Roger Green and what do they prepare

    • Official Post

    Roger Green is an old character around E-cat, who claims to be a licensee (probably in Australia?) since long...

    He create website

    but today I see him as
    as CEO of "Eco Global Fuels Limited", said "E-cat licensee".

    this company however is in biofuel
    but seems to move to E-cat :


    “ My life and passion for the last ten years has been directed towards renewable energy systems. Our modern civilization keeps moving due to the gigawatts of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy it consumes on a daily basis, usually from fossil fuels. The Ecat technology represents an opportunity to reshape the energy landscape around the world. It provides an environmentally friendly source of very clean low cost energy, that has the potential to have a serious impact on our society and emerging third world communities. In the near future I can envision cars, trains, spacecraft, desalination, houses, industry, food production and local power stations being supplied energy by the Ecat Technology. Welcome to the future - a New Era of Energy Production ”

    Roger Green CEO Eco Global Fuels Limited - Ecat Licensee

    Does anybody have more data about Roger Green and this story ?

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

    • Official Post

    Just in case people did not fllow Rossi, he clearly stated that there is nobody else LENARDO CORPORATIOn who can claim a licen on this territory.
    He advise people to contact him (LEONARDO CORPORATION) about any commercial proposal on E-cat.

    I think you can conclude yourself :thumbdown: about what is that offer.

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