Nichenergy S.r.l Italy agreed to joining the Ecosystem developed by LENR-Cities

    • Official Post

    Today, the team of LENR-Cities published a news about Nichenergy joining their ecosystem. Nichenergy is the LENR startup founded by professor Francesco Pianteli, one of the key scientist around Nickel-Hydrogen energy, and owner of a patent.


    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

    • Official Post

    I hope this patent is good and can allow an alternative to E-cat (competition is good, especially if people prefer to run forward than attack). It can attract other researchers, and industrialists who may expect to found improvements and application on this basics.

    a patent alone is often not much, but a portfolio of patents and a team to apply them to real problems is worth billions.

    Imagine if there are many various LENr reactors flourishing like E-cat, Brillouin HHT, Nichergy improved by LC scientists, and why not newcomers...

    Future will say.

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