LCC Member
  • Member since Mar 25th 2019
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Posts by LCC

    For example, read this total nonsense from 2012 by Godes as interviewed in "Cold Fusion Now" -- a misnomer for sure.

    You know what SoT, I’ll give you this. Early communication by Brillouin was overly optimistic. But once SRI became involved, claims started getting reasonable (in itself a good sign that the partnership with SRI was smart). I am pretty sure some investors also played a role in toning down the predictions.

    If you look at Brillouin’s communication for the last three years, you’ll see that it’s been much more conservative. If you’re a scammer in the LENR field, announcing 2.6 CoP makes no sense considering what others are claiming.

    LCC We give commenters a fair bit of latitude here, and 7 of 20 is a very well-known skeptic. Don't take it personally.

    My apologies to 7of20 and others if I seemed to take it personally.

    I’ll say it another way : if I had invested in the basis of that video, you would be right to call me gullible. And if Brillouin only gave information of that level, it would be a scam, as it would only seek gullible people.

    But I truly think no one invests on this basis, and I know of experience that they give a lot more information to people who reach them for investing.

    This type of claim is why I don't trust Brillouin to have anything. This now gives me reason to suspect they may not in reality be honest. Fred Z calls it right in his YouTube comment. That these people are getting investor money on the claims in this video is completely unconscionable and people who invest based on such claims are completely gullible.

    You’re being extremely hard on the basis of a promotional video that is just intended to get investors interested in Brillouin.

    Frankly, if you believe accredited investors (even as small as myself) are going to invest significant amounts on the basis of a video such as that one, you are obviously wrong.

    I have related above the level of access that was given to me prior to my investment. I can assure you that the investment documentation is extremely clear and states all the risks of such an investment. I really think name calling is not warranted at this stage and not on the basis of a one minute video.

    So can you go to the Guernsey stock exchange and buy IH shares?

    It seems like it should be the case but I cannot find for the life of me any way to do so. Apparently trades must go through a Trading Member of TISE but I cannot find any Trading Member website offering to act as a broker.

    What I think happened is that Woodford had the shares listed but did not offer any for sale, which is normally impossible in the civilized world but this is Guernsey so everything seems possible. For all purposes (except the one that really mattered to Woodford) IH is still a private company.

    I am a (French) corporate lawyer so I'll tell you what I understand from it.

    As a fund, Equity Income cannot hold more than 10% of its capital in unlisted companies. In order to circumvent that limitation without having to organize complicated IPOs (and provide the high level of disclosure required to the public), Woodford has been listing its biggest holdings in unlisted companies on bogus regulated markets (no offence to the International Stock Exchange in Guernsey, but its disclosure level is laughable because it does not have to comply with EU regulation).

    Just look at the information available in relation to IH ( and let me know if you feel sufficiently informed :)

    Apart from the fact that lenr rather alive thatn dead in Russia despite turbulence. The main takeaway from the article, for myself, is that USPTO added codes to the classification to include 'alledged cold fusion'. That was reported at MIT conf.

    I've heard from Brillouin that continuation patent applications are pending and should be made public by late April, which might be related, hopefully, to the USPTO broadening its views on LENR.

    Robert Horst: Thanks a lot! I am eager to know more about you thought of Tanzella's presentation.

    When you talk about losses from the electronics, do you mean the electrical consumption of the control panel? I understand that the COP should be calculated by comparing what goes in the Hot Tube (in electricity) and what goes out (in heat) but I understand that it would be pretty much useless if all the extra power is used by ancillary electronics. Nevertheless, if the system can be scaled up, surely the percentage represented by the electronics should decrease.

    AlainCo: My technical expertise is limited but from what I understand they do not feel that their main challenge is raising their COP. Provided they are able to keep running tests, they are confident that they will be able to improve their set-up (which includes both metallurgy and Qwave generation) and raise their COP. Their results over the last few years (and even more over the last few months) support that position. Additional funding would allow them to increase the rate of testing and reach "profitable COP" much faster.

    The main challenge is engineering/manufacturing, i.e. their ability to scale up their current Hot Tubes into a commercial device and being able to mass-produce such commercial device.

    seven_of_twenty: I reviewed your own comments multiple times during the course of my personal due diligence and thank you for your helpful skepticism. It is pretty hard to judge competence in a field in which you're not an expert and that is why it was important to me to speak with "independent" people such as non-LENR SRI people and lawyers with a technical background. I always had the feeling from years of following LENR developments that Brillouin was the reasonable company (their willingness to advertise low COP is in itself reassuring to me) and this feeling has been confirmed through those contacts.

    On calorimetry, Dr Tanzella indeed recognized that the current set-up, which is entirely credible to him and in which he has no doubt, may appear overly complicated to outsiders, hence their willingness to devise a simpler method in order to be more convincing. However, the results of the last few months have generated heat up to a level that seems to them incompatible with any sort of mistake in measurement.

    (Hey all! I am new to the forum.)

    I recently made a small investment in Brillouin (please don't worry about my finances, I only invested an amount I was ready to lose) and had some contact with David Firshein (CFO), Fran Tanzella (formerly from SRI, now an independent consultant and part of their advisory board member) and Cathy Cretsinger (their patent lawyer at Kilpatrick Townsend, also a member of their advisory board).

    • I'll start with David Firshein, as he was my first contact and the person with whom I exchanged the most. He was extremely candid about the high-risk nature of an investment in Brillouin. They are still looking for funding (obviously) both in relation to their Series C (which remains open) and their Series D (which recently started). Although I initially contacted them in relation to the Series D, I ended up investing in the Series C as it was still open. On a more personal point, I really appreciated his honesty, especially about the challenges of raising funds in LENR.
    • I then had the opportunity to speak to Fran Tanzella (David Firshein proposed this to me) who presented his research in LENR and his work for Brillouin. While he remained cautious on the ability to turn what they have into a marketable product, he clearly expressed that he has not seen in his years of research in the field anything close to the level of consistency and control Brillouin has over the reactions they are producing. He also explained that the steady progress he has seen in their COP seems to indicate that they are on the right track. You might also be interested to learn that, even if he is confident that their current measurements are correct, they are currently working on a new calorimetry set-up that should convince sceptics that their measurements are not flawed.
    • As I was concerned about SRI closing the department in which Dr. Tanzella worked, I asked if he would be comfortable with me exchanging email with a former colleague of his, preferably someone outside of the LENR "usual suspects". He directed me to his former superior who confirmed to me his credentials and his ethics.
    • Finally, I spoke to Cathy Cretsinger. Being a lawyer myself, it mattered to me to get a feel of her opinion, expecially considering the risk of being scammed. She perfectly understood that and, while remaining very prudent on the technical side, she did assure me that Brillouin is not a fraud.

    From all the above (as well as assorted documentation, which showed that all stakeholders in Brillouin have put their money where their mouth is), I was convinced that the people working at Brillouin are sincere and believe in their findings. I was also convinced that they are not incompetent and deluded.

    They might be mistaken, of course. Their measurements might be flawed one way or the other. But I decided to bet on the (possibly low) probability that they might really have something, both because the possible return on investment is considerable in such a case (which compensates for the unlikeliness of it all) and because, on a more selfless basis, I have a hard time seeing how mankind is going to solve its current situation without a longshot succeeding.

    One major risk remains that they end up dead in the water because of lack of funding. Firshein is working hard to find investors and I hope he finds bigger whales than myself.

    I'll be happy to answer any question you may have. I was not asked to sign any NDA so I feel pretty free to talk.