axil Verified User
  • Member since Oct 10th 2014

Posts by axil

    I agree with Jed that Rossi is as deceitful, opaque, and shrewd and the day is long. I remember what he was saying on his blog which showed absolutely nothing about what was going on in his head during the final stages of the test. The mental powers that he controls are prodigious having to plan out his upcoming conflict with IH, his efforts in keeping his plant up and running during the test, and thinking about the next generation Quark technology. Anti-Intellectualism is well founded in that you are not well served to trust a smart person. In a dumb person, you can see uncontrolled and honest emotions and reactions but you can't see what a smart person like Rossi is thinking and the plans he is making because his mind controls his outward persona so well.

    But one thing is for sure, when Rossi saw his IP being revealed by IH, it drove him crazy. That patent from IH set Rossi on course to decouple from IH.

    Rossi showed IH how to produce a functioning E-Cat but such a thing is not learned in one go. Like playing a musical instrument it takes a lot of hands on practice needed through many repetitions to get things down just right.

    After the IP reveal by IH, Rossi had it in his head to get away from IH. When IH requested a refresher course in reactor building since their Reactors just would not work, Rossi became too busy to be bothered to go through a refresher course. He had just too much do do inside those shipping containers.

    In the face of Rossi lack of cooperation, now IH had their own fears, concerns, and needs to impose their will onto Rossi. No more IP training means no more money. And so that is how this worm is turning.

    If the contention is that Rossi fooled Dardin over a long period of time, then at some point Dardin must have come to realized that Rossi's IP has no value. This judgement should still be resolved that Rossi's IP has no value at this current juncture. But then why does IH still press to retain the rights to that IP and fight to hold onto the patent that they submitted in violation of the restriction of IP revelation clause in section 16.4 of the license agreement which exposes IH to monetary penalties from Rossi? It does not make sense to claim that Rossi's IP has no value and still move to retain it under penalty of monetary judgement against them.

    IH is behaving like a mouse running in a maze where there is no escape. No matter what IH claims, no matter what the situation is, IH is confronted with a logical contradiction in their positions.

    Wanting to hold onto Rossi's IP only weakens their contention that Rossi had nothing. Weaver accuses me of favoring Rossi's position, but I cannot in the light of clear thinking as of yet reconcile IH's positions with logic. Their is something wrong in this situation for IH somehow.

    It seems to me that friendship and trust only goes so far. A person can only trust to a given point and no more. There is a conflict of interest that can put a limit on friendship and trust between two friends. It is possible that both Dewey Weaver and Jed Rothwell may have been traitorously betrayed by their friends. Darden et al have put themselves into an untenable position in an attempt to get out from under this Rossi affair. They may have been willing to convert friendship into propaganda support and an excuse to justify a major hit to the Dewey Weaver managed investment fund. If Dardin is willing to screw over the Chinese, and Woodford, why stop there, when Dardin is really desperate he might go a bit farther and dig deep into the friendship bag were Dewey Weaver is exposed to Dardin’s self-interest. After all at the very bottom of the interest tree is the tap root, Dardin himself. There comes a point when friends can become expendable. If Dardin is throwing Dewey Weaver overboard, then Dewey’s investment fund together with Dewey Weaver’s investors is the next easy step. Investors are all the same, if the Chinese and Woodford investors are prey, why not Weaver investors. Yes I feel better now, the other alternative case is too sad to be true.

    If what IH claims is true, that Rossi never had anything of value from the very beginning, then Dewey Weaver has been hustled, robbed, ripped off, and royally screwed over by his friends.There is a logical inconsistency in Dewey’s position. He is a very smart man and he could not have let IH rip him off so. Therefore it is comforting for me to believe that Rossi had the goods from the beginning and Dewey is just blowing smoke to get his friends out from under a disaster of their own making.

    There is another speculation about why negative written evidence of reactor non functionality and associated problems with the test did not find its way into the ERV report. IH presented the ERV report to the Chinese and Woodford at a late stage as proof of the value of the reactor during the test to solicit investment from these folks. Any negative written reports would work against corporate strategy.

    It is possible that IH assumed Rossi was naive in business matters and like often occurs with OEMs they could just not pay Rossi at the end of the test and if problems arose with this strategy just push IH into bankruptcy.

    It is entirely possible that low level IH employees saw massive problems including non functionally demonstrated by Rossi's reactor, but these reports were suppressed to keep trust in the technology high and investment in that technology flowing into IH.

    Lomax said


    As anyone else noticed that the Validation test and the General Performance test do not actually specific power output? You could technically satisfy the test requirements with a few watts.There also is no reliability requirement. Because there is no power requirement, there might only be one device actually working.

    In section 5 of the licence agreement, a COP of 4 is required and the temperature of the steam is specified.

    Perhaps angels are whispering these facts to you, but you are telling yourself the rest. You are making unfounded, unsupported assumptions based on imaginary information, and then jumping to the conclusion that whatever popped into your head a moment ago must be true.

    "X tells me Y" tells you nothing when X is imaginary and Y is your unsupported imagination working overtime.

    When one is faced with a lack of evidence, then speculation sets the stage for focus on the evidence when it becomes available. As an example, as regards to your sauna speculation, I am sure you will look at the evidence as it becomes available to back that speculation up since it is so incredible.

    If saw this post from Kevmo, is it true?


    Penon worked for IH before he worked alongside Rossi. IH nominated him and Rossi agreed.

    Again I must ask, oh high and mighty omniscient one, how do you know this was not done? How long have you been a fly on the wall, watching every move made by I.H. and Rossi, reading every document?

    You keep making bold assertions about events you know nothing about. What's with that?

    The fact that the ERV accepted the E-Cat performance in only 352 days tells me that either IH did not question the daily performance as witnessed by the ERV or the ERV evaluated the exceptions he received from the IH and rejected them. If the exceptions were rejected, those documents should have been recorded in the ERV report together with the reason for rejection of the submitted exception. When we see the ERV report, this tail will be told.

    Ax-man - you're up against a master. The Jedo-mind tricks are not tricks at all - you just think they are.

    In addition, If you cannot break free from the P.R. tractor beam then you'll need to do your de-orbit burn by 3am Zulu - that will ensure that you land close to the overlord's caldron. If you have enough gas and power to get out of there then the interplanetary monitoring system will let us know where you are and if you're okay or not tomorrow. No matter what, you need to take a shower. Hanging around the Planet of the Rossis types just makes you feel dirty. I wish you the best of luck in breaking free and getting cleaned up overnight.

    Dewey Weaver, you have been betrayed by the incompetence of your friends. If you can ever bring yourself to look at the situation objectively with logic, you would come to recognize this betrayal as distasteful as it might be to you. I would adopt the attitude about Rossi that Jed has come to but I need more evidence besides word of mouth. LENR cannot abide a con man, but prove it.

    I'm fearful that Axil has entered the axis of orbit for Planet Rossi. I hope he has enough phuel to break free on the next burn window. One of the Planet of the Rossis troglodytes may have a tractor beam on his axx. His worst posting string in years - not looking good for the Ax-man tonight. But hey - tomorrow is a new day and every day is a new day on Planet Rossi.

    The time to make the case against Rossi was during the test. This is the time when evidence preparation is most persuasive.

    Through gross incompetence on the part of the IH test director and contract administrator if this positions in fact existed at the time during the test which I doubt. Rossi might get away with the con of the century. IH has let you down. As a investor in IH, you should look into this debacle of a situation and act against IH accordingly.

    Through gross incompetence, IH does not have the evidence generated during the test to prove that Rossi was scamming IH, if he was in fact doing it. We just don't know, we don't have any valid evidence.

    Correct me if I am wrong . . . But you seem to be saying that it does not exist because you have not seen it. The corollary would be that you have seen everything that exists. You are omniscient.

    There are trillions of documents on earth that you have not seen. That does not mean they do not exist. I am sure there are thousands of documents at I.H. you have not seen. However, they still exist.

    Jed has gone through many scenarios that are formed to show Rossi has not met the requirements of the contract. Those attempts to discredit Rossi's claims to have met all contractual requirements are in vain unless those expectations were duly recorded during the test and authenticated by the signature of the ERV and/or Rossi which shows that either both or either one were aware of the issues of contention that Rossi was not fulfilling the requirements of the contract.

    These suspicions cannot just be in the minds of the officers of IH but must be recorded during the test on paper and verifiable in terms of date produced and witnessed by the ERV and or Rossi. This is what notaries are for, to witness the validity of the dates and signatures on documents.

    Rossi might have not produced any LENR activity during the test, but that fact must be recorded as evidence during the test. IH had the responsibility to inform Rossi that he was not compliant with the requirements of the test when the test was underway. This non compliance issue was addressed and was called out in section 5 of the licence agreement.

    Again, how do you know this? Do you work for the NSA? Do you have a spy in I.H.? You keep telling us what I.H. has or has not done. Where are you getting all this detailed information?!?

    I know this because I have not seen this evidence yet. When I see it, I will believe it if this written evidence produced during the test is judged to be valid and admissible. In my judgement, it is reasonable to assume that this evidence does not exist. IH should have already provided the court contemporaneous written evidence that Rossi has not meet one or more requirements defined by the licence agreement. If IH has this evidence, why won't they show it?

    Lack of payment is not evidence that Rossi has not meet the requirements of the licence agreement, IMHO.

    So . . . I guess you are not a fly on the wall and you don't work for Rossi. We can rule that out. Because you are not aware of all these things. Yet despite this unawareness, you see to have clairvoyant knowledge of Rossi and I.H.'s business, to wit --

    It seem to you how? On what basis? As Dewey asked, where do you get such knowledge? ESP?

    In general, if a contract calls for contractual requirement A, B, and C to be produced during a test and the systems integrator(IH) latter accuses the OEM(Rossi) that he has not meet one or more of those requirements, the Systems Integrator must have had to document that failure to meet the requirement during the test; i.e. requirement A was not meet. Each of the failed days with its date out of the 400 would need to be documented. If this daily document status is not prepared, it is assumed that the test was passed on that given day.

    IH has not documented that the 50 out of 400 day requirement was not meet in detail. I have not seen that failure to meet the daily performance requirement properly documented which asserts that the requirement was not met as presented by IH in the evidence so far provided.

    Rossi might have failed to meet the daily performance requirement, but IH has not show documented proof that Rossi has not met that performance requirement; at least that I have seen.

    In general, contemporaneous written evidence is far more effective as proof than blanket verbal assertions after the fact.

    @me 356
    You wrote : " Yes, LENR can work without lithium."

    What kind of COP do you get without lithium : close to 1+ ? could be much bigger ?

    The LENR reaction produces energy in many different formats, gamma, x-rays, XUV light, visible light, infrared light, RF, electrons, subatomic particles. As have be reported, it is possible through engineering, to select the type of energy format that the LENR reaction will produce. The inclusion or exclusion of lithium may change the way energy is produced by the LENR reaction. Sooner or later, me356 will tell us how to manage the LENR reactor to produce the type of energy output that fits the requirements of the reactor builder.

    It is not a good idea to associate the research of Leif Holmlid to Rossi's work.
    Research on ultra-dense deuterium (an enabler of laser fusion) predates the appearance of Rossi in the fusion arena.
    The problem with Rossi, if proven to have nothing, is not only that he drained funds from Cherokee and others (that will be dealt with in court) but that he has driven many enthusiastic researchers (and amateurs) towards a directIon that may well be a dead end, and that his fiasco may discredit respectable research groups (many of which either for convenience or genuine trust did give some conditional credit to Rossi).
    They will be the casualties in this war. No need to make the damage larger by tarring every one with the same brush.

    I said nothing about Rossi, you have Rossi on the brain. I was addressing the concept of overunity energy production using a cold method.