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Posts by Max Nozin

    So JedRothwell and Longview are you saying that banking system is imprevious to hacking? Weekly leaks of customer data here and there not happening?

    Crypto industry is in nanscent stage right now and many inexperienced devs are developing soft in a rush and on the budget. Since that all want to get into the game asap. When the same amount of efforts as banks invested in security is spent by crypto exchanges it may become as secure.

    All this of course is irrelevant to this thread. I was trying to say that there is no need to stigmatize Deneum for choosing ICO as a way to attract investement.

    I only wish they would offer a share in the company instead of commodity linked ICO but this has to be done to avoid potential issues with stock market regulators.

    Shane D. In the case with Deneum I can only hope that my Ukrainian BS sensor is somehow better than your. They keep all communication in English and I see it as a good sign of them being at least not completely consumed by new cold war wave.

    If Tsvetkov indeed visited iccf there should be people here who might meet him in person.

    I hope that Gennadiy have access to some 10yo guy to assist him. At this stage it is either all or nothing when you deal with computers.

    Longview I am not advocating for it

    I am saying it is just wrong to dismiss something right away.

    What kind of assets are backing US dollar? The government debt is what 10T or something? It is just the rule software the game that suit everyone what makes dollar a dollar.

    JedRothwell Buffet both didn't understand and didn't like Bitcoin.

    Again, you myabe confusing particluar implementation of block chain i.e. Bitcoin with general concept of it.

    There are no known instances of the block chain bien hacked. Only exchanges were and they ate totally different from the block chain itself.

    All cryptos not bound to something are a commodity. It takes certain resources and a lot of it to generate Bitcoin chain hash and that makes it pretty much similar to gold. If you spend same amount of electricity to power the gold mining machine you will end up with certain amount of gold.

    People assumed certain value for gold and keep it as a value storage. The moment gold is used only for jewelry or industrial the price will most likely go down a lot.

    Bitcoin supporters have a valid point that any fiat currency with no more that the paper it is printed on.

    It is just that US dollar gained more trust over years than any other value storage.

    I personally is not a big fan of it. The moment same reporting standards applied to Bitcoin as to a dollar transactions its value will have to plummet.

    That is not to say that you can not use block chain tech at all. The ledger, once created, provide absolute proof of what is recorded in it be that property title transfers or stock issue without the need for a single authority. That opens many possibilities to streamline some existing processes.

    Shane D. I must admit I still think Mills is a genius but even genius can be lost sometimes. At the end there are health issues, yes you can't discount them.

    I noticed increasing levels of deviation, repetition and inconsistency in everything they share, appreciate that though.

    Therefore no more statements at face value proceed with increased caution

    Since Jed mentioned Chicago pile and first A bo mb, I wish the same effort can be made again in lenr. In us it was run by military I doubt they cared how this particular branch of physics called before it worked. In Russia the scientists were essentially internalized and forced to work. Now I don't see how can anyone repeat what they did in 3-4 years. It probably would cost few trillions on today's money.

    Mills thinks so also. BTW, silver instead of gallium, will probably be used for the MHD Suncell.

    It contradicts the third quarter update in which it was clearly stated that both thermal and mhd version will share same suncell core.

    With limited resources it is bad idea to push into multiple directions at the same time. I treat it as a sign that Mills is uncertain how all this actually is going to work.

    Form now on I will have to start severely filtering all Mills statements.