Earthquake Lights. LENR, or dare I say EVOs?

  • A couple of decades ago I spent some time investigating the possibility of earthquake lights following repeated sightings of strange lights over a coastal region in northwest England (as an offshoot of an ongoing interest in ball lightning). I contacted the British Geological Survey to get historical earthquake data for the region (there are frequent small tremors recorded all over the world, that go unnoticed by the local population). Although staff at the BGS expressed an interest in my possible findings - they held no particular view on the phenomenon, and certainly didn't bother logging reports of possible EQL sightings.

    BGS Earthquake Seismology

    As it was, I found the reports in question bore no visual relation to the events normally associated with EQL (and didn't synchronise with tremor data). However, I did track down what people were seeing - and even saw some myself.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited 2 times, last by Frogfall ().

  • There are interesting stories about the "Earthquake Lights" before the tragic Morocco earthquake.

    This seems to me right in the LENR wheelhouse.

    Or dare I say, in hopes of not bringing out the crackpots, EVO related?

    From the finest scientific source (and politically unbiased source as well) CNN.

    Morocco earthquake lights: strange light phenomenon before some quakes is a long standing mystery | CNN

    Alberto Carpinteri and associates have been studying fracto emissions and have a seismic precursor theory based on rock fracture and the possibility that LENR happens associated to rock fractures. Whenever there’s chargw separation EVOs could be formed. If this has something to do with EQ lights, is another matter.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • There are interesting stories about the "Earthquake Lights" before the tragic Morocco earthquake.

    This seems to me right in the LENR wheelhouse.

    Or dare I say, in hopes of not bringing out the crackpots, EVO related?

    From the finest scientific source (and politically unbiased source as well) CNN.

    Morocco earthquake lights: strange light phenomenon before some quakes is a long standing mystery | CNN

    Possible connection to the x-rays from scotch tape (some paper in nature some years back)?

  • Possible connection to the x-rays from scotch tape (some paper in nature some years back)?

    Scotch Tape acts basically as a Van der Graaf generator and a spark gap transmitter, um…, all rolled into one.

    Edit: If one were skilled in the art, one could make the tape like a player piano roll and play the EM pulses however one wanted. Even a Steampunk RF avalanche SOS…

  • Seismic Data on Cold Nuclear Fusion

    #Gennady Tarassenko, Elena Demicheva, Matvey Tarassenko

    Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov, Kazakhstan

    [email protected]

    Fluid formation and formation of minerals occurs in the mantle under the action of electric

    explosions, where all conditions are created for the processes of cold nuclear synthesis of chemical

    elements and ball lightning, electromagnetic induction, catalysts and other nuclear-plasma-physicochemical reactions. All the above-mentioned deep seismic profiles are interpreted as one common

    tectonic process of the evolution of the planet Earth, associated with constant mechanical convection in

    its bowels from the very beginning.

    It has been established that all earthquakes with K>13 and a significant part of earthquakes with

    K>11 are preceded by sharp changes in the amplitudes of this wave at most stations, and sometimes by

    azimuths of the approach 15-45 days before the earthquake. The coverage area is up to 400 km. It is

    imperative to study the mechanisms of earthquake foci.

    Tracking other geophysical fields will allow us to study the physics of the process more fully

    and, in general, increase the reliability of forecast estimates. The project proposes to use the magnetic

    component of the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) as an accompanying parameter under study, or rather,

    changes in the components of the full vector of the Earth's magnetic field in the range of 20 seconds.

    Moreover, the preliminary data obtained as a result of a retrospective analysis of the variations of the

    module of the full vector of the EMF are encouraging. Sufficiently stable signals corresponding to the

    radiated range have been identified, and the correlation of these signals with seismic ones has been

    noted. In this regard, it is proposed:

    1. At the first stage, analyze data on existing networks of regime observations of variations of

    the module of the full vector of the MPZ.

    2. At the second stage – to install 1-2 autonomous magnetovariation stations registering the

    components of the full vector of the EMF in the most seismically dangerous areas of the republic.

    Aftershock activity of the Earth's crust does not affect the change in amplitudes. The sliding of

    geolithodynamic (scales, plates) complexes in the lithosphere leads to a rupture of their continuity,

    forming huge cavities (caves, karsts). In turn, they are filled with fluids migrating from subduction

    zones. The time of filling the cavity takes from 15 to 45 days, after which a natural electric capacitor

    (part of the lithosphere) is closed – an electric discharge leading to an earthquake. To predict

    earthquakes, it is necessary to conduct deep seismics for more than 20 seconds, which will allow

    calculating the time of fluid migration from the subduction zone into the cavity, from the moment of a

    sharp change in amplitudes according to seismological data.

    These data indicate the internal terrestrial, and not induced from the surface, origin of a very

    strong pulse that deforms the Earth's crust in this particular area, changes the amplitude of the natural

    vibrations of the Earth's crust. This impulse occurs before the very manifestation of an earthquake in the

    scope of earthquake preparation. The most promising methods for detecting this pulse, along with

    studying the azimuth amplitude of the low-frequency wave approach, we consider the study of the

    magnetic field at this frequency, deformation and tilt-dimensional studies at several points on the


    The increase in shaking on soft sediments, according to many scientists, is due to the delay of

    seismic waves as a result of complete contrast resistance between sediments and underlying rocks when

    there are lateral inhomogeneities. This delay affects not only the volume waves, but also the surface

    waves that develop on these inhomogeneities.

    Seismic data on cold nuclear fusion

    Gennadiy Tarassenko



    1. Тарасенко Г.В. Субдукционная литосфера – основной источник углеводородов. Журнал "Недра Поволжья и Каспия" Саратов, 18 номер, апрель 1999 г., Саратов.

    2. Тарасенко Г.В. Континентальная субдукция и обдукция – единый механизм нефтегазоструктурообразования. «Генезис нефти и газа». Москва, ГЕОС.-2003

    3. Тарасенко Г.В. Тектоника плит скольжения и образования жидкости. Международная научная конференция «Динамокатагенез нефтегазоносных бассейнов» 11-13 сентября 2003 г., Ростов-на-Дону, г. Аксай

    4. Тарасенко Г. В. Тектоника сдвижных плит, флюидная палинология и будущие катастрофы на планете Земля от техногенеза // Проблемы сейсмологии III тысячелетия: Материалы Международной геофизической конференции, Новосибирск, 15-19 сентября 2003.- СО РАН.- С.86-90

    5. Тарасенко Г.В. Происхождение землетрясений с точки зрения тектоники сдвига плит. 14 Международный семинар «Геодинамика и сейсмичность Средиземноморско-Черноморско-Каспийского региона», тезисы докладов 2-6 октября 2006 г. Геленджик. стр. 34-37.

    6. Тарасенко Г.В. Нефтеобразование и тектоника подвижных плит. Международная конференция «Геология, ресурсы, перспективы освоения нефтегазовых ресурсов Каспийского бассейна и Каспийского региона». 18-20 сентября 2007 г. РГУ нефти и газа имени И.М. Губкина, Москва, стр. 154-157.

    7. Тарасенко Г.В., Демичева Е.А. Конкреционная модель планеты Земля и холодный ядерный синтез. Материалы Всероссийской конференции с международным участием, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения академика П. Н. Кропоткина, 18-22 октября 2010 г., Москва. стр. 545-548.

  • Maybe of relevance.

    Tried to upload the file but it was too large.

    Observation of large scale precursor correlations between cosmic rays and earthquakes with a periodicity similar to the solar cycle
    The search for correlations between secondary cosmic ray detection rates and seismic effects has long been a subject of investigation motivated by the…

    Observation of large scale precursor correlations between cosmic rays and earthquakes with a periodicity similar to the solar cycle
    The search for correlations between secondary cosmic ray detection rates and seismic effects has long been a subject of investigation motivated by the…

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