Wyttenbach Verified User
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  • from Switzerland
  • Member since Jan 15th 2016
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Posts by Wyttenbach

    As explained in very great detail below

    Why should anybody read your clown posts if you don't even understand such simple things as recovered counted as vaccinated?? Recovered, at least up to delta, are 40 better protected than the people getting a CoV-19 gen therapy (vaccine).

    March 2020 40% of UK population was recovered already. The same figures are seen in all countries world wide. If you just add the new UK CoV-19 cases then far more than 50% count as recovered.

    So fact is since 4 months:: IN UK the vaccinated get far more often (up to 6x!!) CoV-19 than unvaxx/recovered!

    These figures only change by fractions of you count in rounding errors for the unvaxx group size!

    What do you like more 5x or 6x?

    It's a pandemic of the vaccinated - since 4 months already!

    UK vaccine report of week 1 2022!


    The picture is clear: The vaccinate do fuel the pandemic as their infection rate did increase further. As always we have to multiply in the 2x for the "recovered and vaccinated", that only for cheating reasons are subsumed under vaccinated.

    Thanks to the boosters the death rate for age <7 0 has gone down by 2x. But also here we do not know the exact percentage of the recovered.

    There is a nice trend in the unvaxx group age > 80 where absolutely more people die albeit the death/cases gets smaller. So this could already be an Omicron effect.

    Such things make it difficult to compare current/past figures.

    Everybody who cites sources with numbers not in line with your antivaxx propaganda is cheating, it seems..

    So you agree you spread fake news? OR can you explain your 8x??? How do you derive 8x from 50:50???

    (Hint:: Any fat child news how to do it!)

    More cheating from today's Swiss news::

    Spital-Fake: Kern aller Massnahmen crasht - Inside Paradeplatz
    Die wahren Covid-Hospitalisationen sind nur halb so hoch wie von den Behörden publiziert. Die ganze Virus-Strategie zerfällt in Echtzeit.

    The FM/R/J/B mafia constantly did blow up (40..50%!!) hospital figure by testing all hospital patients and adding them to the CoV-19 hospitalized. I guess all the Zoruds/Zeus twins did did world wide to cheat the population.

    These were split roughly equally between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    Just explain your factor 8 more unvaxx child!

    You have no understanding about cheating. The old people that die in hospital stay in average 10 days and then leave in a coffin. Younger stay much longer and finally walk out. So if you look at hospital load you get a 200% wrong figure. This "vaccine" terror mafia trick is used world wide to fake the figures.

    She discovered a correlation between microclots and lengthy COVID, which she believes is a critical step toward better understanding the disease that affects 100 million people worldwid

    We already linked the cure here:: They are a bit late.....https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357428572

    Omicron causes no damage at least in the hamster model that have been highly sensitive to delta...

    What Japan's latest research tells us about omicron variant risks - The Mainichi
    TOKYO -- It appears highly unlikely that the coronavirus's omicron variant spreading across the country will make people as sick as the delta variant

    Here in CH despite 3x cases hospital rates go down same for death. But still about 1/3 are delta cases because 9/10 of Omicron infected do not go for a test...

    It’s not about vaxxed and vaxxed infected that might be somehow protected. The report and the numbers are about UNVAXXED, and those dye at a much (8x) higher rate if they get infected

    Oh yeas 7 death age < 50 of 250.... great. Same number we have from flu....

    So you basically agree that the vaccines add nothing / do not help much....But our terror friends tell a different story...

    Not to mention treatment and the much higher number of gene therapy death/cripples age < 50...

    This means that roughly half of Switzerland’s Covid deaths over the last 4 weeks have occurred among a relatively small number of unvaccinated people.

    And now. What does this tell? Only unvaccinated die? OR as you said 8x more unvaccinated die?? You statement just works in case of fake subgrouping.

    And guess > 50% of these vaccinated are protected by an infection. So also then its just 4x...

    The google effort was basically academic.

    The page family (aka Google) and Microsoft recently joined the field of LENR after IH failing blatantly. These two today dark empires give you NDA's for 5 years even just for talking to you...

    Of course you can and must expect they report "failures only" in fields that are of no interest for them.

    PARIS (AP) — France’s government is forging ahead with efforts to increase pressure on unvaccinated people to get coronavirus shots, as the country reported 208,000 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday — a record fueled by the omicron variant.

    Irrational (guided by $$$$$$$$$) leaders like to beef up their post gov. income... Vaccinated do spread CoV-19 more often than unvaxx. But luckily Omicron is a free vaccination! As said 100x less impact than delta!

    But the real problem is a large percentage of dumb folks believes this state spread nonsense. Gene therapy (vaccination) is only about personal protection. It has zero = "0" = nada influence on the pandemics!

    Australia with 50'000/day Omicron cases still believes foreigners area a danger...

    Weltnummer 1 abgewiesen - Keine Einreise: Djokovic muss Australien verlassen
    Nun ist es offiziell: Novak Djokovic darf nicht nach Australien einreisen. Dem Serben fehlt das nötige Visum.

    Vaccine terror also rule sports. The world now seems to be an Auschwitz camp with strict rules for prisoners. Numbered/stamped by vaccine passes.

    Next event:: Winter Olympics in level III fascist camp China. The Chinese destroyed a national nature preservation territory and use a water a far distant water pipeline to bring it up hill to the snow machines...

    Next winter Olympics possible under water! In large submarine park...

    and hopefully tomorrow we test negative

    Book it as soon as you can...We expect max net cases around 10'000'000/ day for USA with 1/8 tested. But I guess Florida is a high income state with enough testing capacity!

    We again have record cases 32'000/day positive rate 33% with close to 100'000 tests/day. So in reality 250'000 cases...Keep in mind that these 8x folks have no symptoms or at least not more than a soft cold. So if hospital data today says 12x less severity with Omicron you have to multiply this 12 by 8 to finally get the 100x less real severity of Omicron!

    Just laugh loud at all fear monger folks....

    Wyttenbach, please post a graph that shows the real , not fake data from Switzerland….

    Here is another fake graph.

    I did link two papers that contains the base data. If you are a disabled person then I can record it for you...

    BAG_COVID-19_Woechentliche_Lage 50pdf.pdf

    BAG_COVID-19_Woechentliche_Lage 49pdf.pdf

    Here two weeks for you. Because the mafia does not like real data you must extract it yourself.

    And may be just read the text on the last line you did post. The text says the same.

    Swiss vaxx rate is close to 70% now. SO if 50% of all death are double vaxx how can it be 8x...

    For omicron (where vaccines are least effective against infection and transmission - even though they do a better job (thank God) against serious disease) RB (thanks) posted some data from Denmark about household transmission showing 50% less after booster vaccination.

    So that is an R reduction of 50%

    Once more the vaccine terrorists fake claims. The study was from paper data with 50% fake positive. To correlate 50% with 50% you get down to 25% at best! Further vaccinated do far less testing.

    So as usual a 1000% clown post.

    If the time series is too short (as here - you were claiming a trend over 2 weeks)

    Jumping Jack logic. No, we have no Omicron wave - time series to short....

    You can choose yourselves what applies to you from (clown, child, Idiot, brick-head, undergrad, fool, gawk,....)