interested observer Member
  • Member since Feb 10th 2017
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Posts by interested observer

    AA, in my mind, one of the three statements I listed must be true. It is not wishful thinking. If none of them is correct, then what alternative have I left out?

    And I assure you that there is not even a remote and far-fetched sense in which it is in my economic interest that Rossi has nothing. I have no clue what weird idea you have who I am. If e-cats actually work, I am sure we would all be better off at least some day. That doesn’t make it any more possible that they do. And you accuse me of wishful thinking?

    Axil's posts today are filled with definitive declarative statements (as opposed to expressions of opinion) about Rossi's technology, his activities, and those of so-called competitors. I am not making any judgements here, but there are only three possible explanations for these posts:

    1) Axil has direct connections to Rossi and others in the LENR world that nobody else here has and that provide him with information nobody else has.

    2) Axil is telepathic or clairvoyant and can simply know these things without being told them

    3) Axil makes all this stuff up

    Logically speaking, one of these three statements is correct. It is up to each of us to decide for himself which it is.

    Somehow, I don’t think some people here appreciate the significance of a device that outputs more energy than it takes to run it (and claims to only consume small amounts of fuel over some extended period of time.) Such a thing has no need for automated factories, robotics, and other cost-cutting measures. If you can reliably build such a thing, you can pretty much name your price and the line of people willing to pay will be very long indeed.

    I would genuinely like to hear the arguments for why this is not obviously true. Please explain why an essentially unlimited source of energy has to be made cheaply.

    Alan: " There will be no more discussion of GW or accusations of insanity in this forum. It is neither a Climate Change or Mental Health discussion space. interested observer should take particular note of this, since while not the only transgressor, IO is too often the initiator of such comments. Sanctions will be used if there is any more of this nonsense."

    I was pondering this comment. If you look back at the lively exchange from yesterday, you will note that at no point did I mention Climate Change in anything I said. So saying I am too often the initiator of such comments seems like using me as a scapegoat so you didn't have to criticize someone else. The subject did appear in the thread, but not in any of my comments. As for the accusations of insanity, I plead guilty to making one. While I did not explicitly call anyone in particular insane, I thought the comment was both appropriate and rather restrained as a response to "The unmitigated evil that the enemies of LENR bring to the world requires a unmitigated negative and maximal reaction to that evil; and that evil is just beginning to be marshaled."

    Meanwhile, I was the target of multiple overt insults by several posters, which apparently did not trouble you at all, presumably since for the most part they were not about climate change or mental health. I suppose you will claim that I instigated these comment by calling Rossi supporters "vitriolic and ill-tempered". Thank goodness I didn't call them homicidal maniacs.

    But you have the last say. This is your sandbox and you get to set the rules, whatever they might be.

    I don’t get it. Rossi’s followers should be very happy. They believe that their hero is going to save the world. They have unbounded faith. They believe that great things are going to happen in a little over a week. And yet, every one of them is vitriolic and ill-tempered Why do they all care what the mean old skeptics have to say? Even if they consider it blasphemy, they should ignore it. Rossi is a big boy. He can take care of himself.

    “Do you know what a neutron is?” is not dialogue. It is misplaced condescension. You don’t have any interest in dialogue. You want to give lectures. Fortunately, there seem to be some folks on LENR sites who want to hear them. So enjoy yourself.

    Axil, I used the term cold fusion because a number of people here do. So feel free to substitute LENR or AHE or invisible pink flying unicorns in my comment. I really don’t care. I have no doubt that nobody else here has the exact same thing in mind that you do anyway, so call it whatever floats your boat.

    As far as I can tell, according to Jed there are 3 groups of people in the world:

    People who have accepted cold fusion into their lives (it doesn’t matter how or why). Good people except in the modern era (2016-present) this excludes Rossi believers.

    People who haven’t read a requisite (but not defined) number of papers in his holy of holies. Such people are beneath contempt and should be summarily ignored unless they say something, in which case they should be attacked immediately.

    People who have read many papers but haven’t accepted cold fusion into their hearts. They are crackpots.

    At least one always knows where one stands.

    The petty squabbles about things like a quote from Carl Sagan or how much Italian Krivit knows are a sign of the times. These days, if you disagree with someone about something, then you should endeavor to disagree with them about everything. That seems to be working real well so far in the big bad world.

    Well, we have another ten days of flailing away at the intrepid band of Rossifarians who have already demonstrated their unshakable ability to ignore all facts. Is anyone expecting that to change? There are some differences among the troops. Only Axil is declaring that the event will be world-changing. Most of the others are advising for patience and the ever-popular "let's forget about all the sins of the past and just see what happens" strategy. I suppose that IHFanboy would still describe himself as "on the fence", which is accurate in the same sense as Baltimore is at the Canadian border.

    Anyway, ten days to go.

    In ten days, there will be an event in the technology world that will capture the attention of millions of people. Yes, I am talking about the Best Buy Black Friday Sale.

    Oh yeah. Rossi will have one of his weird show-an-tell sessions that day too.