AlainCo Tech-watcher, admin
  • Male
  • from Villejuif
  • Member since Feb 9th 2014

Posts by AlainCo

    EDIT: I mixed with another application, sorry Lou :/

    I just fall on an EU patent EP2656350, based on a US patent no US1166992

    I found however only that US patent application
    "Method of generating non-ionizing radiation or non-ionizing He4 using graphene based materials"

    It is just examinated by EPO.

    It propose a method to produce He4 from LENR in graphene with D2 gas.
    The description of experimental results is interesting.
    The author are Christopher and William COOPER.

    There is a very nice French article about "Digotal Revolution", supporting the idea that Digotal is not the important fact, like electricity is not the secret of Telsla or Uber.

    I imagine there is similar English article... if Someone can find one, I hope there is many people reminding us that technology ion a revolution is just the support medium, not the real revolution. Revolution is breaking the old rules.…-disruptions-3c10f3299002


    LENR will , like electricity, oil, digital, 3D printers, graphene, allow new products, new way to serve the user, new organizations...
    It is there that most of the added value will came.

    Maybe it explains what Gaël Giraud says when he says energy impact growth to 60% and not 10% as most says. Impact of a technology revolution is mostly not technical.

    Insanity is useful to hunt blackswan.
    Question is more on the budget, and on not hunting many other cheaper blackswan.

    The problem with hotfusion is that because it have a theory (that says it is nearly impossible, but not totally in theory), it looks rational.
    The work of lockheed martin compact fusion is what hot fusion research should be.
    Be crazy, or be annoying, but not in between.

    From Cold Fusion Now

    What Bill gates said is that he invested no money from his foundation in that technology assessment, but his own personal money.

    What Woodford fund manage said is that they did "due dilligence " since 2.5 years and we see they invested 50M$ in [lexicon]IH[/lexicon].

    What Darden have done is investing 11M$ in Rossi to get some "right" on his technology.
    What Darden have done is negociate with Chinese authority to create a technology transfer including a chapter on NiH LENR.
    What Darden have said is to have funded Rossi only after TPR1 (Ferara) and his own test done by independent experts.

    What LENR-Invest have done is making due dilligence before investing in Brillouin, and saying that those who express interest and respect NDA can see the report.

    The Western academic consensus is the one you support, that there is no reality in what is happening and media.

    What those people have done is not coherent with that consensus, and they have done it while knowing it was not a consensus, and you can imagine easily the double checked everything.

    The Japanese authorities consider that LENr is worth making research program.
    So think the Chinese.
    The Indian scientist of BARC initially considered that LENr was a reality that USA tried to prevent other countries to benefit.
    Then they considered they were just stupid, but since they are controlling the academic bodies and scientific journals who decide on who is respectable, they decided to stop.

    Now you can imagine you are smarter than they are all together, each independently.
    I would not bet on it.

    The results of the 22 Russian conference on cold nuclear transmutation and ball lightning

    В пансионате Дагомыс г. Сочи осенью этого года прошла ежегодная Российская конференция по холодной трансмутации ядер и шаровой молнии (РХТЯиШМ22), организатором которой бессменно вот уже более 20 лет выступает Юрий Николаевич Бажутов. На конференции было зарегистрировано около 45 специалистов, из них трое представляли Италию, Францию и Казахстан. Двое представителей российского отделения «Ниссан» практически слово в слово передавали в “on-line” режиме всю информацию по докладам в штаб-квартиру «Ниссан». Смотрелось это впечатляюще.
    В общей сложности были представлены около 40 докладов. Большая часть презентаций докладов выложена на сайте:

    Понятие холодной трансмутации ядер идентично понятию низко-энергетические ядерные реакции (НЭЯР), под которыми понимаются ядерные реакции с низким порогом энергии их инициации с выделением избытка энергии того же порядка, что и в традиционно понимаемых ядерных реакциях.


    On E-cat World, a comment by builtitnow reports precision from Robert Godes…lease/#comment-2387825410

    many data for replicators, and some to close speculations, and some to open forgotten directions.

    Paragraph 0071 talk of a possible stainless steel reactor chamber, insulated with refractory material from the electric heating coils.
    This paragraph also explains many possible control methods, including waveform changes and SSM.
    It talks also of ceramic chamber that trasmit EM energy differently from Steel, to the fuel... so EM may transfer heat (simply).
    temperature is said from 250 to 1200C (not 1400?)
    0081 talks also of stainless steel chamber

    in 0078 there is reference to some "exemplary reactive material", discussed in patent US2011/0005506 by Rossi, US2013/0243143 by mastromatteo, US2011/0255645 tby Zawodny, US 8485791 by Cravens, EU2368252B1 by Piantelli, FI2012/051171 by Soininen, and some articles by Campari&al, Celani, Thermacore, ...

    0082 talk of Durapot(TM)810 refractory material.

    The claims themselves don't bring much new data.

    Too bad the the report is available on demand with some NDA (what kind?).
    This is due diligence for investment.

    The notion of third party is to question here.
    In a way any third party that invest after the test can be considered non-third-party, but It seems absurd to say it reduce the credibility to invest after the test done while you were not yet investor.

    In a way a physicist that replicate an experiment, and continue working on the subject is said to be "member of the club of the believer". This is a catch-22 fallacy.

    To be honest I would be more convinced by a test done by engineers, in industrial chemistry. The profile of the testers seems nearer to that, than usual physicist.

    Anyway NDA is a problem for public credibility, but investment fund only have to convince investors, not the public. Money talks.

    The competence required for good calorimetry is not nuclear physics.
    I would say, from past "experiences", that this competence is more a problem here.
    "Applied" is what we need for this kind of measurement.

    I put much hope in that sentence:
    "The tests, in which 95 channels of data were recorded and then investigated, included multiple technical changes to validate the thermodynamic results."

    Note that here the report is more than independent, it is done to protect one's investment.
    If they are wrong, they lose their money.

    I hope this will help to close conspiracy theory...

    Where is the report itself?

    I discovered from the Chinese LENR site, this announce on Cold Fusion Times by NanorTech (Hagelstein&Swartz):

    The document don't seems new, but this is reviewed. Maybe is it time to reread the articles.

    I just found that stanish article, that is difficult for me to understand, when an artist " Esa J. Ruoho" is said funding MFMP…n-of-goods-estilo-propio/

    Para finalizar, una mención sobre los proyectos futuros. Esa J. Ruoho dedica una parte del dinero recaudado por “Lexicon of Goods” al proyecto Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, un equipo de investigación centrado en trabajar con reacciones nucleares a bajas energías (LENR) del cual, quizá, sepamos algo más sobre la marcha, pues la intención de Lackluster es crear melodías generadas e influenciadas por las ondas electromagnéticas que producen estos equipos. Justamente en este punto el autor del artículo se pregunta¿Dónde están los límites del género IDM? Quien teclea no lo sabe, pero parece que dentro del estilo propio y las características de un género concreto no existen fronteras; y, de existir fronteras, el Embajador del Norte está trabajando en ellas.

    Finally, a mention on future projects. J. Ruoho that dedicates a portion of the money raised by "Lexicon of Goods" to the project Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project , a research team focused on working with nuclear reactions at low energies (LENR) which, perhaps , know something more on the go therefore intended to create Lackluster is generated and influenced by electromagnetic waves produced by these melodies equipment. Precisely at this point the author of the article wonders where are the boundaries of the genre IDM? Who typed do not know, but it seems that within the style and characteristics of a particular genre there are no borders; and, if any borders, Ambassador North is working on them.

    Maybe it is more clear to a Spanish reader?

    Hydroton is not a catalyst, but in Ed Storms theory the crack are geometric catalyst, which lower coulombic barrier.

    Note about co-deposition that it seems to be a nanostructured material, where components like hydroton and cracks may be synthetized.
    I won't be surprised if the NAE is not an hydroton in a crack, but something 1D or 2D in some slightly different environment. Hydroton is one of the only speculation of Ed. the rest of his theory is just Occam razor assumption and elimination of the impossible under those assumptions.

    The best way to find an LENR theory is not to look for a detailed "story telling" of how it works.
    I think it would be more productive to find the characteristic of the "animals" in that story.

    Ed propose a "NAE" animal.

    For me one key characteristic of LENr, to confirm, is the huge preference for low energy outcome.
    Low energy radiations, low energy isotopes.
    This mean that the reaction does not works like hot fusion by overcoming a high energy barrier, but the opposite way.

    For me, based on what I read in various papers, and what I did not read, it seems LENR is like filling a barrel from the bottom, until a floating ball can get out.

    Ed propose a quantum mechanism where a Schrödinger cat NAE radiates energy from the possible pep fusion. This is compatible with that idea...

    Maybe is it premature to talk of crack and hydroton ?
    I would talk of an animal.
    This animal is lasy, avoiding to radiate energy quickly...

    This animal is insulated from chemistry or it would obey usual rules preventing high energy concentration and LENR.

    Alternative to hydroton, I may consider something inspired by [lexicon]WLS theory[/lexicon], with a 2-D schrodinger cat NAE, or why not a fractal network NAE like the one discovered recently to explain HTSC.