Just read that Industrial Heat/Cherokee say Rossi's eCAT never worked

  • http://www.bizjournals.com/tri…-cold-fusion-startup.html

    What do we think of this? The suit clearly says it passed a validation test, yet the statement from [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] in this article says that [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] worked for more than three years to substantiate Rossi's results and failed to do so. Interested in what everyone thinks. New to this forum.

  • I guess you are new to Rossi's tests. They show positive results but then (usually) an issue is noticed that would cause a large positive error. Also Rossi has always until [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] refused to hand over devices for external testing under non-Rossi conditions.

    Many people have nevertheless believed Rossi was for real. [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] have I guess had enough of Rossi claiming stuff works when they can't see this. It will not have helped that the Lugano test error is now known and definite.

    [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] bought in and had a lot invested in Rossi's stuff working. This must be a great disappointment.

  • Stage diva said " Interested in what everyone thinks"

    Business is messy.. like war.. the truth is surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.
    I was just wondering how much Cherokee runs through Darden's veins

    bizjournals also ran this article about Cherokee
    fined 100,000 and paid back 455698
    guess they lost that one in court


    definitely needs courts to sort out [lexicon]IH[/lexicon]-rossi suit with 89000000
    all speculation is rather interesting but ultimately futile until the court decides
    meantime research in LENR continues in hundreds of underfinanced labs as it has done for quarter of a century
    viva la science

  • A bit heartbreaking. Am I wrong in believing that independent verification of Hot-Cat results has demonstrated that real potential remains for LENR? I guess I'll keep waiting with bated breath.

  • That article on Darden's settlement seems utterly unrelated to the [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] story. I would counter that it's as relevant as Rossi's conviction of tax fraud. What is relevant is the science, and without a published report, all you have is allegations in a lawsuit and poorly sketched diagrams. I guess what I am asking is if anyone has any knowledge of this report allegedly prepared by the end of March? Because that's the point of contention here. You'd think the report itself would be included as an exhibit. The patents don't make any sense either. The more I read on this thread and in what's publicly available, the more I doubt Rossi's legitimacy here.

  • Quote

    Am I wrong in believing that independent verification of Hot-Cat results has demonstrated that real potential remains for LENR?

    Yes, afraid so. Of course failure of the Rossi show does not tarnish genuine LENR attempts. They are where they would have been without the Rossi phenomena.

    (and some still believe Rossi is not a flake).

  • and some still believe Rossi is not a flake

    Most people who follow this story have read what [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] / Cherokee or their partners have said in the past, and know the tests they done, at least since today with this suit.

    and we are all seeing Vaughn telling the contrary, today,
    and he's not contradicting only himself...

    To see it clearly, remember what the [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] engineer Fulvio Fabiani, who followed the one year test for them, told at the end of 2015 : "I have seen things you people wouldn’t believe".

    So, at this stage of the story,
    Rossi seems to have all the cards in his hands (*),
    and [lexicon]Industrial Heat[/lexicon] / Cherokee seems to the wall...

    * But does not have shown them yet (but will for sure at least with the report, as he stated in his blog)

  • Quote

    and we are all seeing Vaughn telling the contrary, today,and he's not contradicting only himself...

    Are you sure? I think all the positive comment was about good things seen from Rossi's tests. I guess they have now worked out that they all, like Lugano, have built-in errors.

    They have had a reactor for a while to test themselves but when Rossi says it works they would take a long time before concluding it does not. They have to rule out that they are doing something wrong, etc. Maybe Rossi shows them his test, which works, and they have to work out why it has an error.

    So, if you can contradict this reading go for it!

  • Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. U don't have any clue but u speculate like one of the big guns...

  • Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. U don't have any clue but u speculate like one of the big guns...

    Care to make some alternate speculation? :) You need to find a comment from [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] that is positive about Rossi and can't be read as them being impressed (as many were) by Rossi's tests. If you can't find that its not speculation.

  • My alternate speculation is that [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] couldn't build their own working reactor either because they lack the skills/experience to do so; or because Rossi withheld some important details just in case they would screw him over.

    That would explain the "all without success" comment in the hypothesis that the Rossi did get the claimed results.

    This is also an ideal scenario for Rossi because that would mean that [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] will just get stuck trying to replicate just like Defkalion.

  • You think Rossi would not help [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] so that they refuse to pay him? Seems a bit unlikely... I get the impression Rossi wanted that $89M.

  • True. It's not exactly a pizza oven... But Fabiani should know how to work it for them.
    Actually, Rossi was contractually obligated to help [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] with it, ....if [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] had paid.

  • It appears Rossi was contractually obligated to help [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] make it work as soon as they made the $10M payment.

    So if he hasn't helped them enough for them to replicate / make it work on their own it appears they can claim Rossi breached contract first. If he didn't live up to his end of the bargain in transferring the know how, regardless of 1 year test results they're not going to give him the $89M (yet).

    That would actually explain why they're not out and out calling him a fraud, but are instead accusing him of breaching the contract. This does offer a slight glimmer of hope there's still something here (admittedly looking at this situation in as positive of a light as possible).

  • <a href="https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/index.php/User/1076-LENR-Calender/"> lenr Calender</a>
    <a href="https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/wiki/index.php/Entry/7-IH/">[lexicon]IH[/lexicon]</a> doesn't need to replicate. They own a 1MW reactor.

    I thought the 1MW reactor Rossi delivered is the one that was tested for a year.

  • What do you guys make of the "customer", identified as JM Chemical Products Inc (since renamed JM Products Inc), sharing its President with Leonardo Corp (Henry Johnson, who appears to be a lawyer for Rossi)?

    I've been looking for corporate tax records (or employment records) to see if this entity has ever even had income (i.e. produced/sold anything) or employed people, but can't find anything.

  • Yes but they still might need help getting it to work. The point is that Rossi had every motive to give them that help.

    Maybe Rossi got cold feet after he realized [lexicon]IH[/lexicon] was working with competitors, but kept on going with the full 1 year test even though the relationship was strained.

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