Help send Ruby to ICCF22 in Italy!

    • Official Post

    This has gone much better than expected, and Ruby has told us she has enough to cover airfare! As mentioned before, Bill Collis of the ISCMNS has graciously arranged to cover her stay at Assisi, so now what is left to cover are expenses. We estimated that in the beginning at a very conservative $200.

    So what I am asking for now, is for those with the least to spare, to kick in the $10-20 to cover the rest. IMO, that way, everyone, no matter their financial status, can contribute to a good cause, and share in the satisfaction, and reward of making this happen.

  • the chance to participate in writing some history

    I donated a few gms of silver equivalent.

    for Athena's Cold Fusion protégé.

    The tetradrachm was probably worth a lot more in 450BC

    and helped to build the Parthenon.

    Both silver and the golden ratio have a role in LENR.

  • I wouldn’t want to over load suggestions and I’m sure there are many good candidates.

    But on a Technical level I would really like to hear:

    An interview with Wyttenbach about SO (4) theory. I find his approach really fascinating.

    An interview with Bob Greenyer about strange radiation tracks on surfaces materials. He has found and collated some really interesting information and data there. It’s getting pretty hard to ignore what he is finding in his current OHMA project.

  • An interview with Wyttenbach about SO (4) theory

    One interview about SO(4) might not cover much. Perhaps Wyttenbach will publish a book with worked examples plus 4D glasses one day.

    Probably some personal background about how he got interested in LENR and got to join the Essex team and link up with other researchers would be fascinating.

    • Official Post

    We have a little more than the $1500 we asked for ($1762), so mission accomplished! The extra will cover incidentals such as equipment, train ride from Rome, etc., and partially cover the 5 days salary she had to forego to make the trip.

    Thanks to all of you for making this happen. Shows what a generous, and close knit community LENR is. To be honest, I am surprised it happened so quick. I knew we would get the full amount, but figured it would take longer. The fact it didn't, is a testament to how everyone values her work.

    As she mentioned before, CFN will be shut down soon, the site accessible for a time, and then archived. Because of her many unique talents, and respected status within the community, David has decided to incorporate her into the LENR-Forum team in some capacity. We are still thinking up an appropriate title for the role she will fill. Being a "Moderator" may tarnish her image, since it involves getting ones hands dirty, so maybe something else.

    • Official Post

    Thank you Stephen. I will look into the Wyttenback.

    I wanted to get with Bob before, but he wasn't able at the time. I will see again.

    I have a list of prospective podcast interviews lined up, so I will go through the list as I can and in these last couple months try to round out the snapshot of LENR at the 30-year mark.

    GRAZIE Lenr-forum. You made a tremendous effort for me. I won't ever forget it.

    • Official Post

    As she mentioned before, CFN will be shut down soon, the site accessible for a time, and then archived. Because of her many unique talents, and respected status within the community, David has decided to incorporate her into the LENR-Forum team in some capacity. We are still thinking up an appropriate title for the role she will fill. Being a "Moderator" may tarnish her image, since it involves getting ones hands dirty, so maybe something else.

    I'm excited to have LENR-forum available as an outlet to share info and ideas. You have a precious "think-hole" here, (did I just make that up?)

    Cold Fusion Now!'s time has gone. It's a new world now.

    I've got a few things behind the curtain, too!

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