Yet Another LENR Theory

  • H-G Branzell,
    You say:


    Nuclear energy is work done by the strong nuclear force. The range of the strong nuclear force is extremely low, so low that it is limited to the interior of atomic nucleuses.

    If what you describe, which is essentially what the Standard Model suggests, is correct, then LENR could not exist. In fact anything coming from the energy of electron orbitals (chemistry) cannot access the nuclear world. This is not only my opinion, it is also the fundamental reason for the almost complete refusal of Cold Fusion by the Physics Community.
    Than you say:


    Therefore no nuclear energy can be released gradually from approaching nucleuses as is proposed in the hydronion theory.

    If the nuclear force is a residuum of the strong interaction that keeps nucleons together inside nuclei, you are right. However what I looked for when I put my theory together was precisely a way to give a different explanation to the nuclear force. Without it LENR, as I just said above, are impossible. The mechanism I took from the proposal of Cook and Dallacasa, while being qualitatively in agreement with the enormous set of experimental data on nuclear reactions, opens the possibility of a "nuclear interaction"(with the magnetic attraction mechanism) between the electron and nucleons. And this interaction could lead to an energy release mainly in the EUV range (not in the [MeV] range), which is probably what you describe as "gradually".
    So I think we agree. What you mentioned was precisely the starting point of my journey.

    I don't know if axil would like my approach. It is almost as the opposite of his. I think.

  • In my free time I developed the bases of a LENR theory that I think could explain most of the strange experimental features. No fancy new physics.

    Hello Andrea, I just looked at the first slides of Your presentation. Did You never look at Mills work? He published the same Ideas about Hydronium more than 10 yeras ago.
    Mills also could exactly calculate the g-factors of the electron, proton etc..

    Thus what's the difference?

    In one of Your slides You write:

    Moreover with Ni62 there are
    neither fusion (or isotopic shifts)
    nor fissions that can liberate

    This is only true in regard of Ni62: The energy has to come form other nucleus condesation (4H --> (He+) Ni62). Fusion may happen, but the resulting nucleus has a slightly possitiv fission potential.

  • @Thomas Clarke,
    As you say HV do not predict different experimental outcomes from those of standard (Copenhagen) QM.
    My EMNR proposal is independent from HV. The reason for naming them in my comment was just because my theory starts from the description of the "inner" structure of an electron, which standard QM would "prohibit", while HV theories would be less prone to do. Just this.
    You say:


    Particles travelling along null cones does not generate non-locality, because that is a correlation across space-like separations.

    I should have better explained my point of view when I said that non-locality is due to the fact that particles travel always at the speed of light.
    I think we live in a block universe, where fields are somehow localized in ST, in the form of particles. The pilot wave associated with particles extends infinitely in space AND time. What is "inside" particles, like what we see as a point charge spinning at the reduced Compton frequency for the electron, travels always, or better said EXISTS, at the speed of light.
    And at the speed of light time does not exist. Particles and their pilot waves are the same “object”, like a whirl in a flow. They both exist at the speed of light and extend infinitely in space and time; in space the extension is easy to imagine for our brains, but in time the extension is more difficult, because it is both in the past and in the future.
    So space-time locality cannot be right. A pilot wave can be “divided” in different very separate (space-like separation) paths, while the whirl/whirls follow only one.
    In delayed choice experiments the flow (pilot wave) flows all free paths; particles (with their pilot waves) seem to know about our delayed choice because their pilot wave extends also in what our brain interpret as the future. So, from our fooled perspective, they do know the future.
    Entanglement is a measure of how much two whirls share the same flow.
    I believe there is no such thing as the wavefunction collapse.
    Time, as we commonly interpret it, is a concept that can emerge only from time-like entities, which do not exist (if everything is light-like), so “time” must be an illusion of the brain. Brains are thermodynamic machines which keep predicting (what we interpret as) the future, based on the elaboration of “the past”. They can only "eat" order generating disorder (entropy …) though the flow of energy. So the apparent asymmetry of time we experience comes from the fact that our brains work following the rules of thermodynamic, which in turn are just statistics.
    Contextuality is based on the application of the Kochen–Specker theorem to spin. If you interpret spin as Hestenes, Doran, Lasenby, Gull, Somaroo and others do in "SPACETIME ALGEBRA AND ELECTRON PHYSICS" (, you see that the Kochen Specker theorem cannot really be applied. “The problem” disappears because spin becomes something that is always well defined and continuous; experiments like the famous one of Stern and Gerlach become spin orienters, instead of ways to know the (somehow pre-existing) spin state.
    Contextuality would only be apparent. This is only an interpretation, and would not change the experimental evidences (Alice and Bob ..., EPR, Aspect, ...). I agree with you that GA itself does not alter physics.
    The time-evolution of the wavefunctions is just a shift of the coefficients of time-less states (eigen(auto)solutions) … So the result of an experiment on a particle can only give one of the eigen-states. This must be so, otherwise the very brittle structure of QM would not be consistent.
    Particles know their future so that they know they will cross an experiment and behave consequently giving the strange digital outcomes everyone gets.

    I am not expecting that my bla bla makes perfect logical sense to an epistemologist. It is just my view.

    All this talk is very philosophical, and not related to my EMNR theory.

    By the way, Thomas, I would like to ask you in admiration, how do you find all the time to write so much on this and other LENR sites? I am asking you because I always struggle with finding the time for cold fusion stuff.

  • @Wyttenbach
    I know the work of Randell Mills, but I am not an expert in plasmas.
    He did not publish the Hydronion. He published a (for me partly arbitrary) theory suggesting that there are a series of solutions of the Shrödinger (or Dirac if you prefer) equation for the electron around a proton, which are much more bound than the well known minimum energy (13.6 [eV]).
    What I propose is different. I say that the mechanism which keeps nucleons together in nuclei can also manifest between electrons and nucleons. This has nothing to do with the electron eigenfunctions of an atom. Chemistry for me is correct and without further secrets.

    There are MANY LENR theories based on what Edmund Storms calls "virtual neutrons". Mine and the one of Mills I would guess fall in this same category.

    I don't know about the calculation of the g factor of electron and proton done by Mills.

    About Ni62 I just meant that Ni62 can not undergo nuclear reactions that liberate energy, because it has the lowest energy possible among all stable and unstable nuclei (highest binding energy per nucleon).
    So, by a virtually nil added energy, Ni62 will not react. For sure if you provide the missing energy for reaching other nuclei Ni62 could fuse or fission, as it commonly happens in conventional nuclear where the particles have high kinetic energies.

  • If what you describe [re the very limited reach of the strong interaction], which is essentially what the Standard Model suggests, is correct, then LENR could not exist. In fact anything coming from the energy of electron orbitals (chemistry) cannot access the nuclear world. This is not only my opinion, it is also the fundamental reason for the almost complete refusal of Cold Fusion by the Physics Community.

    I disagree that LENR cannot exist if the strong force is severely restricted in range as H-B explains. The nucleons in the nucleus are held together by the residual strong force and repelled by the electromagnetic force, with the weak interaction also in play. These forces balance on a razor's edge, and in radionuclides and only-observationally stable nuclides, even small perturbations promise to tip the balance towards a decay of some kind, e.g., alpha or beta decay.

    Electrons regularly pass through the nuclear volume. They affect this balance of forces through the electron density, which bears upon the net electrostatic charge in the nuclear volume. A significant change in this electron density in the nuclear volume and Coulomb barrier surrounding it would clearly have important effects, as the Gamow theory of alpha decay shows. In steady state, physics says there will be only negligible changes. Under nonequilibrium conditions, things become more interesting.

  • Andrea, a casual reading of Hestenes seems to indicate that the electron spin angular momentum at the speed of light when in the Zitter freq. Do you see any part of the theory that it violates h-bar / m * r >> c (m = mass r =radius) ?
    It is a concept that I can't resolve just by saying its intrinsic as Pauli did. In other words I am looking for violations.

    /Sorry for my lack of understanding on how to use the forum dialog box so I could include the proper equation.

  • Proposition: "In fact anything coming from the energy of electron orbitals (chemistry) cannot access the nuclear world."

    There is an important principle in Physics called "Dual" that allows two apparently dissimilar systems to produce an analogous result. The Higgs field and superconductivity are dual, in that the Higgs field gives mass to electrons, and superconductivity gives mass to photons.

    The SPP produces monopole flux lines in the same way that the monopole quarks produce monopole flux lines and the associated monopole flux carriers, the gluons. The electrostatic and magnetic field are dual. It so happens that SPP also produce gluons because of this electrostatic and magnetic duality.

    SPPs produce a screening of the strong force through the projection of monopole based gluons into the nucleus that results in quark deconfinement. Under this mechanism, mesons are produced from protons and neutrons as the monopole flux line that connect quakes together weaken and eventually fail.

    Dual superconductivity is a promising mechanism for quark confinement. [Y.Nambu (1974). G.’t Hooft, (1975). S.Mandelstam, (1976) A.M. Polyakov (1975)]

    For the theory and assiated math see:…s/QCD-TNT-III_Shibata.pdf

    • Official Post

    just a question to QM physicist.
    is it possible to have nucleons delocalized like benzene electrons, and why not overlapping.

    what I see is that a proton cannot react with itself, but why not a nucleon with anothe nucleon or with another electron (localized or delocalized... what about the neutrino?)

    it is probably impossible, but how is it?

  • just a question to QM physicist.
    is it possible to have nucleons delocalized like benzene electrons, and why not overlapping.

    what I see is that a proton cannot react with itself, but why not a nucleon with anothe nucleon or with another electron (localized or delocalized... what about the neutrino?)

    it is probably impossible, but how is it?

    The Heseinberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that you cannot know the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. More rigorously stated, the product of the uncertainty of the position of a particle (Δx) and the uncertainty of its momentum (Δp) must be greater than a specified value: ∆x∆p ≥ (h/4π) Now, as the electron approaches the nucleus, it's uncertainty in position decreases (if the electron is 10nm away from the nucleus, it could be anywhere within a spherical shell of radius 10nm, but if the electron is only 0.1nm away from the nucleus, that area is greatly reduced). According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if you decrease the uncertainty of the electrons position, the uncertainty in its momentum must increase. This increased momentum uncertainty means that the electron will be moving away from the nucleus faster, on average. Put another way, if we do know that at one instant, that the electron is right on top of the nucleus, we lose all information about where the electron will be at the next instant. It could stay at the nucleus, it could be slightly to the left or to the right, or it could very likely be very far away from the nucleus. Therefore, because of the uncertainty principle it is impossible for the electron to fall into the nucleus and stay in the nucleus. In essence, the uncertainty principle causes a sort of quantum repulsion that keeps electrons from being too tightly localized near the nucleus.Reference…rtainty-principle.483839/

    Two protons can come together(position) if the energy of the two protons meeting is high enough(momentum)

    This position/momentum constraint of the heisenbergs uncertainty principle keeps particles from fusing unless the energy available in the particle interaction is huge.

  • @Erik Walker
    You say:


    A significant change in this electron density in the nuclear volume and Coulomb barrier surrounding it would clearly have important effects

    In this case the point is then: which chemically controlled mechanism can cause the "significant change" in the electron density near the nucleus?
    If chemistry were able to cross the Coulomb barrier and access the nuclear well, our world would look very different.
    But even if you had a magic way to concentrate electron energy and access the nuclear well, you still don't have something that:

    • prefers stable nuclei,
    • does not emit [MeV] quanta,
    • produces tritium without neutrons,
    • crosses large distances through condensed matter causing transmutations,
    • generates strange traces in nuclear emulsions even many minutes after the end of "stimulation",
    • emits radio frequencies,
    • ...

    And the mysterious chemical mechanism which wins over the electrostatic repulsion should work in solids, liquids and plasmas ... and VERY different chemical environments.
    Plus anything crossing the Coulomb barrier kinetically would cause classical nuclear reactions, and not LENR.

    Consider the experiment of Iwamura with diffusion only. There is almost no energy input and no way to concentrate energy and cross the Coulomb barrier. However he obtains transmutations and a few gammas.

    27 years of attempts to find a magic mechanism that chemically overcomes the Coulomb barrier without success should teach us something. And when you have found it, it would not match experimental evidences.

  • @Rigel
    I don't understand your question.
    About the radius of the ZB I can say that an external observer would see it shrink as the electron speed becomes relativistic. However nothing would change aboard the electron. The two observers separate in time as usual. The mass change of a relativistic electron is simply due to the shrinking of its ZB radius seen from an observer which did not accelerate as the electron.

  • Alain wrote " is it possible to have nucleons delocalized like benzene electrons, and why not overlapping."

    I am not a QM physicist but Kozima addressed the idea of delocalised protons and nucleons in metal hydrides here.

    Apparently the electron sea in hydrides allows the protons to float around. He has some nice graphs showing this
    Kozima says that these floating protons allow neutrons to hang around to.( But where do the neutrons come from?)
    I like the idea of the hydronions. Perhaps they are shortlived like neutrons when they get free and may later become hydrogen atoms.
    But even if hydronions last 5 seconds, that's long enough to interact with many other atoms.

    Re: Andrea Calaon's theory...c'est formidable!, There are plenty of protons around in the vicinity of Nickel atoms waiting for the right input of energy to conjugate with a lucky d shell electron.

    Re: Philosophy..most likely all our physical models of the universe are wrong.. what we call atoms, hydronions, electrons..partons.... gluons are only shadows

    But we can still use shadows to make predictions and make our lives better.

  • In this case the point is then: which chemically controlled mechanism can cause the "significant change" in the electron density near the nucleus?
    If chemistry were able to cross the Coulomb barrier and access the nuclear well, our world would look very different.
    But even if you had a magic way to concentrate electron energy and access the nuclear well, you still don't have something that:

    There is some magic called LAV : Read the Dubinko paper !

    The mass change of a relativistic electron is simply due to the shrinking of its ZB radius seen from an observer which did not accelerate as the electron.

    If the electron stays closer to a nucleus it loses potential (coulomb) energy and wins some magnetic and relativistic mass energy. For the exact calculation look up R. Mills.
    The most inner H* state at -511keV has roughly 1.3MeV less energy than a free neutron. But the particle looks mostly like a neutron and also behaves like a neutron. So in a nuclear reaction between H*/D* and e.g. Ni not much energy will be left over to be freed after the fusion. Definitely no enough to emit a neutron.

    This is an other magic path.

  • Hi Andrea,

    Thank you for taking the time to give some consideration to my proposal. I will reply to some of your points inline, below.


    A significant change in this electron density in the nuclear volume and Coulomb barrier surrounding it would clearly have important effects.

    It would indeed. This much is clear from the Gamow theory, which practically demands that alpha decay would occur following upon a sufficient increase in electron density. If this didn’t happen, we would need to revise the Gamow theory.


    In this case the point is then: which chemically controlled mechanism can cause the "significant change" in the electron density near the nucleus?

    I'm not entirely sure; one can guess, though: electric arc discharges, doping from hydrogen, modifications to the electronic structure when hydrogen is adsorbed onto the surface.


    If chemistry were able to cross the Coulomb barrier and access the nuclear well, our world would look very different.

    Only if the modus operandi were common. If the MO were uncommon, the world would look as it does now.


    But even if you had a magic way to concentrate electron energy and access the nuclear well, you still don't have something that:

    prefers stable nuclei,

    When alpha and beta decay occur, the daughter is usually more stable.


    does not emit [MeV] quanta,

    I’m not at all convinced by arguments that there are no MeV quanta in LENR. Piantelli, Karabut, SPAWAR, and others report energetic charged particles. Some people think that such a contribution can only be a minor one in LENR. They are entitled to their opinion.


    produces tritium without neutrons,

    How about 3He + e- → t - 19 keV, assuming a flux of beta electrons with 19 keV of energy or greater?


    crosses large distances through condensed matter causing transmutations,
    generates strange traces in nuclear emulsions even many minutes after the end of "stimulation",
    emits radio frequencies,

    And the mysterious chemical mechanism which wins over the electrostatic repulsion should work in solids, liquids and plasmas ... and VERY different chemical environments.

    Much of one's understanding of what's going on in this field comes down to one’s assessment of what is LENR and what is something else. I do not see a compelling need to explain the phenomena above, which either aren’t commonly reported or go back to a researcher such as Holmlid, who might or might not be seeing LENR.

    Although I agree that LENR might occur in liquids and gasses (although perhaps not plasmas), (1) most LENR researchers disagree, hence the name "condensed matter nuclear science" which is often used for the field. And (2) there’s no obvious reason that induced decay (or "induced reactions") is precluded in liquids and gasses by the mechanisms mentioned above.


    Plus anything crossing the Coulomb barrier kinetically would cause classical nuclear reactions, and not LENR.

    The primary crossing of the Coulomb barrier would be by alpha particles, exiting the nucleus, with energies in the range of approx. 2-5 MeV. These would indeed cause nuclear reactions, including alpha capture. But mostly they would just be stopped by substrate or electrolyte. In addition to the crossing of the Coulomb barrier, perhaps you’d also get beta decays as a result of the weak interaction, and induced fission (which also involves a crossing of the Coulomb barrier of sorts, but not that of two particles in a scattering experiment).


    Consider the experiment of Iwamura with diffusion only. There is almost no energy input and no way to concentrate energy and cross the Coulomb barrier. However he obtains transmutations and a few gammas.

    When I think of Iwamura, I think of alpha capture.


    27 years of attempts to find a magic mechanism that chemically overcomes the Coulomb barrier without success should teach us something. And when you have found it, it would not match experimental evidences.

    I agree that there are difficulties with this proposal. I disagree that the difficulties are more profound than those faced by an explanation that requires that the nuclear force work at distances far larger than 1 fm.

  • David Brady
    Edmund Storms in his latest book on Cold Fusion "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction ...", summarized the main critics to the WL theory. I agree with him. He analysed the the theory much more in detail than I did.
    Hagelstin and others criticized the formalism supporting the formation of "heavy electrons", necessary to produce ultra cold neutrons from protons and electrons.
    The energy of the proposed reactions is not consistent with the measured energy.
    The elements experimentally produced by cold fusion do not match with what you would get from reactions involving neutrons.
    The "heavy electrons" should be responsible also for the energy fractionation from MeV to thermal, and therefore shield from gamma radiation, but such phenomenon has never been seen.

    The WL theory as most of the LENR theories suggests an energy concentration, so that chemical environments can access the nuclear wells. In short I think this is impossible.

  • @Wyttenbach
    Localized Anharmonic Vibrations have been considered by many, and are not new to science. The point is that it is not possible to concentrate so much chemical energy (some hundred [keV] for d-d fusion) in one point of the chemical structure. It would mean (conservation of energy) to cool down macroscopic portions of the active material while having all the energy in one point, against the second low of thermodynamics. Again I must say that I agree with Edmund Storms.

    When I mentioned the mass change of an electron I was trying to answer to a question about the ZB. If you assume the theory of Randell Mills is correct you can create something very similar to my Hydronion. Mills suggests not only that the Hydrino exists, but also that there exist a chemical catalysis able to create it. The process is not based on energy concentration to cross the coulomb barrier. It is instead a way to produce a neutral particle, which does not have the problem of the Coulomb barrier.

  • @'axil
    Let's not forget that momentum has TWO components: mass and velocity. Energy and mass are interchangeable, mass is not (necessarily) constant. For example, 1% of nucleon mass typically disappears into binding energy, a.k.a. mass deficit. When we constrain position or spin or any other quantum state, we have a particle that is much less certain of both its mass and its velocity. If the particle's speed is a significant fraction of the speed of light, there's only one way to increase uncertainty in momentum: mass.

  • Shiv Singh
    The problems could be many, and it clearly depends on the type of reactor.
    For sure the NAE is not common.
    You can look at page 25 of my presentation.
    For the NAE you need free hydrogen nuclei, and it could be they are not in most cases.
    You also need them to gain the necessary energy in the right place.
    To be able to measure a noticeable effect you also need a sufficiently high density of NAE ...
    In general if you don't know what the NAE requires you tend to be lost, particularly because the NAE is not directly related to electron orbitals, and therefore chemistry.

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