On another thread colwin wrote:
Mary Yugo wrote:
"This week" eh? Long week...Possibly it has been received already, yet you prefer to suppress it, because it doesn't fit your unique narrative, à la Gary Wright?Or possibly you won't be around here long enough to publish it? Two strikes already by my count... Although maybe that's the plan, to save face?
In reality what has happened is that under the shiny new LENR Forum censorship policy Mary Yugo has been banned (though this fact, or the reasons for it, have not as far as I know been disclosed here).
Now I can understand many here being thoroughly annoyed by Mary's posts. She (I respect internet pseudonyms) propagates her strong views that free energy is full of scams, adduces scam on evidence less than most people would, and argues her case forcefully and without tact.
On the other hand her posts are cogent and contain real information. Lose her, and you lose it.
In this case, she has just recently received the FOIA report on what TEG devices were or were not tested for Rossi at U of Austin. I know a number of people here were interested in the topic. Alas she is now banned and therefore cannot post it.
Internet forums are the last and best place for dictatorships. The owner has full control. That is proper - no-one has to read or post to a forum, if you don't like one forum's policy you can start your own.
I'm resigned to the fact that if my posts here cross that "annoyance threshold" I will get banned. What I'm not going to do is moderate, by even one iota, what I post. Personally, I am confident that I post what I think true as I see it and fair comment, and while I argue forcefully, when others present contrary evidence I listen and if it is cogent accept it. And I do that relatively politely. If i step beyond fair comment I'll fess up and apologise. But if I start to moderate my expressed views for fear of banning I might as well not be here. I have previously expressed admiration for Alain who here I thought epitomised the best of French intellectual culture - a love of ideas and robust debate without fear, favour, or censorship. MYs banning does not seem to me consistent with that.
I'm actually more against trolls than most here. I think sitting on internet forums cheerleading for one side or making snide remarks is lowest of the low - while I probably do it occasionally on off days it is not something I approve of.
Mary is not a troll, just someone with strong and inflammatory views very different from the majority here. Redeemed by her interest in facts, as evidenced by her FOIA result.
If you prefer to stay in a bubble untroubled by contrary facts, however untactfully they are wrapped, then I'm sorry.