Cydonia Verified User
  • Member since Oct 17th 2017

Posts by Cydonia

    If we take a look at pilot wave, we realize that it deforms vacuum only in direction of particle actual motion, that means that in another directions the vacuum remains relatively flat. The perceived/observed inertia of electrons would thus correspond the deform of vacuum observed from particular direction. The effective mass of electron doesn't decrease in perpendicular directions - except the fact, that increased vacuum density makes the rest mass of electron relatively lower as a whole. What de-Broglie wave affects instead is the projection of particle spin into direction of particle motion: the half-integer spin of electron changes gradually into integer spin of boson - in another words, the fast moving particle gets widespread and it gradually changes into a charge wave.


    Yep, any acceleration of particle ads another undulation to its pilot wave - actually the more, the higher derivatives of motion gets. In my theory the cold fusion results from Astroblaster effect during sharp collisions of multiple atoms along single line, during which the orbitals at the place of collision get literally shaken and their electrons gain high relativistic mass for a brief moment of time.

    Dear Zephir,

    Could your model be related with polaritron plasmons and latest Google patent explanation ?

    Je suis tout à fait d’accord, c’est le point de vue d’une seule personne, mais j’ai pensé que cela valait la peine d’être inclus.

    Dear Alan,

    if a worker wants to marry a princess, but this one pushes his advances then he will treat as bitch because so frustrated ... this is the only truth about this paper ....

    AR gave me any money to tell that therefore i know perfectly the french microcosm ;( the french who's who..8)

    Dear Robert, be sure old stones are still pointing to the sky :)

    I took time to go check this afternoon..

    Rather than hell's fire, you can go not far from here to see a part of paradise, la rue Trésor (treasure street) :).

    Hello everyone,

    it took me a while to understand Alan Smith's thinking.

    Indeed, really tell everything and write everything on this site, always..

    Probably the Anglo-Saxon spirit ?

    Finally, I think he was right, people with good intentions sorted well-meaning bloggers and others.

    By this way, i also allow myself to share my opinion on this creazy thread.

    From my side, I don't share at all sterile contemplation on problems of this cathedral.

    How lucky, by fire, we contemplate the resurrection of pure and generous Catholicism....

    From my side, I see maintly this symbol as Catholicism that burns !

    Strange coincidence of history...

    Indeed, we already have forgotten all problems in relation with pedophilia and Catholic clergy !

    In parallel, there is in France a great debate about techniques that will have to be used for roof reconstruction.

    It is necessary to reuse the wood to build the roof or use more modern materials such as steel, more modern, less expensive then faster.

    Finally, this is already the eternal debate between conservatives VS progressives everywhere..

    Regarding religion, France lost everything during St Bartholomew massacre.

    Today, french clergy would be much more balanced if they were able to assume their human body, their sexuality, like our "brexiters", who aren't so oldfashion from this point of view.

    Similarly, France has lost everything by another conservatism, its "classical" nuclear establishment from another age.

    Americans are talking about old Europe, they are not completely mistaken. So, even if I don't share main brexiters point of view, in this old Europe with power and ideas so centralized, it is inevitable that one is mistaken when he dares to think just a little differently.

    From this point of view, the British are brave.

    A guy who lives at Paris..

    Une interprétation très vive, imaginative et créative Cyd.

    Therefore, i have to admit this work is very good !

    Make some Storm's NAE by 2 different currents, mix closer all common things we need, inside thin film to avoid long duration loading.

    By using AISI 316 "L" we guess this device/technology can run at high temperature ( up to melting point of common alloys ? ).

    Endeed L means steel with low carbon rate, because at high temperature steel becomes too fragile with too much carbon.

    Unfortunally the weak point remains this technology isn't yet easily tuneable because you don't know how drive " in live" NAE size.. so output power.

    It seems to be better than Airbus technology i think..therefore.

    Bravo Alain pour tes découvertes qui dates déjà , dsl..

    Pour ton info, en fait, Letts crée des dentrites via sputtering comme l'avait fait fortuitement Didier Grass.

    Concernant les réacteurs parallèles reliés ensemble pour faire des cycles de pression/depression, en fait c'est le système Rossi cat/mouse.. trop marrant..

    Toutefois, le système cat/mouse comprend 2 réacteurs en 1, qu sont concentriques , donc pas besoin de pompe au bénéfice d'un meilleur COP.

    C'est le lithium dans le cas Rossi qui fait la pompe..

    C'est pas de la spéculation, car je l'ai personnellement vérifié, aaaah trop marrant tout ça..

    Mais Bon, les américains sponsorisent Jean Paul, aussi, ce dernier doit forcément savoir tout cela..:-)

    The QX plasma temperature is always exactly 11604K ("=1eV") according to Dottore Rossi....doesn't matter in which mode it runs.

    Edit: Maybe Rossi talks about his SK, not the QX...?

    As all Lenr phenomenoms turn around 1 Ev , Rossi doesn't seem to tell important things here. Basically, his plasma ( if plasma) seems common if you consider running temperature, in this case.

    You seems lost between SK or QX like me therefore to try to improve our understanding we should do a flash back up to Ecat Ht.

    Ecat Ht ( as Bt before) seems to use H monoatomic so i can not imagine that next Rossi's technologies are far away from this.

    Interesting thread which i don't take time fo follow closely.

    Therefore, beyong balls, negative resistance how people here considers the high temperature needed by QX ?

    I know above 2500° H monoatomic remains stable in duration, would that be the reason ?

    Does QX use Argon or neon both with LI+H ? Because in relation with their higher first ionization state , discharge current should be concentrated to LI+H.


    Un séjour sans faille

    J'ai aussi essayé cela avec une poudre de titane. Là, de l'hydrogène était chargé dans la poudre mais la pression restait constante. Pourtant, le titane peut dissoudre beaucoup plus d'hydrogène, non?

    Johny5 what type of nickel powder you used for this ? what type of titanium too ? SStube 304 or 316 ? Were your SS tube fully filled with Ni powder, Did the powder touch the wall ?

    Thanks for your reply;


    you filled a SStube with hydrogen and nickel powder, you saw that hydrogen was leaking.

    With alumina tube no leak, but did you try a run with SS tube and Hydrogen inside without any powder ?


    I realize that he may never re-turn to this forum, however, it's my hope that by some miracle he'll show up soon and share more information with us. Now would seem to be a very appropriate time due to some of the comments he made. As an example, he stated that when he placed a tiny piece of lithium metal in a nickel and hydrogen reactor, it seemed like some sort of particles were interacting with the lithium and making it glow extremely bright (this is a big hint of strange radiation). Furthermore, he talked about how he feared his whole laboratory was "activated" due to emissions from his device (which is another big hint of strange radiation). I still remember how he explained that after going back to the papers of Focardi and Piantelli he was able to learn from their techniques and fuel treatment protocols to maximize the COP from basic Ni-H reactions. Then he said that lithium was one element that could enhance the output further.

    My hunch is that he learned all about strange radiation very early on because he observed EVERYTHING that Parkhomov has reported during this recent conference. After repeatedly (please feel free to go back through his post history and you can verify this) promising to be open and teach us how to replicate, he went silent after expressing a great deal of fear about the dangers of LENR. Now the Strange Radiation "cat" is out of the "box." If he was EVER going to keep his word and support the community that inspired his early experiments, now would be a fantastic time.

    About piantelli's patent, concerning his NIH reactor, he put lithium plates outside central core. NIH and Li were separated.This proves he expected these plates should be bombarded by "radiations" from NIH mixture.


    Nobels distort the nature of the scientific enterprise, rewrite its history, and overlook many of its most important contributors....In as much as they propagate the myth of the lone genius, that lone genius is almost always white and male. Women have won just 12 of the 214 prizes in physiology or medicine, just 4 of the 175 prizes in chemistry, and just 2 of the 204 prizes in physics. The most recent female physics laureate, Maria Goeppert Mayer, won her prize 54 years ago....The wider problem, beyond who should have received the prize and who should not, is that the Nobels reward individuals—three at most, for each of the scientific prizes, in any given year.…prizes-in-science/541863/

    In the same way, Alan, President OBAMA pace nobel prized probably more clever than the actual one, therefore President of the most heavily armed country in the world, where NRA followers wreak havoc every day.. uncomfortable assembly between this prize, peace and political influences.

    Are you sure that what you call the "hollow cathode aka sputtering target" is the same cathode in the electrolysis that released heat or is it the substrate with ZrO2 with nickel and whatever else trapped inside. I am a bit confused by the video. The ZrO substrate is not the hollow cathode.

    the hollow cathode remains the sputtering emitter, it was the first step to put amorphous nickel onto ZrO2. Then to increase deposit thickness DG used electrolysis so at this stage started the event..Hydrogen entrapped Inside nickel dendrites came from electrolyte nickel sulfamate.
