LENR Calender Member
  • Member since May 23rd 2015
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Posts by LENR Calender

    We DO know: It could not possibly be 'bait and switch', because the signed agreement (you know, the one on the Docket that Rossi has his signature on), was with IH (not Cherokee).

    Or are you arguing that Rossi (and his lawyer(s)) didn't read the $100.5M contract when he signed it and that's how IH 'tricked' him into signing it, because they imagined that it was actually Cherokee?

    Rossi did a classic bait and switch with the Johnson Matthey/JMP "client". Are you going to apply that same reasoning to him and say that IH should have read the final version of the term sheet and not imagine that they were working with Johnson Matthey?

    I haven't been following the slideshow discussion closely, but as a reminder, it is from 2013 as detailed in this old ecw comment

    Looks like Rossi won't be replying to his socks for a while, but we'll still get some live commentary by the Dottore.


    Andrea Rossi
    June 18, 2017 at 4:05 PM


    The blog will remain open to receive and publish all the comments sent by the Readers, and the Readers will be able to answer each other; on the contrary, I will not respond or publish any comment from June 26th through July 24th.

    Warm Regards,


    As to what are the terms of the Agreement, I expect some fighting over whether or not the Florida test itself is the test required by the Agreement, but at the end of the day I don't think it will matter, i.e., that whatever the terms and conditions precedent were, Rossi didn't satisfy them. I haven’t reviewed the documents in enough detail to predict how that issue will play out other than to say that the Florida test, if not completely bogus, might have been considered to be the test required by the Agreement. However, as the Florida test was bogus, e.g., fake customer, fake invoices, sketchy “performance” reports, I don’t think the Florida test will be found to have satisfied the test requirements set forth in the Agreement.

    While the fake customer casts a shadow on Rossi's character, there isn't a requirement for a customer in the Agreement.

    I get the impression Jed talked with MFMP after me356's test, and they share his sentiments. MFMP is here on LF, and they could say something in me's defense if they wanted. So far though, not a peep out of them going on 8 days now.

    BTW, me356 gave the team some fuel ash samples to run...anyone know when will we hear the results?

    The people from MFMP have to right to feel however they feel after the experiment. However, it would be very unprofessional of them to communicate the way Jed communicates here. It would also be unprofessional and counterproductive to report on their relationship with me356 in non-diplomatic ways.

    Anyway, I don't think it's fair to read into their lack of communication; they probably just are busy catching up on their lives.

    Installation of more solar/wind apparatuses is historically correlated with global warming therefore solar energy cannot resolve global warming...

    Yeah? Do you want to tell us anything specific or technical about the Penon report? Do you want to explain what 0.0 bar means?

    The Fabiani data in exhibit 16 contains temperature data that was quantized at a 0.6 deg C resolution and pressure data that varied between 0.98xx and 1.00xx.

    The repeated 103.9C minimum value is just a consequence of that quantization (it is actually 103.9 +/- 0.3 deg C) and 0.0 bar is a good summary of pressure that varies between 0.98 and 1.00 all day. The units are obvious to anyone who knows the difference between abs and rel.

    You can argue that the temperature data was ridiculously imprecise and that the pressure transducer was not working properly.

    However, the underlying data implies that Penon's data was probably not made up. Useless maybe, but not made up. Very different story.

    You are doing a disservice to IH by claiming that the data is fake. If they claim in court that the data is fake, they will get destroyed by the Rossi side which will just have to bring up the underlying data and the explanations I have given above. Better go with the truth than a distorted version of it.

    Fabiani data source


    If you run an experiment for e.g. an hour at COP<1 and then at t=1 hour do something that triggers excess heat, it is useful to have a display of COP over a shorter time frame than the entire experiment.

    Obviously the rolling COP displayed shouldn't be an unweighted average over time of the instant COP, but an actual ratio of energy out/in over a sufficiently long time frame.

    Note the usage of the word "sustain" by "anonymous", a direct translation from the Italian sostenere, which would be better translated as "support" in this context.

    A classic Rossi-ism, "thank you for your sustain", has been used many times by Rossi on his blog.