One can use Maxwell’s equations to solve the velocity of light. It is predicted as only a function the permittivity and permeability of free space. The speed of light as measured is precisely as predicted. So, when special relativity predicted gravity as a function of speed of light, it seemed natural that gravity would be in some way be derived from the electromagnetic force. Many theories have tried to unite gravity and electromagnetic force with mixed success. Further, for more than 90 years electrogravity has been explored for propellantless propulsion also with mixed success. These efforts so far seem disappointing. However, these prior efforts should not be confused with the current subject. However, perhaps as we come to understand how the electromagnetic force and gravity might affect nuclear reactions, we might better understand how these forces are related. One might even find ways to use of form of gravity in engineering application; perhaps even propellantless propulsion.
T. Matsumoto has proposed cold fusion can produce electronuclear gravity. Matsumoto explains that the usual sources of nuclear reaction produce tracks on photographic film. But radiation from a cold fusion reaction can develop an image as if the radiation were a light source. This development of images rather than just tracks is a unique radiation to cold fusion. A related but different phenomenon is ball lightening and Ken Shoulder images of EVOs.
The object of this thread is to discuss cold fusion data and analysis of that data particularly as the experiments relate to ball lightening, charge clusters and gravitational effects. A further object is to suggest that an explanation which summarizes these observations could be called electrogravity. However, perhaps a better term would be electron-gravity. I intend to show that unique states of electrons cause a form of gravity which gravity creates an energy distribution which energy distribution catalyzes nuclear reactions. Unfortunately, such a long logic chain is best presented as a series of presentations which add upon each other. Further, historically the first piece of the logic chain was hard evidence of a non-thermal nuclear reaction. So, I will start there.
The involvement of gravity in cold fusion is like seeing a purple cow. It is a hard thing to see as real. So, there will be many pieces to fit together until what is logical from the start becomes real.
Finally, by way of introduction this thread is to fulfil a promise.
LENR Theories Discussion. - Page 5 - Physics - LENR Forum (
I think the most effective method for a detailed presentation for a forum is a pdf of a powerpoint (slides and presentation notes). So, here the pdf to start.
Properties for a Balanced Nuclear Reaction Equation, The Kidman Reaction.pdf