Modern tiny water fuelled nuclear energy reactor
Modern tiny water fuelled nuclear energy reactor:
After a discussion with the inventor / discoverer of MWCNT fusion method ( James F. Loan ) here is the conclusion:
a proof of concept has been made using water, regular tap water, but D2O is recommended, there are various methods to achieve nuclear fusion, some of them are violent and cause harmful radiation ( but can be useful when handled correctly ) and others don't have any bad byproduct, just clean fusion.
this one can replace conventional…
After a discussion with the inventor / discoverer of MWCNT fusion method ( James F. Loan ) here is the conclusion:
a proof of concept has been made using water, regular tap water, but D2O is recommended, there are various methods to achieve nuclear fusion, some of them are violent and cause harmful radiation ( but can be useful when handled correctly ) and others don't have any bad byproduct, just clean fusion.
this one can replace conventional…