Seven Days of Hell for the E-Cat QuarkX (Hank Mills)

    • Official Post

    [feedquote='E-Cat World','']The following post has been submitted by Hank Mills Andrea Rossi is about to initiate a seven day long test of the E-Cat Quark X, the allegedly most advanced version of his Energy Catalyzer technology. He has said that the purpose of the test is to demonstrate the performance, dependability, and safety of the QuarkX […][/feedquote]

  • Quote

    Simply put, we’re on the verge of not needing reports from Andrea Rossi to confirm the awesome potential of the E-Cat technology.

    Sure! We don't even need to see tests! Why don't we all just send AR our paychecks as soon as he announces his NBT.

  • He actually said ten days for this, but I was actually making an obscure joke, connecting it to Rossi saying the Penon report would be published in "tenths of days".

    It's been quite a few tenths since the end of the test.

    He actually meant "tens" which is most likely the Italian equivalent of "several dozens"

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