Bruce__H Member
  • Member since Jul 22nd 2017
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Posts by Bruce__H

    As so often happens in Russ George's blog, technical detail is minimal. His discussion of the Nature article largely involves personal reminiscences that portray him as already having explored much of the territory that the authors of the article are now publishing on.

    Has Russ George published any of this work? He says he has given talks and so on, but these are ephemera. Has he published any of it?

    Just as the 1-year test in Doral was ending, Rossi announced the invention of what he would eventually call the Ecat-QX. Soon after he said that the QX was capable of generating not just excess heat, but also light, electricity, and thrust. The IH lawsuit and the development of the QX for heat production has allowed him to spin out his scam for 3 years following the end of the Doral trial. Now, though, I think we are seeing the end of the heat-production story.

    How long can Rossi continue with his deceptive games? Well now that he has shifted to claims that he is developing QX electricity generation hes has bought himself more time and tolerance from his followers who will say that we just have to be patient and wait a bit to see this thrilling next step in energy production. And patience really is required because, after all, it is really the market that decides and we all know how long it takes to make a commercial product. It's years and years!

    Bu don't forget that the QX also produces light and thrust. Once the electricity story plays out, Rossi can extend the scam by moving on to these other valuable QX outputs. And, although he loses followers at each step, I have no doubt that his hard core of supporters will stay with him.

    As I (and many others) have predicted, Rossi has found cause to halt the SK roll out. I think that we will hear no more about it. It will be abandoned while Rossi pretends to pursue his electricity-generating ecat. I think that this new activity is good for another 6 months at least.

    I wonder if Rossi actually intends to try and squeeze some money out of all this or whether he is content just to manipulate his fans and seek their adulation. Perhaps he has retired from the financial scams and now just sees himself as a retired guy with an unusual hobby.

    Prof May 14, 2019 at 6:18 AM

    Dear Andrea:

    I read the comment of a troll that says that what appears in the video

    is not the spectrometry of a plasma, but of an astute light source or a laser. This obviously is an attempt to diffuse false information, because the idiot that wrote this ignores how is the image and a spectrum of a laser, how is the real ( not theoretical ) spectrum of a black body, and also pretends to ignore the part of your presentation in which you compared the calorimetric results with the results from the Wien-Boltzmann measurements. Not to mention the facts that a light source or a laser would consume an enormous amount of energy to produce the light of the plasma we can see in the video in real dimensions.



    ” Non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa ” ( Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia ) ” While the trolls are trying to hit the Ecat is selling heat ” ( Andrea Rossi, JoNP )

    Warm Regards, A.R

    Dear Prof.

    Thank you for your wise counsel. But now that you have caused the scales to fall from my eyes I am worried. Yes ... worried!

    When in the store to buy light bulbs yesterday, I was shocked to see that some of the bulbs on offer were marked as having colour temperature of 5000K. Almost as hot as the surface of the sun! What can the manufacturers be thinking to sell such dangerous items? Would not our houses be in danger of bursting into flames if we installed these bulbs in our lamps?

    And even worse ... going on the internet I see car headlight bulbs for sale with colour temperatures approaching 12,000K! Aak! The simple act passing in front of a car equipped with these monstrous beams would be enough to convert one into a human torch. Beware!

    Anyway. Thanks to you and Mr. Rossi I am forewarned. Such good work!



    In criminal psychology there is something called the "dark triad" which is a trio of personality disorders -- narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy --that often cluster together. Of these, Rossi strongly displays both narcissism (grandiose, self-centred behaviour) and Machiavellianism (manipulation, callous disregard of others), and seems pretty high in one of the dimensions of psychopathy (boldness and impetuosity). These are personality disorders, and as such are core items of psychological structure that someone cannot simply turn on and off at will.

    A narcissist treats all those around him as but bit players on the glittering stage that is his (or her) life. The adulation is important and whether he is wealthy or poor doesn't matter. So I wouldn't expect Rossi to stop his charades just because he has made some money at them. It goes a lot deeper than that.

    He seems to be fading away after the last demo. That was just too much, even for many of his most ardent supporters.

    I noticed that Rossi lost adherents on ECat World after the Nov 2017 QX demo in Sweden too.

    It seems to me his efforts have lost a lot of vitality and coherence in the past year. I mean, why not even bother to fake up an SK spectrum that half fits his claims.

    We are seeing Rossi in decline. I suspect it is because of his health challenges. He deserves no pity or consideration though. He is a con man who delights in victimizing both friends and business partners.

    Feel free .. but lose the ad hominems.. people might actually read your stuff

    You need to up your own game before taking on that tone. THH's posts are always well-written and rational. He seldom indulges in ad hominem attacks as far as I can see. In contrast, your posts are frequently poorly organized and are sometimes so ungrammatical and fractured that I have difficulty figuring out what you are talking about. And you indulge in a lot of name calling*. That is not just unpleasant, it actually obscures whatever point you are trying to make.

    *Edit: I reviewing this, think that "taunting" is a better term for what I had in mind here than "name calling".

    ... it is just one person's view, ...

    "... [J]ust one person's view..." is certainly a fair description of Ruer's anecdotes about his personal experiences with Rossi. But what about the technical stuff Ruer includes at the end of his letter about how badly wrong Rossi has gone when calculating power from the SK spectrum? Do you see this also as just one person's view?

    AS an example of the different effects and laws that might pertain at different energy levels

    consider what different nonlinear effects happen to one's head when one collides with a wall

    at walking speed 5 km/hr and at 200 km/hr:)

    I think you are using "linear" to just mean "simple" and "nonlinear to somehow mean "more true". While it is true that linear equations have a particular type of simplicity to them, the definition of linear is much more constrained than that. And "non-linear" just means anything that isn't linear. Just because some equations are nonlinear doesn't mean they are a truer or more faithful model of reality.

    But I have suggested a timeline

    5 years or more is fine.

    Agreed? Let's have no more of these vociferous , naive calls for publication

    The bun's still in the oven

    From the description of NPP2.1 provided by Wyttenbach on ResearchGate ...

    "Now NPP 2.1 is able to calculate the exact magnetic moments of some low Z isotopes. We also show the relation between particle masses (Pion,Kaon,Muon) and the proton mass and use the Mills metric. Further we found an exact magnetic mass formula for the proton that shows an alpha quantization, that could explain some experimental findings.New confirming experiments needed!

    The neutron energy hole/excess energy, halve live is explained.

    The correct derivation for SO(4) to SO(3) is presented together with new drawings to explain how mass rotates in 4 dimensions. The 4D de Broglie radius is explained and related to the energy compression process."

    Sounds to me as though this is ready to go now. Preparing a manuscript for expert review will be a good experience, not a bad one. And in the end Wyttenback should be able to get informed reactions to his theory. That is something he is not getting right now as far as I can see.