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    Chess or football its a game of strategy and timing.


  • Was it the one where he convinced the Japanese govt to invest millions in LENR research?

    For the record - this was following the comment of Bruce H under the Atom Ecology discussion before it was moved to Clearance by the esteemed mods of L-F.

    More specifically - it followed

    I do not think the comment by Bruce H was moved here. Also, I asked Smith who the official is. He hasn't fully responded. He told us it was the recent "Grecko" (?) conference, but he hasn't mentioned the name.

    There is some confusion here. Partly my fault. Smith claimed he convinced a Japanese government official to fund cold fusion with millions. I think he said $30 million. This was years ago. If I understand him correctly, it led to the NEDO project that funded Takahashi and others. That was money well spent. It was successful. However, it was $1 million, not $30 million. You can see that in public documents on file at NEDO. The overall NEDO project was for many different energy technologies. It might have been $30 million total. Perhaps Smith helped persuade the office to greenlight the project for the whole $30 million.

    I expressed some doubts about that because in my experience, foreigners have no influence over Japanese government officials. Also, those officials tend to say things to be agreeable, even when they have no intentions of acting. That would be insincere in the U.S. or the U.K., but it is less so in Japan.

  • lol see how easy that was Director

    The guy talking was 2017 nom for the Nobel peace prize talking about the release of info for secrecy orders on patents.

    but when its mixed with any other info it needs to be moved to a more "suitable space~

  • kevmo,

    Dewey is poking you with a stick to try and get you to overreact. He does that with others too, including me and Alan. It is rumored he ripped the wings off of flies when he was a kid, so it is in his genes. I find that if you ignore the taunts, and address the questions, or comments he buries within, he eases up and picks on someone else.

    Hey, I'm doing you guys a favor. Someone includes insults in their post, the post should be shunted to Clearance Items.

    Problem is, when they "mix corn with their defacation" , and we respond in kind, all the substantial stuff gets shunted over as well.

    So what I'm doing is picking Dewey's corn out of his droppings. For you.

    You can shunt his original def+corn post over to Clearance items, as well as my Def response. And you can include the cornpost over here, keeping the substantive comments on this thread while throwing all the garbage over to Clearance Items.

  • September 1900...

    May I suggest that it is 1901 in Essex

    You are right. 1900, not 1901. However, they did not have effective 3-axis control until the later 1902 tests. If they had filed a patent before that, it would have been incomplete. It would not have described effective technology. Once they developed a movable vertical stabilizer (tail) they immediately recognized it was the final step, and it gave them effective control. They no longer went into uncontrolled spins. They could see that was a large improvement from the actual test results, and they also worked out the physics of it. They were very good at engineering physics.

    Now that we know a tail is needed to control an airplane, it seems obvious, but it wasn't obvious in 1902 before anyone tried it, or even thought about it.

    You can have an airplane without a vertical straight up stabilizer. There are some small ones here at the airport with just two stabilizers on the back, set about 45 degrees. They cover both dimensions.

  • But then one has to consider the source of the critique and whether a self serving self appointed pundit/troll who has never spent a moment of time doing experimental science can offer any sort of comment of worth. Jed even refuses to do the simple calorimetry on the anomaly of his ever repeatable excess hot air that proves his con fusion.

    I would be upset, but Russ says this about about me and everyone else who has helped him. He lashes out at just about everyone who has contributed to this field. If he did not lash out at me, I would feel left out, in a sense.

  • Patenting is not giving away IP. It's getting rights to the IP. Those who think they shouldn't give away knowledge in a patent because their technology is different or more important than other technologies will end up with nothing. In fact, I'd say the more revolutionary the technology, the more open the inventors should be.

  • I was expecting the "armchair critic" attack. As for "do-nothing" - what I actually do is work for a living to look after my family. If you don't want any criticism then don't post wild claims with no evidence.

    No what you do is make insulting insinuations about people who actually work for life and look after their family and the family of man. You are simply a troll.

  • Patenting is not giving away IP. It's getting rights to the IP. Those who think they shouldn't give away knowledge in a patent because their technology is different or more important than other technologies will end up with nothing. In fact, I'd say the more revolutionary the technology, the more open the inventors should be.

    spoken like a lightweight with utterly no experience in such matters...

  • I would be upset, but Russ says this about about me and everyone else who has helped him. He lashes out at just about everyone who has contributed to this field. If he did not lash out at me, I would feel left out, in a sense.

    NO Jed as we have a long history including being in business together I can testify with absolute confidence that you are a self serving backstabbing jerk of nearly uncomparable disgust, anyone who pays attention to anything you say is a fool beyond measure. You should really get some mental health treatment for your years of being a petulant groupie... however I very much doubt that for an old dog like you there is any hope.

  • spoken like a lightweight with utterly no experience in such matters...

    Spoken like another Patterson, Papp, T. Henry Moray, Rossi, or any of a long line of inventors who felt their technology was so "special" that to protect their future billions they have to start playing a twisted, convoluted game of rather than follow the same path that virtually all other technologies follow. They ended up with nothing (with 99% of the world not knowing their names) and only proved that that inventor's syndrome is 100% contagious and yields the same final result every single time. For the record, I'm not saying you have caught this disease quite yet - the decisions you make in the near future will make it obviously clear which path you will be treading for the next several years. You could still end up quite successful, and I really hope that turns out to be the case. What you have achieved so far is remarkable in many ways. But the significance of a technology always is an indicator of how likely someone is to be convinced they have to follow secretive paths rather than the standard method of patenting all the information someone skilled in the art would need to replicate, writing papers, and making open, formal deals with major industrial partners.

    And you are wrong. I'm not a light weight. Actually, I'm a nobody. No technology that I claim as my own, no intellectual property to protect, no deals with other parties to develop technology, no reputation to worry about, and no desire make a red cent off LENR technology. This gives me an unbiased perspective. I have studied many inventors in the past, and I'm currently observing several now. My conclusion is that every time a truly stunning, paradigm shattering technology is invented and owned by a single individual, their behavior follows the same patters each and every time. I hope you break the pattern.

  • No what you do is make insulting insinuations about people who actually work for life and look after their family and the family of man. You are simply a troll.

    Wow. You certainly put me in my place. Or made yourself look like a complete jackass. Either-or.

  • Here's the difference with my work. It speaks for itself to my employers. I don't have to go to a public forum and crave adulation for it. If I don't do good work my employers have the option of firing me - because they can see my work and the results of it. I sincerely hope that you have something worthwhile - not for your sake ( I personally think you're an odious egoist based on your posts). But for the sake of the planet and my daughter's future on it.

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