Wyttenbach Verified User
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  • from Switzerland
  • Member since Jan 15th 2016
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Posts by Wyttenbach

    Yup - they apply X100 or so to COVID infection.

    THH Clown medicine alert! In an infection the spike protein is attached to the virus. May be you misinterpret papers about people in the final state where the virus get decomposed.

    So vaccine terror nonsense from uneducated servant.

    I doubt you are considering that the 2nd dose vaccination rate is 67%, whereas 3rd dose rate is 43%.

    Clown arguments again. The vulnerable are people age >70 with 90% booster. One time you have to personally look at the data not just re-post your buddies information....

    Dogs and cats infected with b117

    The first I ordered March 2020!!! was to stop the cat entering the room of my friend. It is well known that cats can get all human corona virus!

    Some time the reaction time of main stream is titanic like!

    People that die - even with anti virals show up very late > 10 days after symptoms onset. Here often the virus is almost dead already and your body fights with secondary defects.

    How can 2% die of COVID, if 100% are protected from a Corona infection??

    May be you need a bit fantasy why this happens? Because the Dr.Mengele countries do not allow IVR treatment... Also do countries like Zaire not have a medical system in place. Old people can't walk 2 days for the next hospital after an infection. So these folks show up late - when ever...

    1-2% is the general figure of people that show up late in all IVR treatement only countries. Only India so far does IVR prophylaxes. Because of this I recommend to vaccinate (Moderna only so far) all age > 70!

    From Israel data:: The decline rate in cases is 2x lower than after vaccination. This despite a higher total vaccination rate. This clearly shows that boosters have a much weaker effect.

    As it looks now like a reply happens of the post alpha wave with lower cases numbers due to wet-warm "winter".

    Pfizer antiviral drug could nearly end deaths from COVID-19, company study suggests

    It's a bit closer to Ivermectin. May be we have to compare the chemical structure...

    Ivermectin gives you 100% protection for a CoV-19 infection and 98% protection from death even for severe cases given you use the right doses and other supportive drugs. Given early - latest day 2 its a 100% (For clowns:: 99.9998%) protection from death too.

    The vaccine safety profile is much clearer than that of these antivirals.

    I agree::

    RNA gene therapy = fake vaccines::

    500 heart damages for 1 million vaccinated (for clowns = 2 mio doses) .

    15..25 direct indirect deaths.

    about 1000 nervous system disorders.

    Anti virals::

    Ivermectin 0,0,0.... Oh, I have forgotten the cow, that did horn (butt) the doctor. --> one death from Ivermectin.

    People that die - even with anti virals show up very late > 10 days after symptoms onset. Here often the virus is almost dead already and your body fights with secondary defects.

    Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)
    Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)In this concerning in-vitro study the researchers show how SARS-COV-2 Spike protein and ...

    Although SARS–CoV–2 proteins are synthesized in the cytosol [1], some viral proteins are

    also detectable in the nucleus, including Nsp1, Nsp5, Nsp9, Nsp13, Nsp14, and Nsp16

    [19]. We investigated whether these nuclear‐localized SARS–CoV–2 proteins affect the

    host cell DNA damage repair system.

    Paper:: https://www.researchgate.net/p…DJ_Recombination_In_Vitro

    Only the full–length spike protein strongly inhibited both NHEJ and HR repair (Figures 2B–E and S4A, B). Next, we sought

    to determine whether the spike protein directly contributes to genomic instability by in‐hibiting DSB repair.

    To confirm the existence of spike protein in the nucleus, we performed subcellular

    fraction analysis and found that spike proteins are not only enriched in the cellular mem‐

    brane fraction but are also abundant in the nuclear fraction, with detectable expression

    even in the chromatin–bound fraction (Figure 3A). We also observed that the spike has

    three different forms, the higher band is a highly glycosylated spike, the middle one is a

    full–length spike, and the lower one is a cleaved spike subunit.

    So it looks like the actual RNA vaccines will have a huge impact on the vaccinated. We already do see a strong immune suppression in UK vaccinated.

    A solution would be to use just a subset of the S1 or S2 protein!

    In Germany, the number of new infections has climbed to a record level, but the regional differences are very large.

    In Germany both parties are members of FM/R. Both leader are pure fascists worst example Lauterbach.

    As long as DE makes no prevention/treatment I call them again a fascist state.

    CH: So far has no increase in ICU. The added cases are from people age < 50. So far about 20 of them died with CoV-19 the whole year.

    And please remember:: PCR+ > 28 cycles is 90..95% false positive. As long as they do not report CT number the raise in cases is fake. What has increased in Germany is the double vaxx age > 80 deaths and age >70 hospitalization. These people often die within a few days. Only early treatment helps.

    In UK double vaxx:: unvaxx death is close to 5:1. Germany will soon see the same.

    They cry for boosters. This will directly kill a few thousand of the old. Like in Israel (3..500) difficult to extract. The the case peek from booster victims was enormous. Boosters without Ivermectin = execution.

    USA:: CoV-19 cases are flattening out. In the north figures are already in the raise where as south east they still go down.

    (See worldometers)

    Will Florida soon have herd immunity thanks to natural infections?

    In the vaccine terror states of Europe the pandemic of the vaccinated is accelerating. Here we have triple the cases too but most among age < 30! So no more ICU/death.

    Lets hope Pfizer-Mectin will change the Agenda and pave the path for cheap Ivermectin and no more useless vaccines for age <50. So far only natural immunity protects.

    Once more:: CH had about 2 dozen CoV-19 death age < 50. Far more die in care accidents that are record low in CH (<300 year). But the number of E-bike deaths is raising. 90 year old mom doing 40kmh...

    Japan stopped HPV vaccinations.

    The HPV vaccines made a quick development from 2 to 4 and now 9 virus covered. The first version with 2 strains covered was a typical early shot with low effect and high return in benefit. I think the newest version that covers 9 HPV virus solves the problem we also see with corona virus escaping vaccines.

    In most countries it will be a high benefit for girls over live time, we still hope. Japan as an "asexual country" feels less pressure than most western countries. So most girls that missed it still can do it also at age 25. Not so here...

    Why boys shouldn't do it was simply a question of the initial prizing with 700$ a treatement!

    India: The vaccine terror state Kerala still is on the way to get rid his hidden additional 6000 CoV-19 deaths. He books in 300/day so it will last 3 more weeks....

    The early Ivermectin adapters show scary single digit daily in infections. Soon India will, in most parts, be "CoV-19 free" since 6 moths. But here the cattle will be killed with the useless Merck-Vectin.

    1'000'000'000 Indians show in total less than 100 cases/day this is more than 10'000 less than all western vaccine terror states.

    So early Ivermectin treatment, prophylaxis wins 10'000: 0 against vaccine terror states...

    One more payload caused by the vaccine terrorists! (Eating disorders and stress..)

    FUKUOKA -- The number of people aged under 20 in Japan who were newly diagnosed with anorexia -- a commonly known eating disorder -- in fiscal 2020 increased by about 1.6 times compared to the previous year in what may be a consequence of lifestyle changes triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, a survey by the National Center for Child Health and Development in Tokyo has revealed.

    1.6 times more youths in Japan diagnosed with anorexia in FY2020 compared to year before - The Mainichi
    FUKUOKA -- The number of people aged under 20 in Japan who were newly diagnosed with anorexia -- a commonly known eating disorder -- in fiscal 2020 in

    These are the first antivirals ever that have been designed for covid.

    This is a 1000% lie. Merck did work on its crap for more than 10 years now with obviously no success as it even does not work for CoV-19....Just one more way to make money and trade in stock gains for manager options.

    MSD reported earlier this month that molnupiravir reduced the risk of admission to hospital or death by around 50%

    No study so far did show show this. Just management news. I guess they still have to find a way to cheat the public... But there is no more public. Just the mafia that own, controls and feeds the media.

    Its all about a reason how you can steal tax payers money for your buddies pocket.

    We (UK..) are back in stone age!

    School & Childcare Requirements for Immunizations :: Public Health :: Contra Costa Health Services

    Children are treated like Cattle in the US. Human rights seem to have no value in some states. Some vaccines make sense. But the majority is counter productive. May be some like Hepatitis B are needed locally ...Petussis booster.. reminds me of CoV-19 booster as kit is useless and make you a super spreader...

    I agree. At most 15% really died of CoV-19... UK had the freedom day.

    But here DE,CH,FR,AU the fascists go on...with selling vaccines for their buddies. With denying treatment for CoV-19 victims....


    UK HSA (week 44 report) continues to spread top fake information::

    Based on antibody testing of blood donors, 98.0% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to 18.7% that have antibodies from infection alone.

    End of March 2021 already 40% of all UK people had antibodies from infections not from vaccines. The HSA FM/R mafia "cricket brain" folks did intentionally fake the data by looking at blood donors only. "blood donors" March 2021 haven not yet been vaccinated and vaccinated have been excluded as blood donors!! But they look at the average Vaccination rate. This is how professional cheater do work.

    So what does HSA prove? Despite vaccination more people with "anti bodies" die than should die.

    Translation: Vaccines do not work at all. Infection rate is 3..5x higher than for unvaccinated!!! Protection from death not longer exists for age 80+ just vaccinated and no prior infection.

    Average protection from death is 50%. Same here same in Israel. For children it is infinite x negative so far. In Germany so far no child age <=17 died from CoV-19 alone. But 20 from vaccines...

    Great job Dr. Mengele fans!

    Boosters provide further protection bu

    The added booster protection is about 50%. The Israel study is fake as it has been done in a calm face with no running infections. Further the boosters directly killed 300..500 Israeli by inducing COV-19-. So almost all vulnerable for the next 3 month at least have been killed by the booster "vaccine".

    Ignoring facts - just looking at fake studies - that first sight look OK - could be a deadly error. Have the "ziverdo kit" ready. It's a 99% live insurance not just a lucky 50%.

    CoV-19 only kills the vulnerable. At most 15% of all CoV-19 deaths have no known background. This is what official statistics of UK/CH show.

    The boosters in Israel caused the highest ever seen increase in cases in any nation. The decline in Israel cases has nothing to do with immunity its just the stop of the booster program!!!

    Britain authorizes Merck’s molnupiravir, the world’s first approval of oral covid-19 treatment pill

    The UK Dr. Mengele fascists at work again. Allowing a drug that has shown no effect on the death rate!! A drug that is highly teratogen. What will be the next culmination?

    Live termination pill for long-cov-vaccine damaged people??