It has been several years now that I have been following the LENR phenomenon. Sometimes I ask myself why I do it? The truth of the matter is that it is a no-lose situation. If it is real: fantastic! If it is bull: it gave you something to read and ponder for the past few years. I mean let's face it, you log on in the morning, grab your coffee or tea or what-have-you, and check out what is happening on the internet. E-catworld is a stop you make just like a dog visits his favorite bush when you take him on a walk. You visit e-catworld just to see what new phenomenon comes up in the world of hope and promises. If ever there comes a day when LENR becomes serious or Rossi fesses up that his wife made him do it in hopes of some big payola scam or that he just faked all this to get away from his wife in Italy and have an excuse to stay with his mistress in NC or whatever would come up to end the charade it would be a dark day. There would be one less site to frequent and check up on on a daily basis.

LENR as entertainment
It has been 50+ years since I started the Fiberfrax/NiO/H2 reaction in my lab. and have been following posts since then. It has been entertaining.
Too bad the e-cat scenario has such a strangle hold on internet discussions. Nanoscale NiO fusion is real but the world economy is not ready for this promise of free energy. So let's keep talking, being entertained and using oil for energy.
LENR is a lot of fun, sure.
I have a feeling I keep laughing for a long, long time to the future.
Did you hear the one about Rossi's outsource plans? Frank goads him to show more. There is no kimono left to uncover. So the show turns into wild stunts. That's not enough for Frank. So what can you do? Just when you think it can't get more zany e-catworld comes up with another jaw dropper.
From another barrel, I was just wondering who is this man Darden and what is the [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] story? If I were to guess by just looking at the industry niche that they were in I would say they are a firm that gets things done when going through the official channels like everyone else will result in a rejection. In other words an envelope under the table 21st century style. As Darden retires and has discussions with St. Peter about what's next he is instructed to go back and do something good with the loot. So he meets up with Rossi and invests in a cure-all technology that will undo the global warming and climate change damage. Gotta say, LENR has some wonderful bedfellows!
It has been 50+ years since I started the Fiberfrax/NiO/H2 reaction in my lab. and have been following posts since then. It has been entertaining.
Too bad the e-cat scenario has such a strangle hold on internet discussions. Nanoscale NiO fusion is real but the world economy is not ready for this promise of free energy. So let's keep talking, being entertained and using oil for energy.
This is news to me. What power levels are we talking about? Is input power required? Web site(s)? Thanks.
The experiment was to check the stability of nickelous oxide paint in hydrogen at 1000 C. I was asked by management to verify that the material would maintain color as a ceramic paint. My Variac/transformer would just meet this requirement. At 830 C. thermal run away occurred and the tube housing the alumina FiberFrax/NiO melted. I now realize that what had occurred was simply hydrogen fusion. Gas chromatography indicated a small increase in helium after flow through the operating reactor.
After 50 years this fusion it's still inconclusive because of the focus on nickel with various impurity levels leading to trial and error results. Instead nickelous oxide suspension on alumina fiberfrax will give very good repeat ability. The NiO particles must be submicron in size.
All my posts are on this forum.
@AlainCo I see your page about EmDrive (Propelantless microwave resonant reactor by Roger Shawyer) : resonnant microwaves in a waveguide have not exactly opposite thrust effects on positive protons and negative electrons because electrons are moving (at first approximation).
The theory is interesting and even suggests that "This is a strong indication that gravitational acceleration is an electromagnetic effect" p 4. Another experiment supprises me some years ago when a dispersion in statistic revealed that there are only 3 forces: strong, weak and electromagnetic. Then what is the gravity, a force or not ? With the EmDrive we have 2 experiments which state that gravity is not a force but a consequence of others forces, probably the electromagnetic force.
This seems have nothing to do with LENR, but LENR theory is to write and could interact with these concepts to complete our understanding of the physic. -
Newton and cohorts saddled us with this notion of "gravity" after misinterpreting their observation of falling. Didn't bother to really explain why its an acceleration.
Unsupported objects seem to fall because of matter expansion. This action is needed in stellar fusion to cause the proton interaction. In nanoscale fusion the catalyst serves to reduce the p to p spacing for fusion to occur.
My brain can not wrap around the concept of a direct pulling force, to me all fundamental forces must be pushing. An expanding universe at the smallest scale might be a solution but better yet is the concept of a default pressure like Zero Point Energy, see
"A major implication of the new model, is that the Strong force is understood to be an ultra-close range Casimir Effect, that literally holds the nucleus together from the outside by virtue of the continuous, impelling force from the photon, radiation pressure of the Zero-Point Field energy, estimated to be >1018 kPa, rather than the conventional view of internal “glue” like bonding."
The earth we're standing on is pushing us. If we move into outer space we float around unless we use centrifugal force to exert a push. At this point in evolution I doubt that anyone has brain power capable to wrap around these basic effects. Instead we come up with terms to mask the ignorance.
@AlainCo I see your page about EmDrive (Propelantless microwave resonant reactor by Roger Shawyer) : resonant microwaves in a waveguide have not exactly opposite thrust effects on positive protons and negative electrons because electrons are moving (at first approximation).
The theory is interesting and even suggests that "This is a strong indication that gravitational acceleration is an electromagnetic effect" p 4. Another experiment supprises me some years ago when a dispersion in statistic revealed that there are only 3 forces: strong, weak and electromagnetic. Then what is the gravity, a force or not ? With the EmDrive we have 2 experiments which state that gravity is not a force but a consequence of others forces, probably the electromagnetic force.
This seems have nothing to do with LENR, but LENR theory is to write and could interact with these concepts to complete our understanding of the physic.Its an application of the special theory of relativity and Maxwell's electromagnetic equations. There are no new conjectures about antigravity, caismnir force machines that make energy for nothing or other dimensions. His innovation came from the work on the superconducting supercollider. The huge magnetic forces on that machine were bending it out of shape and he realized the same forces could be used to propel rockets.
Huge magnetic forces do more than bend machines. Check out some of the published material from the German work on "Die Glocke" during the Second World War. Also results from the Philadelphia Experiment that also involved magnetic force. Real crackpot stuff.
About gravity, this link gravitational constant and ... virtual particles says in the pdf: "neutron lifetime can be related to Newton’s gravitational constant, G ... computed with greater accuracy than today’s experiments".
And this one Theoretical feasibility of cold fusion according to the BSM-Supergravitation unified theory says "a deeper understanding of the nuclear reactions and, more particularly, the possibility for modification of the Coulomb barrier". -
Thank Rical for the references on modification of the Coulomb barrier.
The nickelous oxide reactor fusion experiment that I performed did not require any modification to theory. The atomic array of the catalyst establishes spacing that overcome the repulsive force. No new physics required in this reaction, it's simply the stellar form of fusion. The stability of the nickelous valence at the critical 830 C allows the structure to interact with hydrogen resulting in fusion. The implication of this source of free energy should establish candidacy for a Nobel prize but no one seems to recognize me.
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