Electrogravity (electron-gravity) as a cause of nuclear reactions.

  • It's what people who have studied the process of two neutron stars becoming one (or a black hole) matters.

    These people obviously have no clue of nuclear physics. Why do they use gravity to explain a nuclear reaction?????

    G is 10E40 weaker than the electro strong force why should it matter at all? Same with neuron stars what also is fake science. A nucleus usually contains no neutrons or just a few loosely coupled ones in high Z-isotope cases. Charge on nuclear level looks totally different.

    fact is: Pressure leads to order what favors CF reactions. See proton 29 experiments.

  • What ever word you add to gravity its just nonsense! Fusion is a complex process that involves different layers of action as the nuclear structure is formed in steps. The classic idea of a nuclear force was refuted (falsified) quite a long time ago. If two Deuterium touch at rest nothing will happen. If they touch spin aligned then D*-D* may come into live where in the case of D*-D* this can be several steps to more stronger electro weak D***-D*** bonds. Where the exact starting point of the D-D meta stable state occurs is an other discussion.

    So as Göthe ones said in Faust: If you don't understand it invent a new word...

    Electronuclear gravity is Matsumoto's term, not mine. For him nuclei can ferment. When that happens a cloud of positrons and electrons would surround something. Next fermented thing goes supernova. It sheds a net like structure and what is left produces a number of particles that exceed 3 quarks per nucleon by at least 100-fold. He called the thing after the supernova a black hole. The net structure and the production of an enormous number of particles was recorded on film. The theory seems really wild. But it is too soon to discuss this as the evidence will follow in a later pdf.

  • These people obviously have no clue of nuclear physics. Why do they use gravity to explain a nuclear reaction?????

    G is 10E40 weaker than the electro strong force why should it matter at all? Same with neuron stars what also is fake science. A nucleus usually contains no neutrons or just a few loosely coupled ones in high Z-isotope cases. Charge on nuclear level looks totally different.

    fact is: Pressure leads to order what favors CF reactions. See proton 29 experiments.

    If you can determine the orbits of two orbiting bodies you can determine their masses. Applying this to orbiting neutron stars and taking into account their small size gives a horrendous density. The theory says that the stuff of which they are made are neutrons jammed together. If you have a better way to characterize the contents of a neutron star, let's see it.

  • Wyttenbach

    Don't you realize that gravity satisfies a form of Gauss's Law? If you apply it to a city sized neutron star having several suns worth of mass, you find a very large force holding it together. Don't you ever do the math?

  • Wyttenbach

    Don't you realize that gravity satisfies a form of Gauss's Law? If you apply it to a city sized neutron star having several suns worth of mass, you find a very large force holding it together. Don't you ever do the math?

    I propose to study physics, namely: the process that occurs in stars, including neutron stars. And the only process that occurs in stars is nuclear fusion!

  • If you apply it to a city sized neutron star having several suns worth of mass, you find a very large force holding it together. Don't you ever do the math?

    May be you should do the math for a nuclear force first....But obviously you only know the standard model that has no clue how the nuclear force evolves...

    The Einstein league of the failed GR model undertakes all possible crazy steps to keep the importance of gravity alive.

  • One can use Maxwell’s equations to solve the velocity of light. It is predicted as only a function the permittivity and permeability of free space. The speed of light as measured is precisely as predicted.

    We find Maxwell's mistakes in his treatise "Electricity and Magnetism", 19.01.2021 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Nj1U/VcuDSB5zT

    We find Maxwell's mistakes in his treatise "Electricity and Magnetism", 19.01.2021 - https://docs.google.com/file/d…98wsyrME/edit?usp=sharing

  • The object of this thread is to discuss cold fusion data and analysis of that data particularly as the experiments relate to ball lightening, charge clusters and gravitational effects. A further object is to suggest that an explanation which summarizes these observations could be called electrogravity. However, perhaps a better term would be electron-gravity. I intend to show that unique states of electrons cause a form of gravity which gravity creates an energy distribution which energy distribution catalyzes nuclear reactions.

    The involvement of gravity in cold fusion is like seeing a purple cow. It is a hard thing to see as real. So, there will be many pieces to fit together until what is logical from the start becomes real.

    There is a link for a pdf of a powerpoint with notes in post #1. A second link to continue the presentation is in post #14.

    A data derived balanced nuclear equation provides a high degree of certainty that the nuclear reaction occurs.

    It matters to some. If one believes in some LENR theory, then whatever the one writes their believers believe. If one is a hard skeptic, one believes nothing and would not dignify what one rejects out right by examining it. But for those who just want good science, there is a price to pay. One must put in the effort to understand.

    The presentation in this post provides the logic and analysis to show a data derived balanced nuclear reaction equation, the Kidman Reaction. I challenge you to check it out in your own spreadsheet. Ask about it. Is it significant?

    A Data Derived Balanced Equation for ICFP.pdf

  • If no nuclear reaction occurs in Santilli's ICFP, then it should not be possible to use the data from his patent application to derive a balanced nuclear reaction equation. There is no conspiracy in this analysis. The data was produced and certified by an independent lab. I was not involved in Santilli's experiment. Santilli was not involved in my analysis. I have listed the logic step by step so that anyone with sufficient skill and a spreadsheet should be able to replicate the analysis. Here is the slide for the stoichiometry.

    The derived equation shows an accuracy of 4 decimal places. The expected accuracy of gas spectroscopy is 3 ppmv. Therefore, the accuracy is to the limit of measurement. Since the stoichiometry is not fake, one concludes the reactions happen.

    What does the equation tell us? 7 deuterium atoms combine with one oxygen atom and in that process produce two hydrogen atoms and two nitrogen atoms. A sequence of elementary nuclear reactions has been identified which could combine to explain the overall reaction equation.

    This sequence is only slightly different than the alpha cycle proposed for the reaction sequence in heavy stars. The containment found in heavy stars allows fusion of hydrogen to oxygen. Hence a catalyst which functions as a heavy star would explain the derived equation. The catalyst provides a distribution of energy which includes the energy necessary to overcome the coulomb barrier. Particles accelerated by extreme gravity could obtain that energy. The high kinetic energy could be contained by gravity. I believe that such a catalysis is a good model.

    One way to test the equation is to apply it to account for gas composition produced by an electric arc in water. Here is a pdf that does that Application of the Kidman Reaction to AquaFuel.pdf

  • I hope you are all ready for the next presentation in this series. In prior presentations one established the connection between the before and after reaction samples by mass balance and stoichiometry. Hence, an analytical relationship of cause to effect was established. It was suggested that a catalyst causes nuclear reactions by being an accelerator of particles and by it being an absorber of energy and thereby it redistributes energy allowing for nuclear fusion.

    If anyone has an uncertainty about whether or not fusion happens in the case of ICFP or AquaFuel now would be the time to raise your questions.

    The next question is how does it happen? In order to answer that question, one need a model that could predict what might be observed and measured. This next presentation is designed to do that via model development.

    Fusion and Fission on a Cluster with Gravity.pdf

  • I intend to show that unique states of electrons cause a form of gravity which gravity creates an energy distribution which energy distribution catalyzes nuclear reactions.

    The involvement of gravity in cold fusion is like seeing a purple cow. It is a hard thing to see as real. So, there will be many pieces to fit together until what is logical from the start becomes real.

    The prior installment in this series provided a model for testing. A unique state of an electron was defined as a pseudoelectron. Then a model was derived for a form of gravity and an energy distribution which would include energies sufficient to catalyze fusion on a cluster of pseudoelectrons. In the attached pdf the implications of pseudoelectrons are extended and comparisons to work of Matsumoto are made.

    Matsumoto’s DIY Blackholes .pdf

    This is all a necessary basis before I can present analysis for verification or falsification of the model. It takes time for me to get these presentations in good order, I promise more analysis in the next installment.

  • Those of you who suffered through more theory in order to have a basis to interpret the images of Matsumoto will now be rewarded. With a basis in hand one can set expectations and then test them. Up to now, it was necessary to just listen to a fantastic story. The explanation of electron gravity provides an interpretation for Matsumoto's images, there is model but what can it do? One can extend the model of pseudeoelectrons to explain DIY blackholes but?????? You all have a right to be skeptical. But the dogma of skeptics isn't science. If you have questions, please ask for clarification.

    In this installment in this series on electron-gravity one provides analysis to support predictions from the model. The challenge for you is: can you provide a better model to interpret Matsumoto's images and support it with math? If you follow the logic and math, you will find an expectation for the energy/mass output of electron-gravity catalyzed fusion.

    Quantum of Matsumoto’s Blackholes .pdf

    Thank-you for reading.

  • Of the various experiments which might be LENR, two provide data which can be used for a very strong argument for fusion outside of the Lawson criteria. A nuclear reaction occurs in ICFP and for the process to make AquaFuel. Mass balance and stoichiometry prove and verify a balanced nuclear reaction in these cases. The reaction equation indicates that a catalyst for nuclear fusion is formed.





    A model has theory and math that can be used to verify a mechanism for nuclear reactions. The first part of my model for nuclear reactions caused by electron gravity suggests that nuclear structure can be modified as an effect of electron gravity such that atomic sized blackholes are produced. This was verified by interpretation and correlation to blackhole images by T. Matsumoto. A blackhole is not an object so massive that not even light can’t escape. Rather, I have shown by redefining the event horizon of the Schwartzchild radius that after a cluster of modified neutrons (pseudoneutrons) go supernova by ejecting an itonic net, the core matter disintegrates to mc. It is proposed the core matter emits mc until it has emitted all the mass it has. The generalization: a blackhole is a consequence of modified nuclear structure. It has gravity so large that the relative velocity of some particles in blackhole might approach the speed of light. As the speed increase the dipoles of mc are exposed by relative velocity. Particles, mc are sheared from the mass of the blackhole core by magnetic force. Since all mass would contain mc, the dipole of mc can account for universal gravity. Further, mc has such a low mass that the distribution of energy by gravity lead to emission of mc.




    In this presentation I desire to continue to generalize my model to fusion likely can happen anytime one has a source of energy which is ionizing hydrogen. As noted above mc is an output of any blackhole. Other outputs of catalyzed fusion and observation are presented nest. To that end, this presentation is:

    Output Expectations for Nuclear Reactions Caused by Electron-Gravity.pdf

  • All the communauty give probably to much importance of the ionized hydrogen or also hydrogen monoatomic which don't have especially.

    For example, by their first experiments in 2011 Focardi/Rossi found in ash a certain amount of zinc.

    Focardi explaning that by direct H2 merging in nickel. By this way, we could conclude that hydrogen mono helps but isn't an absolute prerequisite. that could mean that spins or radical specie states aren't involved anymore.

    In this presentation I desire to continue to generalize my model to fusion likely can happen anytime one has a source of energy which is ionizing hydrogen.

  • All the communauty give probably to much importance of the ionized hydrogen or also hydrogen monoatomic which don't have especially.

    For example, by their first experiments in 2011 Focardi/Rossi found in ash a certain amount of zinc.

    Focardi explaning that by direct H2 merging in nickel. By this way, we could conclude that hydrogen mono helps but isn't an absolute prerequisite. that could mean that spins or radical specie states aren't involved anymore.

    True, ionized hydrogen is not an absolute prerequisite. See the model. https://www.lenr-forum.com/att…cluster-with-gravity-pdf/

    The catalyst is primarily composed of pseudo-electrons. However, a fusion reaction requires reactants. The math of coulomb barrier still applies. So, what are the options? The catalyst can make neutrons. The catalyst can fuse hydrogen/deuterium to hydrogen/deuterium. The catalyst can absorb energy from fusion of small atomic number atoms to create an energy distribution which includes energy high enough to fuse hydrogen/deuterium to a large atomic number atom. The catalyst can inject a high energy electron into an isotope capable of electron capture then decay occurs. Or the catalyst causes some similar excitations to accelerate radioactive decay. Some examples of these cases are in https://www.lenr-forum.com/att…-by-electron-gravity-pdf/

  • In the case of Rossi/Focardi the catalyst wasn't used to trigger excitations as you said...In fact rather yes but not in the common nuclear thinking..

    I well understand you defend your model, so, probably more relevant of those from our Kazakh "friends"but only positive experiments will convainc the communauty.

    True, ionized hydrogen is not an absolute prerequisite. See the model. https://www.lenr-forum.com/att…cluster-with-gravity-pdf/

    The catalyst is primarily composed of pseudo-electrons. However, a fusion reaction requires reactants. The math of coulomb barrier still applies. So, what are the options? The catalyst can make neutrons. The catalyst can fuse hydrogen/deuterium to hydrogen/deuterium. The catalyst can absorb energy from fusion of small atomic number atoms to create an energy distribution which includes energy high enough to fuse hydrogen/deuterium to a large atomic number atom. The catalyst can inject a high energy electron into an isotope capable of electron capture then decay occurs. Or the catalyst causes some similar excitations to accelerate radioactive decay. Some examples of these cases are in https://www.lenr-forum.com/att…-by-electron-gravity-pdf/

  • T. Matsumoto has proposed cold fusion can produce electronuclear gravity. Matsumoto explains that the usual sources of nuclear reaction produce tracks on photographic film. But radiation from a cold fusion reaction can develop an image as if the radiation were a light source. This development of images rather than just tracks is a unique radiation to cold fusion. A related but different phenomenon is ball lightening and Ken Shoulder images of EVOs.

    IMO cold fusion comes as a synergy of multiple effects, the collisions of long lines of atoms attenuated by lattice Mossbauer effect in particular. In this very moment multiple atoms will get closely packed and their orbitals will overlap, so that what we can get is the dense tube of electron plasma. The energy of fusion gets released in one direction in EM wave, but it gets absorbed fast by multiple atoms residing in the same crystalographic line or plane. Which is why it isn't released into an outside in form of ionizing radiation.

    The electrons in overlapping orbitals are strongly repulsive and they contribute to proton charge shedding. which allows the fusion. They also serve as a channel for neutrons, which get reabsorbed there as well. But whole this linear artifact is unstable and it decays very fast. So that we can imagine it a bit like a miniature EM pulse generator.


    In dense aether model when environment for electromagnetic wave decays fast then the scalar wave pulse is also generated. The formation of this pulse is analogous to creation of vortex ring within vortex cannon. When vibrating membrane does single pulse in elastic medium, then vortex is generated instead of harmonic wave. A similar pulses can be formed by introduction of EM pulse to superconductive layers in Podkletnov/Poher experiments, which propagate like scalar wave beams. They're followed by density wave of the vacuum, which is where the electrogravitism comes into their theory. So that the above Matsumoto theory has some merit, if we consider scalar waves as a sort of gravitons. It's worth to note that X-ray beams, EVO's and magnetic pulses are merely byproduct of cold fusion reaction - this theory doesn't need it for cold fusion to run.

  • G is 10E40 weaker than the electro strong force why should it matter at all?

    Recently the old Biefeld-Brown electrogravitic experiments were also confirmed by NASA researchers. In dense aether model the vacuum behaves like quantum foam which gets thicker when we shake it - a pretty much like soap foam shaken within evacuated vessel. So that if we introduce a pulse or just a strong energy gradient into a vacuum, then the space in this very place will get more dense and it will slow down the propagation of light waves in similar way like gravitational field. The world gravitic denotes scalar field character of interactions - a miniature gravitational lensing is produced. So that the gravity involves merely the mechanism and space-time curvature rather than actual force there .

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