Something Really Bothers Me About the @ApcoWorldwide #LENR Connection!

  • To read the deep history and extent of big tobacco's "war on truth", and the extent to which that approach arises in the aftermath of WWII from the absorption of Axis power propagandists and German social research into the post war world of "engineered consent" for all kinds of other risks over the decades, take a look at Dr. Devra Davis' The Secret History of the War on Cancer.

  • That's why MFMP and alike groups (even this Forum) are very important to inform the mankind. This is also an emulsion to replicate and and spread the knowledge around the world. If we can have a recipe which can work and easily shared then we will be stronger than APCO.

  • APCO, a previous century manipulator, can try to apply obsolete tools to fabricate opinion, but LENR's cat has long since made its way out of the bag. It may placate the powers that be, but will fail to slow LENR's destiny. The difference that shapes this change: the internet; information exchange. Do not fret too much about these particular purveyors of opinion, they are already overcome by events.

  • That's why MFMP and alike groups (even this Forum) are very important to inform the mankind. This is also an emulsion to replicate and and spread the knowledge around the world. If we can have a recipe which can work and easily shared then we will be…

    I think the APCO conspiracy theory in no means is a worst case scenario, should it turn out to be true.

    / Pro Bono*^^*


  • Do not fret too much about these particular purveyors of opinion, they are already overcome by events.

    The tools provided by the internet and social media, may appear at first to benefit minority and foster up-and-coming opinions and worldviews. Unfortunately, those tools are also easily subverted to the interests of the powers that be. Propaganda is a latin word describing the actions of one of the earliest "state actors" to further their percieved or dogmatized interests. The process and utilization of the tools of propaganda by other names and motives long predates the "Church" and the terminology. It will doubtless continue until the end of human societies and perhaps beyond.

    In short: And as an "old guy" I warn that it is never wise to ignore the process of manipulated "opinion shaping" or how it is evolving.

    • Official Post

    I knew this would happen. One day after the ECW countdown clock for the ERVs report ended, and one month after the 1 year test ended, nothing released, so off we go into worldwide conspiracies! :)

    I'm not a big fan of those. Very difficult to suppress something that has this potential. If the test results are positive, my guess is that it will be leaked out soon. Someone will crack, or feel duty bound to humanity to get the word out. I would in their shoes.

  • @Longview
    The present Internet battle between Add-blockers and websites that use income from ads "in order to exist" or remain viable will expose the ugly underbelly of how the Internet really works. Websites are now beginning to block traffic and IP addresses, and even sharing this info to other sites, of those who block advertisements.

  • Самое страшное - добыча нефти и воды , которые служат в качестве крови в человеке. На планете начал резко ослабляя гравитационное и магнитное поле Земли планета погибает. Новый генератор энергии Tarasenko необходимо. Это даст НЛО и космических кораблей.

  • The whole idea is to get the establishment interested in LENR and start making reactors by the millions, otherwise we will have a greenhouse climate disaster.
    What does he want to keep it secret? LENR supporters have been angry a long time that the powers that be suppressed LENR and refused to fund it. Now they will fund it and everybody will benefit.

    • Official Post

    the PTB that opposed LENR for long
    are first, US academics, followed by editors and media, then by politicians.

    In France, CEA and CNRS forbide employee to work on LENr even out of work time.
    Mean while engineer school like CNAM hosted Jacques Dufor to make experiments funded by Shell.

    we should be careful in naming who are the evil PTB, because they are not the usual witch, but the popular priest everybody love in the media (and the media).

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