ogfusionist Member
  • Member since Jun 11th 2015
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Posts by ogfusionist

    Nanoscale fusion, cold fusion, LENR, etc. are all subjects related to hydrogen fusion. This is the THE LENR forum and some mention of experiments related to the basic initiation of proton fusion would be expected. Instead all that appear are far fetched arguments related to strange particles, etc. A few replications of the simple low amu transmutation of hydrogen would be very refreshing, first watch the reaction happening and then start the hand waving. At this rate the forecast for discussions on this forum several years from now would still be at the particle postulation level. Let's spectulate that the protons are quantum entangled, blah, blah, blah.

    &"Who knows who is Mary... Her opinion and arguments are what need to be considered.If she/he libel a company, and the victim complain,justice will promptly break the pseudonym and apply the laws.If she make us crazy, disrupt the discussions, she may be pushed to apply for freedom of speech elsewhere."

    You describe Mary to a T.

    Mary George Tyy posted on this forum several times every several seconds for some form of psychopathic amusement. Typically a psychopaths attempt to make others crazy.

    Nothing that qualifies for herhe consideration and are candidates for your review.

    Longview, thanks for tossing me a lifesaver. I was beginning to tread water here. George and entourage may be somewhat formidable but amusing.

    Majorana, sorry for the misunderstanding and do appreciate your contributions. Hydrogen fusion can easily be done with the right reactor. Nothing to do with Rossi et ali. Hope to see it accepted in the economy soon.

    Majorana, why don't you review my many posts on this forum? I had a hydrogen fusion reactor in operation and posted a protocol. I think Barty and Longview are aware of my contributions. What positive contribution to LENR have you ever made?

    Freshman chemistry experiment shows no difference in energy output from gas produced from electrolysis of water or a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the correct ratio made from bottled gas. I learned this years ago.
    What's the Leap Forward Laboratory up to? A trip to the Cayman islands is an excellent idea for putting suckers money to good use although from a legal angle a trip to jail would be a better idea.

    LENR = nanoscale fusion

    LENR fundamentally does exist in nature, for one our sun is a fusion reactor. Also an infinite number of others in the universe.

    The offspring of these "few well-minded individuals" that were responsible for terminating over a few hundred thousand lives in 1945 are with us. I hope they don't decide on a repeat performance.
    The reaction cannot go supernova because fortunately we don't have a containment vessel that would allow the pressure for a complete reaction. It's not to say that we can't design some clever mode like the fission to fusion hydrogen bomb design. Maybe the supernovas we periodically observe are the result of intelligent inhabitants on planets solving the containment problem?

    It's wonderfully dangerous when I can demonstrate taking a hypothesis to a theory with off the shelf equipment and chemicals. Simply load an alumina tube with nickelous oxide paint from a ceramic shop and heat to 830C while flowing hydrogen through the tube. It's easy to demonstrate the hypothesis that protons fuse and emit photons. Dangerous though because the reactor easily self destructs. Should be anticipated because of the c^2 relationship in the equation. Luckily the delta m is small because of thermal runaway destruction of the reactor.


    Thanks for the recognition. Initially the term LENR had a much narrower definition and was confined to a proton to helium transmutation. My nickelous oxide reactor in conjunction with an RGA did suggest stellar fusion at this simplest level. I did not see higher amu contributions. This catalyst array does fuse hydrogen at its simplest level without higher amu transmutation. I'm not speculating that stellar fusion stops at this level, only that my reactor at 830C only fused hydrogen to produce helium within the experimental thermal constraints. Other than the obvious need to burn oil as dictated at a high level, do you see other reasons that this reaction to produce heat has not been utilized commercially?

    BTW I called up your EDIT reference, it's amusing that sonoluminescence that emits energy at stellar levels in water hasn't been investigated by that group.
    Yes, the Sun is hiding surprises beyond our understanding and these surprises best neglected.

    The quandary of dogmatism. It's a deep hole and we are stuck in it. Big money oil burners will make the hole more shallow when they reposition themselves for profit. The main problem is that this form of proton fusion is an inexpensive source of energy and a large paradigm shift is required. It won't happen tomorrow. Experimental results show that the hypothesis is close to theory and should be quickly developed. Well, at least by day after tomorrow.

    What a tangled web of procedures for the simple process of initiating hydrogen fusion. Much simpler to prepare a nickelous oxide reactor from off the shelf chemicals that are strategically positioned in an alumina housing. Hydrogen gas flowing over the catalyst will fuse at its dissociation temperature. The surface periodicity of the catalyst allow proton proximity to overcome the repulsive barrier and fuse. No need for hand waving physics and strange particle conjectures, it's simply basic stellar fusion that transmutes hydrogen into helium. Although the experimenter doesn't have the challenge and excitement of working with lithium and its hydrides.

    &"If the cold fusion theory is delayed like the cold supracconductivité (BCS) and hot, this won't prevent prevention the development of phenomenological models valid in limited areas Useful goal."

    If I interpret your statement correctly to mean sidetracking models, then I disagree. I have a slab of pyrolytic graphite that levitates above a strong magnet and foresaw a means of high speed propulsion. This has been prevented from developing. There is censorship that controls what models are allowed to develop.
    I do agree that is you are a member of the cognoscente then your statement is correct.

    &"Also would be nice if someone could explain in more layman terms how protons are formed when hydrogen ions interact with Nickel"

    "Hydrogen atom contains a single proton and a single electron. Removal of the electron gives a cation" <- Googled
    Interaction of hydrogen with nickel transfers the electron and leaves a proton. The nickel acts as a catalyst in this nanoscale reaction. When conditions are suitable helium is formed in the transmutation.

    Sorry I added more than you requested. I'm less than a layman on the subject that abounds with hypothesis that shouldn't even qualify as such and being introduced as theories. Yes I'm referring to LENR.

    &"Maybe I'm too optimistic"

    Bright optimism or dreary optimism?
    I have the bright view. We either get smart or destroy ourselves. Seems like we're being forced to get smart or else. Bombs aren't going to work anymore.

    &"H bomb is not LENR but hot fusion"

    The present definition of LENR (original acronym limited to low amu nanoscale fusion) seems to extend temperature into the hot fusion region. "hydrogen bomb definition. A nuclear weapon with enormous explosive power, fueled by nuclear fusion, in which atoms of hydrogen combine to form atoms of helium. "Hydrogen combine to form atoms of helium", this was my definition for LENR. Thus the H bomb is a LENR device.

    At the risk of being redundant, my NiO reactor will initiate hydrogen fusion to produce helium and gammas (mainly gammas at IR wavelength).
    This concept is too economically dangerous at this time so let's forget it.