interested observer Member
  • Member since Feb 10th 2017
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Posts by interested observer

    Totally predictable reaction, Jed. It is my ignirance and bad attitude that is the problem.

    I said nothing about the skills, credentials, or reputations of anybody. I am just asking for a meaningful definition of replication.

    Again, all I want to hear about is one CF experiment for which a second researcher tried to do the same experiment in the same way to the best of his ability and obtained the same results. Is that asking for too much?

    All this talk about replications exposes the problem that in the context of this community, the term means nothing like it does in the mainstream scientific world. As far as I can tell, an LENR replication means that an experiment that bears some vague resemblance to another produced some but not all similar results in kind although probably not quantitatively equivalent. On this basis, pretty much every positive result of any sort is considered to be a replication.

    I know Jed will blow a gasket at this, but all he needs to do is cite an example of an actual replication as understood by... well, pretty much any scientist worth his salt.

    I agree with THH that whether Rossi is building a factory is largely irrelevant. However, if he is establishing such a facilty in the US, there must be permits, licenses, and various official filings with respect to employees. Unless he is operating as a shadow operation under an intelligence agency, even the amazing Rossi cannot fly completely under the radar. But this is how he claims to have been operating the several other factories he has claimed to have built over the past five years.

    Adrian, despite your perfect track record in ignoring any direct questions, k would as if you have anything to say in support of Rossi apart from the meaningless observation that there is no proof that the e-cat is a fraud? You should note that there is no proof that unicorns don’t exist as well.

    Not meaning to be pedantic, Adrian, but there is not a shred of evidence that you have any evidence for any of Rossi’s bogus claims being true. But like you said, you don’t care whether anybody believes a word you say. Of course, that invites the question: why do you bother saying any of it at all?

    You would think that if the people who worship at the feet of Il Douche and defend his every lie actually had some evidence that vindicates him in any way, they would be falling over themselves to share it with us evil skeptics instead of making vague references to "independent information".

    It is obvious that people who are convinced that LENR is a real phenomenon tend to want to say that Rossi may have something afterall. I don’t undestand why that is the case. Particularly with respect to Rossi’s most recent demonstrations, what reason is to think that whatever the heck he is doing has anything to do with LENR as it has been observed by others. It seems to me that the only connection to LENR is that Rossi claims that’s what his sprinkler parts are doing. Why believe it regardless of what you think about LENR in general? It seems like even the most ardent LENR follower should have no problem concluding that Rossi has never had anything interesting going on in his magic boxes.

    sam12: there was a long-time Rossi believer named Daniel Maris who said the same things you do for years on end. Like clockwork, he would announce that if Rossi didn’t have a product on the market in 6 months or sometimes in a year, then he was done. But year after year, he decided to wait for the next amazing new version of the e-cat that bore no resemblance to the previous amazing version. I guess he finally did throw in the towel... or maybe he is still around with a new name.

    The hypothetical question of what skeptics will do if Rossi is successful is quite different from the hypothetical question of what believers will do if Rossi is a conman. The difference is that there could certainly be proof that the e-cat works. There are numerous ways such proof could be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the most demanding skeptic, although the chances of any of them happening is infinitesimal. On the other hand, there will never be proof that the e-cat doesn't work. No matter how many times Rossi's parlor tricks are revealed for what they are, believers will cry foul and eagerly await the next charade. So the Sams of the world will probably take their Rossi delusion to their graves.

    When walking through Rossi memory lane one must not forget one of the most rabid of all his acolytes, one Sojourner Soo. She brought a level of beligerance to the cause that was seldom matched. But she vanished relatively early, perhaps revealing unexpected perspicacity.

    @THH: "A factory is an industrial site, usually consisting of buildings and machinery, or more commonly a complex having several buildings, where workers manufacture goods or operate machines processing one product into another."

    I would be quite astonished to see evidence of something that actually fits this description with anything Rossi is doing or has ever done. To describe the Doral setup in these terms, for example, would constitute a grain of truth embedded in a mountain of bullpuckey.