The possible Role of Axions in LENR

  • Week ago shutdown core give unpleasant amounts of counts to Cu modified GM tube (and it have also "unreactive" fuel inside)..

    Without knowing what You realy did we can only speculate about the nature of Your radiation.

    Any Li7+H --> Be --> 2 Alphas can transmute Ni into Cu which radiates B+/-. Ni58 goes to Zn62 which has a half time of 9h, which is long enough for Your measurements.
    Also H* can freely travel through any confinement.
    If you use steel reactors, you also might encounter monople like particles. (To test this just leave an old Kodak film somewhere around in the room (one week) and develop it -and look for traces made of circles.)

    Myons are heavy electrons that react with a strong B-field. You might try to concentrate them...If a strong field doesn't change the particle count then they are of neutral nature of very heavy.

  • Reference:…s_Pretty_Good_Answers.pdf

    Wilczek explains what the axion field is and why it is so small in the color theory. The axion parameter in QCD is a measure of QCD excitement. QCD directs what the nucleus will do in a nuclear reaction. Like the Higgs field, the axion field once produced an excited state of QCD and over time that excitement in the nucleus has reduced to near zero. Now, the nucleus is in its lowest energy state. THis low energy condition has produced a state of QCD superconductivity to set in.

    This superconductivity protects the nucleus from EMF and keeps out EMF photons through the meissner effect. The low energy state and QCD superconductivity keeps the CP violation from occurring. The color force processes work all the time with no symmetry breaking.

    My thinking goes as follows. If a sufficiently strong magnetic field is applied to the nucleus, the QCD superconductivity will breakdown and the QCD will become excited, the axion field will become non zero, and CP violation will occur.

  • Any Li7+H --> Be --> 2 Alphas can transmute Ni into Cu which radiates B+/-. Ni58 goes to Zn62 which has a half time of 9h, which is long enough for Your measurements.

    Zn62 61.934330 -> ~9h Cu62 61.932584 -> ~9min Ni62 61.9283451 both give positrons so 500kev gammas plus braking radiation from lost mass. May affect GM tube, but Cu shield should drop amount, not increase. Ok, not tested without Cu pipe shield.

    Btw. have you fact about alphas transmute Ni58 to Ni62?
    4.00260325415 + 57.9353429 - 61.9283451= 0.009601, how this energy is rejected from Zn62?


    Also H* can freely travel through any confinement.

    What it is? Google dosn't know.. Is it real?


    If you use steel reactors, you also might encounter monople like particles. (To test this just leave an old Kodak film somewhere around in the room (one week) and develop it -and look for traces made of circles.)

    I think particle traces should use cloud chamber. Maybe need build one, there seems exist simpler/cheaper examples as expanding chamber. Only need temperature gradient and some propanol..
    Do you have time to look/harvest chamber videos? They are quite boring for me..


    Myons are heavy electrons that react with a strong B-field. You might try to concentrate them...If a strong field doesn't change the particle count then they are of neutral nature of very heavy.

    Muons are not electrons. React B fields yes, gyro radius should calculate, just forgot equations, maybe 15years ago used once.. Results may not do happy, may need some 100tons steel to keep them circulating inside until decay.…ity_in_the_CMS_Steel_Yoke

    Maybe need rethink things I think I push/store too much energy in NAE's so it escape to muons. It explain sometimes mystically disappearing energy (up 30w) from system.. And I think I was supporting low energy level to reactor.. It is thecnically easy to increase 100-1000x level then materials start to limit.. If it go linear in NAE's then 100Gev energy level posible?

  • Zn62 61.934330 -> ~9h Cu62 61.932584 emits -9.181066 MeV positron ?

    Almost. The positron shares the momentum of the decay with the neutrino and the recoil nucleus. The positrons will on average have around 1/3 the Q value of that decay (~ 3 MeV). Then of course there's the two 511 keV annihilation photons when the decay positron slows down and encounters an electron (which you mentioned).

  • Quote…gnetar-dark-particle.html
    Team simulates a magnetar to seek dark matter particle

    Science is looking for the axion, the boson that carries the force that generates the CP violation in the proton and the neutron. When CP symmetry is broken the nucleons will decay into strange matter mesons. This reaction is foundational to the LENR reaction.

    The toroidal coil pictured above produces a monopole magnetic field. The experiment is hoping to induce the axion force in the field lines produced by this special coil. These monopole field lines allow the magnetic field lines to be twisted thus producing excitation in the nucleons. Magnetic dipole fields do not make twisting field lines easy. Dipole magnetic field lines are continuous and unbroken, forming closed loops. Magnetic field lines are defined to begin on the north pole of a magnet and terminate on the south pole. Dipole magnetic field lines don't have any open ends to twist but monopole flux lines can twist and rotate.

    If axions show up in this type of experiment using a monopole coil, LENR can then be produced on the macro scale using buildable hardware.

    The current state of the LENR reaction is derived from metalized hydrogen that produces the twisted monopole flux lines from the spin waves that cover the crystals surface. The strength of this nano field is truly huge and the unique quantum mechanical nature of the metalized hydride crystal gives LENR its unprecedented characteristics.

    This experiment should work since rare earth magnets produce enough magnetic field strength to produce detectable excess heat.

    It is ironic that any effort to detect axions is actually at its heart LENR research.

    Edited 6 times, last by axil ().

  • The posit of this post is that anisotropic magnets produce the LENR reaction because the unbalanced field lines being a monopole field produces magnetic field lines that tend to be twisted thus producing excitation in the nucleons via CP symmetry breaking. Their Color force having been excited by twisting magnetic field lines, the proton and neutron will decay under the influence of the weak force.

    These monopole field lines allow the magnetic field lines to be twisted thus producing excitation in the nucleons. Magnetic dipole fields do not make twisting field lines easy. Dipole magnetic field lines are continuous and unbroken, forming closed loops. Magnetic field lines are defined to begin on the north pole of a magnet and terminate on the south pole. Dipole magnetic field lines don't have any open ends to twist but monopole flux lines can twist and rotate.

    As a set up for this post here is info About Neodymium Magnets(NIB)

    Overview of the operating properties of Neodymium magnets.

    Neodymium magnets (also known as rare earth, Neo, NIB or NdFeB magnets) were invented in 1982 and are the strongest type of magnets.

    There are two basic ways that NIB magnets are made: sintered and bonded.

    Sintered NIB magnets have the highest strength but are limited to relatively simple geometries and can be brittle. They are made by pressure forming the raw materials into blocks, which then go through a complex heating process. The block is then cut to shape and coated to prevent corrosion. Sintered magnets are typically anisotropic, which means they have a preference for the direction of their magnetic field. Rare earths align the spin of the magnetic metal in a preferred direction or "grain" Magnetizing a magnet against the “grain” will reduce the strength of the magnet by up to 50%. So commercially available magnets are always magnetized in the preferred direction of magnetization.

    Bonded NIB magnets are typically about half as strong as sintered magnets but are less expensive and can be made into almost any size and shape. Raw materials are mixed with epoxy as a binder, pressed into a die cavity and heat cured. Bonded magnets are isotropic, which means they don’t have a “grain” or a natural preference for the direction of their magnetic field.

    For example, Dennis Cravens Golden balls

    "To assure a strong magnetic field in the active material the spheres contain a ground samarium cobalt (Sm2Co7) magnet, which stays magnetized at higher temperatures. This was powdered and the powder is mostly random but it should provide a strong magnetic field within the sample. "The Sm2Co7 magnet produces the required anisotropic magnetic field lines(monopole like magnetic field).

    Deuterium is used as the gas envelope

    Here is a visualization that demonstrates that rare earth magnets produce vortex twisting of their magnetic field lines whereas dipole magnets do not produce magnetic vortex spinning field lines.

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    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Rossi uses mica as a separator between the heater and the fuel. I beleive that the mica generates vortex rotation in the dipole magnetic fields that the heater produces. An experiment can be done to verify this theory. Will MFMP, LookingForHeat, or any independent experimentor support an very simple and uncomplicated experiment to verify this posit based on this experimental setup shown in the video:

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    where a thin sheet of mica is placed on the dipole electromagnet.

    The mica could a mask that produces a vortex of bubbles by filtering the magnetic field generated by the dipole electromagnet.

    • Official Post

    An Austrian physicist, Felix Ehrenhaft did a lot of work on the topic of magnetic currents/vortices. You might like to read about it. Here's a taster.

    "Ehrenhaft’s discovery of these magnetic ions refuted Ampere’s hypothesis that the effects of a magnet can be substituted by circular electric currents. Ampere’s electromagnets have two poles. Ehrenhaft showed that some particles behave like monopoles. To substantiate his claim that he had discovered magnetic ions, and thus magnetic current, he set out to show that magnetic current could produce the same effect as electric current --- that the magnetic current would cause electric ions to rotate around it in line of circular force.
    Like electric ions or current, magnetic ions would do chemical work.If he is right, the process of electrolysis, or decomposing water using electric poles (that had proven the existence of electric ions) could be made to happen in a magnetic field, thereby achieving magnetolysis and proving magnetic current by the same criteria.To accomplish that experimentally, Ehrenhaft set up an electromagnet with soft iron poles that faced into dilute sulfuric acid, electrically insulated from the iron magnet core (See Figure 2). As one observer noted:

    "When a little electric current was applied, the dilute acid was, of course, electrolyzed, and streams of bubbles rose from the poles. These bubbles, naturally, were electrically charged; the poles from which they evolved were charged. If the magnetic current existed, and if it could be made to flow from pole to pole through the acid solution, then the bubbles should, on the basis of theory, go into rotation around the unseen magnetic current.

    "When the electromagnet was turned on, the rising bubbles instantly and violently twisted into a rapid rotation --- rapid and violent to be far beyond any question of accidental eddies of liquid convection or anything else. Reversing the magnetic current stopped the rotation then started it equally rapidly in the opposite direction".

  • Regarding the unexplained behaviors listed above in the article:

    A alnico 5 magnet was most likely used in these experiments. This type of magnet is anisotropic and will produce vortex bubble motion as rare earth magnets do.

    Hydrogen bubbles formed by electrical decomposition most likely include hydrogen clusters that carry a monopole magnetic charge. These bubbles will act as monopoles even though they carry quasiparticles of hydrogen.

    An experiment to run in order to check out the magnetic polarity of these hydrogen bubbles is it first produce the bubbles using an electromagnet totally disconnected from the rare earth NEB magnet then allow the bubbles to float up a short distance to the separated NEB magnet and look for the direction of vortex motion. The NEB magnet must not be part of the electrode that produces the hydrogen bubbles.

    A quantity of hydrogen produced by a NEB electrode will all be polarized in the same direction. Using this magnetically polarized hydrogen in a LENR cell might be advantageous because the formation of a Bose condinsate would be greatly facilitated. The spin direction of the rydberg hydrogen matter as it was polarized during its creation would all be the same.

    I wonder if cavitation bubbles produced by a low powered piezoelectric pressure transducer would also show polarization of spin if produced using a NEB magnet in contact with the transducer. This would indicate that water crystals were formed during cavitation.

    Edited 4 times, last by axil ().

  • The neodymium magnets easily corrode, which would be followed with formation of hydrogen bubbles and electrochemical currents. After then the magnetohydrodynamic effect will apply and the fluid around magnet will rotate. No esoteric difference of neodym magnets from normal ones is required here.

  • The neodymium magnets easily corrode, which would be followed with formation of hydrogen bubbles and electrochemical currents. After then the magnetohydrodynamic effect will apply and the fluid around magnet will rotate. No esoteric difference of neodym magnets from normal ones is required here.

    Neodymium magnets are sealed from corrosion at manufacture.

  • As pointed out, corrosion is a real problem. Best prevented in a wet system by coating the magnet with epoxy.

    The reason to bring up the characteristics of magnets is not to engineer a LENR system based on magnets, but to reduce the variables in the LENR theory to the bare minimum as exemplified by the Cravens ball reactor which uses only a magnet, charcoal and deuterium. With all the theoretical underbrush removed, it seems to be possible to penetrate the LENR reaction to its core...that core being magnetic effects on the nucleus of the atom.

    The reaction in the golden ball does not require shock, pressure change, EMF stimulation and the other dozens of reaction complications that confuse the LENR reaction issue. There is a simple reductionist experimental process that can allow for an amateur scientist to penetrate deeply into the mysteries of LENR with simple equipment and the proper use of reductionist logic.

    The Cravens golden ball has fascinated me as a theoretical outlier but as the simplest LENR reactor, and the most fundamental.

    With the underpinning of the Cravens golden ball theory in hand; all other LENR theory can be analyzed under its revelations.

  • I looked up some old vortex posts and found this


    The bulk of the material inside the active sphere is activated charcoal (carbon). The charcoal has a mesh of between 1350 and 2000 (micro mesh screening of 6 to 10 microns) with some larger pieces. That was selected to match the 8.2 micron peak wavelength of black body radiation at 80°C [i.e., spectral radiance of about 0.02 W/(cm2 · sr· µm)]. The charcoal’s pores holding the metal alloy are nominally 9 nm. These were held to the inside wall of the sphere by first applying a black vinyl solution while rotating the balls. In previous lab experiments a ceramic material was used. The vinyl was quick and easy and appears to work at 80°C. The metal alloy is palladium and gold. Palladium is good at holding a lot of deuterium and the gold lowers the energy of vacancy of formation. It is those vacancies where much of the action occurs. The general rule of thumb is that if you alloy with something softer and with a lower melting point you lower the energy of vacancy of formation, its Debye temperature and its Curie points. It also interferes with the crystal structure of the major metal in the alloy and produces voids where atoms should be. These are the important vacancies mentioned. These voids provide places for hydrogen or deuterium to accumulate, but you want to form tight quarters for them.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Ed Storms:


    “The NAE in my theory are cracks of a especially small gap size that are generated by stress relief in the material. They permit formation of a structure that is able to lower the Coulomb barrier and dissipate the energy by emission of low energy photons from the nucleus. The theory shows how helium, tritium and deuterium are made by the fusion process, what conditions are required for the process to work, and identifies engineering variables that are needed to control the process. "

    What does high packing of hydrogen above 95% into a palladium lattice or into a porous nickel fuel particle do in the LENR process or the cracks and pits of any metal lattice?

    In the quantum mechanical world because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle(HUP), if an object's position becomes sharply defined then its momentum becomes highly uncertain, and vice versa. Thus, if we cool atoms down, the momentum of each atom decreases, and the quantum uncertainty of its position grows. Instead of being able to pinpoint where each atom is, we can now only see a blurry space somewhere within which the atom must be. At some point, the neighboring uncertain positions of nearby atoms start overlapping and the atoms lose their individual identities. Surprisingly, the distinct atoms become a single entity, and behave as one coherent unit.

    When a gas is forced into a confining volume inside a metal lattice, the gas gains energy from the HUP. But that energy is carried off by the lattice and the gas cools. As additional gas is forced into the confining lattice, and its associated energy gains are cooled by energy transfer away from the volume, the gas becomes increasingly coherent. The lattice acts like the compressor in a refrigerator.

    The compressed gas cools to a point where the individual gas atoms loss their identity and become a single effects a single atom. This superatom can not tolerate a mixing of individual positive a negative charges inside its super nucleus, so a critical point is reached when the positive and negative charges of the protons and electrons separate.

    The separation of the charges increases the loss of kinetic energy and this energy... the last bit of kinetic energy from the individual atoms, is removed from the nascent superatom in Bremsstrahlung as the individual electrons wiggle their way out of the newly forming super nucleus. This burst of gamma rays are what we have seen in the segment 7 radiation bursts in some MFMP experiments and in early Rossi reactor startups.

    These electons form a coherent cloud of negative charge that orbits around the newly formed composite positively charged superatom nucleus that has a combined composite spin producing a anapole magnetic field...a super-radiant monopole magnetic field.

    What that compression of gas into the metal lattice has generated for us is a new particle...a quasiparticle...a Bose condinsate...a superconductor that serves the same function as the Anisotropic magnets do in LENR. This new particle acts as a molecular Anisotropic magnet that produces the special kinds of spinning vortex like magnetic fields that will excite the protons and neutrons in nearby atoms to decay under the auspices of the weak force.

    Now we see strange mesons that turn into pions and than muons. In this bath of weird and uncommon sub-atomic particles, we see protons turn into neutrons, muon catalyzed fusion of light atoms and fission of heavy atoms, and then transmutations of every kind based on the random configurations of the atoms in the vicinity of the subatomic particle shower.

    Edited 9 times, last by axil ().

  • I have just authored a post explaining how Bose condinsation is central to the LENR reaction.

    In order to get the Bose condinsate to form, the gas that enters the lattice must be pure in the expreme, all gas atoms must be the same. This means that all the surface imperfections must be cleansed of all dissimilar gas types. Air, oxygen, water vapor, nitrogen...every possible gas contamination must be removed from the gas pockets in the lattice.

    The hydrogen isotope used in the LENR reaction must also be absolutely pure. There must be no mixing of protium, deuterium and tritium. The hydrogen isotope must be 100% pure.

    This is a hard requirement to meet because the source of the hydrogen can be a hydride that was chemically constituted using a mixed hydrogen isotope.

    This means that the replicator must make his own hydride using a isotopically pure hydrogen source.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • We know from the Lugano demo that Rossi loaded the fuel into the reactor in the air. This indicates that Rossi first makes his fuel in a highly pure hydrogen tight production process were the metastable quasiparticles of coherent hydrides are first created. Once this Bose condensate based fuel is produced, then gas purity is no longer required.

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