torus is the only surface which can be endowed with a metric of vanishing curvature. It is the only parallelizable surface. It is the only surface which can be turned into a topological group

    Steel and aluminum dust in the torus field bond.? for starters..In time. a magnetic charged plasma ball.?


  • Well rather being maybe too rough against the "constructive" :)  GRMattson could you explain why you are how to say dubitative about the so called cold fusion miracles ?

    This is an open question not a criticism.

  • The speed of light as measured is precisely as predicted. So, when special relativity predicted gravity as a function of speed of light, it seemed natural that gravity would be in some way be derived from the electromagnetic force

    GR did predict nothing. This is p-value hackling as we say today. The formula E=mc2 simply is nonsense for dense mass and can never be used as a field equivalent. So this is one of Einsteins major errors. Only the Poincaré version is sound that is dm=E/c2. Only a fool believes that you can make m= 56Fe c2....

    GR still uses "G" the believed gravitation constant that for 99.9999% is not constant at all. So GR is a homorphism to G for "g" about 1.

    You can look into SOP how to exactly derive "G".

  • Well rather being maybe too rough against the "constructive" :)  GRMattson could you explain why you are how to say dubitative about the so called cold fusion miracles ?

    This is an open question not a criticism.

    The so called cold fusion miracles are based on the assumption of D to D fusion. As you will see on reading the pdf on the introduction post, the main reaction does not include D to D fusion. Instead, much of the deuterium is converted to neutrons and protons.

    The first miracle of cold fusion is usually listed as lower the coulomb barrier to fusion that is an unnecessary assumption in the case of clusters the presumptive answer is the cluster is causing acceleration of some particles to the MeV range. Another miracle is the lack of high energy radiation. Since, presumptive answer is that higher energy radiation is absorbed to the cluster, that would not be an issue. Any further discussion of these miracles should wait for the pdf which provide data and analysis in support of the presumptive answer.

  • Drive.google.com/file/d/1u9MD6p70b6FDQQWy87SIMXjPa913CWS3/view

    Для решения скорости света можно использовать уравнения Максвелла. Предполагается, что это всего лишь функция диэлектрической проницаемости и проницаемости свободного пространства. Измеренная скорость света точно соответствует предсказаниям. Итак, когда специальная теория относительности предсказала гравитацию как функцию скорости света, казалось естественным, что гравитация каким-то образом будет производной от электромагнитной силы. Многие теории пытались объединить гравитацию и электромагнитную силу с переменным успехом. Кроме того, на протяжении более 90 лет электрогравитация исследовалась для безреактивного двигателя, также с переменным успехом. Эти усилия пока кажутся разочаровывающими. Однако эти предыдущие усилия не следует путать с текущей темой. Однако, возможно, когда мы поймем, как электромагнитная сила и гравитация могут влиять на ядерные реакции, мы сможем лучше понять, как эти силы связаны. Можно даже найти способы использования гравитации в инженерных целях; возможно, даже безреактивная двигательная установка.

    Т. Мацумото предположил, что холодный синтез может создавать электроядерную гравитацию. Мацумото объясняет, что обычные источники ядерной реакции оставляют следы на фотопленке. Но излучение реакции холодного синтеза может создать изображение, как если бы излучение было источником света. Такое развитие изображений, а не просто следов, является уникальным излучением холодного синтеза. Родственное, но другое явление - это шаровая молния и изображения EVO Кена Шоулдера.

    Целью этой темы является обсуждение данных холодного синтеза и анализ этих данных, особенно в том, что касается экспериментов, связанных с шаровой молнией, кластерами зарядов и гравитационными эффектами. Другая цель состоит в том, чтобы предположить, что объяснение, суммирующее эти наблюдения, можно было бы назвать электрогравитацией. Однако, возможно, лучшим термином было бы электронная гравитация. Я намерен показать, что уникальные состояния электронов вызывают форму гравитации, которая создает распределение энергии, которое катализирует ядерные реакции. К сожалению, такую длинную логическую цепочку лучше всего представить как серию дополняющих друг друга презентаций. Более того, исторически первым звеном логической цепочки было неопровержимое свидетельство нетепловой ядерной реакции. Итак, я начну с этого.

    Участие гравитации в холодном синтезе похоже на появление фиолетовой коровы. Это трудно увидеть как реальность. Таким образом, будет много частей, которые нужно будет соединить вместе, пока то, что логично с самого начала, не станет реальным. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u9MD6p70b6FDQQWy87SIMXjPa913CWS3/view Перевести сообщение


    8:17 · 14 мар. 2024 г.

  • Drive.google.com/file/d/1u9MD6p70b6FDQQWy87SIMXjPa913CWS3/view

    Однако, возможно, лучшим термином была бы электронная гравитация. Я намерен показать, что уникальное состояние электронов имеет форму гравитации, которая обеспечивает передачу энергии, которая катализирует ядерные процессы. К сожалению, такая длинная логическая цепочка лучше всего подходит для серии дополняющих друг друга презентаций.

    Геннадий ! Забудь про электроны - их нет в природе! Дж.Дж. Томсон фатально ошибся, думая что открыл электрон, так как основывался на фатальных арифметических ошибках Максвелла .-

    Для Шипова Геннадия Ивановича об ошибках Максвелла, 14 марта 2024 года - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/QNHu/RSU5iJexu

  • I'm agree with you that this DD fusion wasn't probably the good one, and again agree that probably a kind of spallation reaction occured. In this way, i found strange that never Pd cathode isotopîc changes were nerver investigated.

    About the cluster involvement, this is one of all the theories as electron screening in the same way.

    However in my mind and especially for a spallation reaction so removing some neutrons...The current understanding of the nucleus shape isn't enough to well explain that.

    The phenomenom exists but not yet the good theory behind that.

    The so called cold fusion miracles are based on the assumption of D to D fusion. As you will see on reading the pdf on the introduction post, the main reaction does not include D to D fusion. Instead, much of the deuterium is converted to neutrons and protons.

    The first miracle of cold fusion is usually listed as lower the coulomb barrier to fusion that is an unnecessary assumption in the case of clusters the presumptive answer is the cluster is causing acceleration of some particles to the MeV range. Another miracle is the lack of high energy radiation. Since, presumptive answer is that higher energy radiation is absorbed to the cluster, that would not be an issue. Any further discussion of these miracles should wait for the pdf which provide data and analysis in support of the presumptive answer.

  • I'm agree with you that this DD fusion wasn't probably the good one, and again agree that probably a kind of spallation reaction occured.

    D-D fusion is the normal case under a non kinetic environment. IF you provide to much H then H-D may lead to 3-He that has been confirmed in many Japanese reactions.

    Sonofusion targets and glow discharge targets did show 10x above background 4-He already around 1990. Either you do cold fusion and know the relevant people or you just repeat the garbage of other garbage tellers.

    I did publish gamma spectra with > 100 known lines 2..10x above background. What else do you want to discuss?

  • Well thank you, anyway the first with KW XSH will be right, do you think to be on head ?

    D-D fusion is the normal case under a non kinetic environment. IF you provide to much H then H-D may lead to 3-He that has been confirmed in many Japanese reactions.

    Sonofusion targets and glow discharge targets did show 10x above background 4-He already around 1990. Either you do cold fusion and know the relevant people or you just repeat the garbage of other garbage tellers.

    I did publish gamma spectra with > 100 known lines 2..10x above background. What else do you want to discuss?

  • Likely layers of the earth with thick layers of charged magnetic obsidian when rolled in the crust stimulates nuclear reactions push to the top as waists pushed up as volcano's

  • From the pdf in post #1, it is suggested that based on derived balanced nuclear reaction that conventional wisdom indicates that fusion to produce high atomic weight atoms only occurs in supernova. Further, a reaction that involves 8 inputs suggests the reaction would need to keep all the elementary nuclear reactions confined so that the reactions occur as a sequence. The evidence is like looking at a purple cow. One feels like rejecting the evidence out right but there it is.

    So, in this post the pdf provides context for the data used to derive the balanced nuclear equation, the Kidman reaction.

    Basis for the Kidman Reaction, ideas and data.pdf

  • What about the combining of two neutron stars producing heavy elements? It's easy to see the overlapping gravitational fields causing a release of material, but what confines that material, or does it get confined?


  • What about the combining of two neutron stars producing heavy elements? It's easy to see the overlapping gravitational fields causing a release of material, but what confines that material, or does it get confined?


    I think that when combining two neutron stars their masses would be drawn to a center of gravity.

    If you throw a ball in the air, kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy. Because of that conversion the ball will fall to the ground. That is a form of containment.

    To escape earth's gravity, one has to think about obtaining an escape velocity.

    Containment by universal gravity on the scale of atoms isn't going to happen because universal gravity is too weak. So, Matsumoto proposed that some rearrangement of atomic nuclei created electronuclear gravity.

    After providing the necessary details to provide convincing evidence for a balance nuclear reaction. I will proceed to analysis the presumptive answer that some form of gravity stronger than universal gravity provides containment for cold fusion.

  • nuclei created electronuclear gravity.

    What ever word you add to gravity its just nonsense! Fusion is a complex process that involves different layers of action as the nuclear structure is formed in steps. The classic idea of a nuclear force was refuted (falsified) quite a long time ago. If two Deuterium touch at rest nothing will happen. If they touch spin aligned then D*-D* may come into live where in the case of D*-D* this can be several steps to more stronger electro weak D***-D*** bonds. Where the exact starting point of the D-D meta stable state occurs is an other discussion.

    So as Göthe ones said in Faust: If you don't understand it invent a new word...

  • «The highest art of wisdom is to turn a problem into a postulate: on this path you can find a way out»

    Johann Wolfgang Goethe

    “There is nothing complicated in theoretical physics: If you want to solve some physical problem, then come up with a new particle, or a new force, or a new field... If this doesn’t help, then come up with something virtual that turns into real at the right moment! And even in 6-dimensional space-time"!!!

  • Drgenek

    It's not what you think that matters. It's what people who have studied the process of two neutron stars becoming one (or a black hole) matters. While gravity is a weak force, on the surface of a neutron star it is extremely strong, stronger than in your supernova. That strong gravity restrains forces trying to drive the neutron star apart. Since gravitational fields add as vectors, as the two neutron stars spiral in their surfaces are disrupted releasing stellar amounts of material (neutrons mostly) into space. By some process that released material produces all elements (in my view) including uranium and thorium. You need to include that process.

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