The Design of Low Energy Nuclear Battery

  • @Alan Smith,

    Thank you for providing valuable information. I am very impressed by how quickly I can move forward with my project here. I will carefully read through the information provided and will contact them if we are able to create batteries.

    With this increased level of confidence, I am now optimistic that we can successfully develop batteries using LENR technology.

    Thank you again!

  • Ryoji Furui , besides the article that Alan Smith pointed out to (which I think is deeply relevant to the topic even if it might not look so at first glance) you can take a look at this thread started some years ago by one of the peiple involved in it.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I was delighted to discover a patent provided by @Curbina that claims "methods for generating non-ionizing radiation or non-ionizing He-4 by contacting a graphene material with a source of deuterium." After carefully studying the patent, I was surprised by the significant differences between it and my own ideas. While there are some similarities in our approaches, the patent describes a distinct process that leads to the production of different products: electricity through negative beta decay, or non-ionizing radiation and helium.

    Unlike the patent, my method for generating negative beta decay uses H-2, which is not useful in the patent. Non-ionizing radiation is intended to function as a heating device to stimulate the P-P chain. Helium is viewed as a byproduct. Conversely, both methods involve the use of graphenes (contacting graphenes with hydrogen isotopes) and the generation of LENR (defined as "local nuclear fusion" in the patent), although our desired reactions differ.

    The patent did not provide evidence for the generation of electricity, but it does suggest that graphene can facilitate fusion at lower energy levels. This information might be valuable for future experiments. Furthermore, the patent's experimental procedures using graphene may also be beneficial for further research.

    In conclusion, I appreciate the opportunity to learn from this patent and look forward to applying these insights in my own work or someone else's.

  • A really good question to answer is what would be the best carbon structure to engineer for H2/D2 coalescence?
    There are many economic ways to produce different allotropes of carbon now depending on what effect is desired.
    What did you have in mind Ryoji Furui ?

  • A really good question to answer is what would be the best carbon structure to engineer for H2/D2 coalescence?

    You cannot use un-coated nano tubes as any followup reaction will break the carbon structure that produces unwanted neutrons.

    So any carbon approach needs a high level lab or an excitement for the common CF suicide approach...

  • You cannot use un-coated nano tubes as any followup reaction will break the carbon structure that produces unwanted neutrons.

    So any carbon approach needs a high level lab or an excitement for the common CF suicide approach...

    I didn't ask what we cannot use silly. 😉
    A MOF might work as well with other elements incorporated like Pd, Ni, Ti, ect. Some have even purposed and attempted a quasi-crystalline approach with zeolites for example.

    -Generative image made with Dall-e 3 of a detailed quasi-crystalline MOF structure, highlighting its intricate symmetries and non-repeating patterns, populated with hydrogen molecules.

  • @Diadon Acs, @Wyttenbach,

    Over twenty years ago, I considered the possibility of using carbon nanotubes to control the motion of hydrogen atoms, leading to hot fusion effectively. At that time, I was not familiar with the term 'graphene'. After learning about graphene later on, I recognized that stacking multiple layers of graphene could serve as a simpler and more affordable means to achieve our goal, even though its 2D structure differs from the 1D structure of CNTs.

    Last autumn, I began considering what structure would be best for producing carbon-based structures using our knowledge of THz plasmons. Actually my initial idea was to use fullerenes in MHD. I thought that protons could enter the fullerene and fuse, or that moving the plasma ball made from fullerenes might create a straight line of negative charge due to its motion at high temperatures. However, in the end, I concluded that graphene layers are the best option ;)

    I believe that the plasmonic field patterns can be changed by either the number of layers or the THz frequency. However, calculating these patterns may still be challenging. As such, it may be more practical to begin by studying the behavior of a single layer by varying temperature and gas pressure. If you are planning to use Canon's THz source, which has a peak at approximately 0.45 THz, you could consider tilting the graphene sheet so that the longer wavelength fits within the graphene cells. Monitoring the electrical output would be a useful way to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach without THz monitor.

    When you achieve 100% repeatability in generating electricity through fusion, you will be asked to use the real laboratory by the government ;). For safety reasons, it's best to start with lower parameters to establish a lower energy field. Moreover, I believe that there exists an energy gap between PP-chain and CNO cycles. If you can find this gap at least on a single layer, you may develop the first stable LENR battery :!:

  • I thought that protons could enter the fullerene and fuse

    This is a weird idea, most likely promoted by the nonsense invented around the (wrong) Yukawa potential. If two protons sit side at side nothing will happen. No strong force will fuse them. There is no strong force outside any particle/nucleus. Fusion is a much more complex process. Best you can produce from two protons that sit side at side is H*-H* what gives you about 495eV energy gain.

    To create a stable Hydrogen fusion environment you need elements with at least 9MeV gamma band width. Carbon has only 4 MeV.

  • @Wyttenbach,

    When we observe CNTs have collapsed after undergoing cold fusion, I believe it does not necessarily indicate that released neutrons have struck them, but rather that their structure has been compromised due to transmutation. This viewpoint is not yet widely accepted, but cold fusion involves weak interactions, in my opinion.

  • but rather that their structure has been compromised due to transmutation.

    Check out the states (levels) of 12-C at

    There you see that carbon cannot accept excess fusion energy. Transmutations 13-C, 14-C are less likely. Mostly alphas will be produced. Of course after damage only the transmutations stay in place what may lead to the wrong conclusion.

    But as usually: If the produced energy is >>> costs of nano tubes then the process is OK if you can handle the neutrons...

  • @Wyttenbach, @Cydonia

    Honestly, I have been working on my thesis about cold fusion for two months now and I am still hesitant to disclose my intuitive ideas easily.

    Although my ideas may seem unconventional to the experts here, I believe that the CNO cycle could also be *mostly* involved in cold fusion. Specifically, I propose that the process of proton capture occurs indirectly through the absorption of one electron by the proton, which then undergoes fusion with the target nuclei (12-C, 13-C, 14-N and 15-N) without releasing neutrons. And there is no chance to be 14-C.

  • Please allow me to explain my imagination about the behavior of non-ionized hydrogens on a plasmonic surface.

    I believe that the protons share potential energy with the surrounding free electrons, resulting in a state similar to that of an alpha particle affected by stopping power. In simpler terms, the protons transfer their kinetic energy to the free electrons, causing them to be emitted as Auger-like electrons. If the protons remain within the plasmons, they will eventually lose all their kinetic energy and only retain potential energy. However, if some protons become stuck on the plasmonic surface, they may capture more electrons with greater probability, leading to the formation of neutrons.

    This state is a balance between ionized and non-ionized, which can occur at lower energies on the plasmonic surface. Neutrons in this context are relatively calm, similar to the predictions of the W-L theory.

  • Well the WL model is banned here ( not by me) only the LEC one seems to appear on head :P

    Now regarding your plasmons you have to define means to reinforce the plasmons strength which at maximum can only reach 15Ev...

    Please allow me to explain my imagination about the behavior of non-ionized hydrogens on a plasmonic surface.

    I believe that the protons share potential energy with the surrounding free electrons, resulting in a state similar to that of an alpha particle affected by stopping power. In simpler terms, the protons transfer their kinetic energy to the free electrons, causing them to be emitted as Auger-like electrons. If the protons remain within the plasmons, they will eventually lose all their kinetic energy and only retain potential energy. However, if some protons become stuck on the plasmonic surface, they may capture more electrons with greater probability, leading to the formation of neutrons.

    This state is a balance between ionized and non-ionized, which can occur at lower energies on the plasmonic surface. Neutrons in this context are relatively calm, similar to the predictions of the W-L theory.

  • I propose that the process of proton capture occurs indirectly through the absorption of one electron by the proton,

    H*-H* is highly magnetic. This was the reason Santilli named it magnescule . H*-H* can attach to nuclei as it is fairly neutral. In fact one electron-mass of H*-H* sits in the electro-weak orbit that binds the p-p. H*-H* never forms Deuterium as this would need a more dense nuclear structure to evolve a neutron like structure.

    All nuclear bonds are magnetic and some can be given as charge equivalent bonds if you can find/define a charge radius. Magnetic bonds work over topological charge of nested, self enclosed flux.

    What for you looks like proton capture is in reality proton spallation as e.g. the addition of 16MeV (H*-H*) is not possible to lower Z nuclei!

  • What for you looks like proton capture is in reality proton spallation as e.g. the addition of 16MeV (H*-H*) is not possible to lower Z nuclei!

    In my previous posts, there may have been a term that could have been interpreted in a way that wasn't intended. I apologize for using the incorrect term "proton capture."

    To clarify, I would like to use simpler language to define LENR and provide an explanation of the CN cycle in LENR, which bypasses some process taken place in CNO cycle of hot fusion.

    In LENR, it is actually neutron capture that occurs. To define LENR, we can say that it involves two simultaneous reactions following electron capture. An important new aspect of this process is the occurrence of a weak interaction during neutron capture, which results in the release of energy from the mass deficit through the emission of electrons and antineutrinos (e&a). This is an extension of the neutron-neutron fusion process described in my paper.

    To illustrate the LENR process, let me draw a revised CN cycle. Instead of the normal pathway involving CNO cycle, LENR takes place through the following sequence:

    12-C + n -> 13-C

    13-C + n -> 14-N + e&a

    14-N + n -> 15-N

    15-N + n -> 12-C + 4-He + e&a

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