Here is part of the message:
"Mallove sent V. Noninski to Dr. Farrell’s Franklin and Marshall College chemistry lab where he set up a replication of my published experiment (attached). He slept on the lab bench and would not leave even for food that I brought to him. He successfully replicated my experiment (attached) and called Mallove with great excitement. I witnessed the call. To his astonishment, Mallove was furious “IT IS NUCLEAR OR NOTHING”. In general, cold fusionists found it unacceptable that light water and nickel electrolysis, not heavy water and palladium was reproducible at generating a significant gain in heat."
This is nonsense. I knew Eugene Mallove well. I spoke with him many times a week, visited him several times, and I have hundreds of messages from him. I also know Noninski pretty well. There is no way Mallove would have said this. He was enthusiastic about Mills' nickel light water results. He was impressed by Thermocore's presentation of those results at MIT. So was I, and I still am. See:
Mallove thought the effect was probably nuclear, but he understood that Mills did not think so. He would never be angry about a theory issue. I myself could not care less whether it is nuclear or Mills' super chemistry. Based on the helium results with Pd-D I suppose D-D fusion is occurring in those systems, but I am indifferent to theory, and I would not get emotional about it. Neither would Mallove.
I do not know whether this was a misunderstanding or a lie, but I am sure it did not happen.
The part about Noninski not sleeping or eating sounds plausible.
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There is no reason for Mills to lie about that. Other than Rossi he does not need the approval of strangers in a forum. Here is the reply of the former co-worker to what Mills wrote:
Thanks for this information, Dr. Mills, which is obviously credible. Do you have an approximate date for this very unscientific behavior of Mallove?
Mallove used the term, "hot fusion mafia" verbally, and possibly also in his editorials, with cause. Steve Krivit had similar feelings about the way the D + D 》 4He fusion explanation was demanded by McKubre especially. When Melich, a CIA physicist, took over the NRL work, Krivit was horrified. It would seem there was a "cold fusion mafia", also.
The drive to get funding by getting the act under the QM tent was consuming. Money seems to control most "thinking".
For the purpose of explanation, and not to condemn, Mallove was under tremendous strain, which was worrisome to his employees. We felt intense loyalty to him, for putting his career and reputation on the line, but he was making decisions that we believed were indicating a failure of rational judgement. This we did not advertise, but I felt ethically responsible to write to ODonnell, his main patron, giving him some facts I believed he should know.
O'Donnell told Mallove of my letter, but he did not fire me. However, continued employment was untenable.
He never said anything like, "nuclear or nothing" to me, but he didn't need to do so. I was in the role of lab engineer, designing and building apparatus, not questioning the fusion explanation. I just kept making calorimeters, trying and failing to find excess heat, which I reported on Vortex as insignificant, due to our amateurish facilities, insufficient education, lack of experience, and trying to do too many experiments at the same time. These criticisms did not apply to our senior physicist, who was really trying to salvage the situation, but he was fired for alleged disloyalty.