A ballistic drone particle

  • Preparing the pixie dust as a ballistic missile / wash float to clumps and re-crush. to fine but not micro dust.

    A pre heat rotational magnetic feed to move the hematite "now with week magnetics after heating" into a spiral tightening upward cone.

    To simulare this you would need a heat plate, a rotational collector that can also launch the newly heated partices. just to do the dust collection would be a cavity for the dust to fall in, use a heat base with a restricted inlet and a magnetic field to continue the tornadic rotation to keep the dust rising.

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    this plastic part as the void in a flat stone plate or clay - /melt out the [;astic and refill with mercury // high volt spark adjustable timing regulate the mercury's heat.

    Beryllium Oxide caps after filling.

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    Same but its just a water pump for hematite. this is place over the heater to channel the dust. Stone/Clay/ ect.

    At this point the hematite is hot and is being manipulated by a week magnetic field. To literally ignite the particle a magneton design could do it if its acks like silver in a common microwave

    A common microwave magntron and cathode use magnets and the cath is design to shed electrons as the cathode heats and discharges in a rotation to fill the voids and create the wave leaving the antenna .

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    A new magnet field would need to be added on top of this flower to add muliple rotating magnetic within the flower, fields for each void to capture the wave and as they fill to capacity exit the same hole the hematite dust is moving through after being launched if this fllower was also atop the other parts.

    For the rotaion field for the magntron, The same melt out plastic part insulated but impregnated above the flower magneton /again using mercury and a regulated spark discharge to control heat. At this point it would look like a acetylene torch spewing sparks up into the air.

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    entanglement within a magnetic field, As the particles can only handle so meny electron, collisions with each other and with a target can release energy? would you agree with this at this point?

    as- put the last of this in here, to sustain this reaction the exit of the hematite is what feeds the magnetron. just attach the magnetron on top of the exit with the antennas down into the viod holes of the flower. A contstant self sustaining reaction until the dust looses its hydrogen. Providing it will be a sealed unit.

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    The Cathode for this is the path of the ignited dust in a rotating funnel.

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  • Problem solved!

    • Cold Fusion Motor harnesses free energy from the environment
    • Cold Fusion Motor works with a form of magnetic energy that is clean and renewable
    • Cold Fusion Motor produces magnetic equivalent of 12 H.P.

    Relax and inhale.

    Forget nuclear reactions without radiation.

    Forget buckets with vanishing water.

    Forget Atom-Ecology and Lovely Gammas.

    Magnet-Ecology is here to stay.

    The door to a happy future is open.


  • Intro to the present thread:

    "Preparing the pixie dust as a ballistic missile / wash float to clumps and re-crush. to fine but not micro dust.

    A pre heat rotational magnetic feed to move the hematite "now with week magnetics after heating" into a spiral tightening upward cone."

    Dear Mods, why don't you relegate this entire thread to the other Clearance Items.

    • Official Post


    Well now, since you put it that way. :) This has been discussed actually. Not sure what we concluded, but I think there was a consensus that the content and (artistic) photos, does not advance science...in particular LENR science, in anyway we could see. But we all love Seiber anyway, so there!

    I would suggest Seiber better identify what, exactly, it is he is up to, so that our members/guests can be more appreciative of his work. Oh, and go easy on the pixie dust!

  • Pixie is just a mix of hematite and silver dust mixed with water-ion wash and let try. grind to re-dust it and put it in the microwave.

    Assuming you know it ingnites, now run the ignited dust through another magnetron as a cathode, rotating stream.

    At this point you can speculate the use of the now powered magnetron using this dust stream powers the mag.

    the antenna area of this magnetron now feeds the flower and a excitonium reaction area to share the same exit.

    You'r now using a excitonium reaction to power a magnetron.

  • Just in case anyone mist the fundamentals~


    I have bin practicing this build for years hoping I dont scrow it up now~

    Printing some of the 'lost wax" style parts with a 3D printer I found it help to print the part on styrene, this is the best of the best after years of practicing.

    Each time I use styrene - 020 or 030 ect, I shim the printer head with the same plastic to save my setting,

    in all this is every odd thing you can think of to build the device, nickel bronze jaguar clyinder valve guides as for dust mixes, fishing wire and weed wacker filaments for casting, it never ends.

    5-30 Perliminary Assemblies

    The 3 printer parts are the in use designs" Cura 3D Printer" , This is the main mag set up.


    op1 is just a magnetic for the clay/salt ect base

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