Cydonia Verified User
  • Member since Oct 17th 2017

Posts by Cydonia

    Young modulus ?

    YAs mentioned. The EM radiation from a B-B merger is about 10E40 more powerful than the fantasy GR radiation could be. What LIGO measures are toroidal EM waves as these are the only one that can influence the steel tube/mirror system.

    The LIGO formula used for mirror bending by GR forces is nonsense as these folks have forgotten to add the steel compression constant. Such things happen when clueless mathematicians do physics.

    Wyttenbach Gravitational waves have never been measured

    Well, if their wavelength is so long that any human means could measure them.....

    i don't believe in gravity particles but rather in gravity large fluctuations depending from where you are in the universe, why not ?

    When you see how behave superclusters in the entire universe , we could postulate that.

    Well, i think that a metal fully flat without any kind of cracks and gases without any kind of hydrogen could work.

    Either i'm stupid and pretentious either the field is late but surely i'm probably stupid :)

    Arata did a lot of work on the optimum size for LENR in nanooparticles and came up wiith (from memory) 11-13nM. But you have to remeber that we are not only talking about particles themselves, byt the spaces between them and according to de Boer writing about the adsorption of of hydrogen on metallic and crystalline surfaces in the 1930's 'cracks, gaps, corners, edges.'. So a highly disordered material may be active even if the particles are larger than the optimum.

    My way to work at this scale is the simple electrolysis, by an appropriate set up you will be able to manage to manufacturing of some kind of dendrites both with the space between them.

    Another better way is the sputtering if you have access to this mean.

    I did a search and asked in laboratories that offered this kind of service, of course worldwide. When I said what the desired range of holes was, and the material, all said it was not possible.

    Well, i have explorated your website and your work attached. Now i won't speculate about potential links between gravitons in which you believes and Lenr.

    So many, as wyttenbach, edo and some others could exchange with you on these topics.

    Regarding to remain more close to the ground you should have a look also on all Halgelstein's work and W Dubinsko too.

    Bon ou mauvais, il semble que vous décriviez :

    New Energy Times - Issue #35 Special Report: Widom-Larsen Theory Simplified

    Well the WL model is banned here ( not by me) only the LEC one seems to appear on head :P

    Now regarding your plasmons you have to define means to reinforce the plasmons strength which at maximum can only reach 15Ev...

    Please allow me to explain my imagination about the behavior of non-ionized hydrogens on a plasmonic surface.

    I believe that the protons share potential energy with the surrounding free electrons, resulting in a state similar to that of an alpha particle affected by stopping power. In simpler terms, the protons transfer their kinetic energy to the free electrons, causing them to be emitted as Auger-like electrons. If the protons remain within the plasmons, they will eventually lose all their kinetic energy and only retain potential energy. However, if some protons become stuck on the plasmonic surface, they may capture more electrons with greater probability, leading to the formation of neutrons.

    This state is a balance between ionized and non-ionized, which can occur at lower energies on the plasmonic surface. Neutrons in this context are relatively calm, similar to the predictions of the W-L theory.

    Well, with friends we have made some deep investigations and we have a clear idea about how it works, however all things need time to go forward. (not yet retired :) )

    First of all, sorry to Ryoji Furui San to have polluted his thread.

    I can't blame Tarasenko and doing the same in the same time..

    Next i have nothing wrong against your country and you, it's fully clear. I spent 2 times in Shane D. place, also Hawai rather nice :)

    About Rossi, my thoughts:

    He proposed 2 ideas to Focardi for improving the Piantelli way: the first the powder the second the famous secret catalyst, i know.

    And it's was a good way.

    Next Focardi became off, passed away, and AR continued with Fabiani.

    They evolved the initial Focardi release by self managing the hydrogen , it was the famous Doral release.

    I don't know what exactly became wrong with IH but as i studied it deeply i can say and share that some technical things involved in that were only discovered recently by Iwamura team and presented at last ICCF.

    The field is 10 years LATE. The fashion magic last Biberian's powder presented at ICCF made me laugh for example.

    Next it was the hotcat generation, very interesting release, and the technical gap was very big regarding the Doral one.

    Always the same Iwamura expectation that Rossi's as a joke called Cat/Mouse.

    Now behind this funny naming believe me there is great physical things..

    I understood 95 % of its release, this is why i currently replicate it.

    Unfortunatelly, this year i was very busy ( involved in french cells gigafactory project) and i only will restard soon experimentations.

    These hotcat are interesting because i have some ideas to highly improve them, ( bigger COP).

    Would like to do a drone by this way to kill all... ahahaha

    I have respect about people involved in LEC project, but there is at least one light year what separate these 2 technologies.

    Next there was the Lugano release, which is completly different.

    I speculate that Rossi fucked 2 swedish scientists by recovering their work for himself.

    Anyway, this is a neutron generator, by which these species are removed from lithium to transmute the surrounding metal.

    At Lugano it was nickel now it you use rather simple thorium you will reach ( by adding neutrons) interesting US toy levels.

    You can understand we are not talking of disneyland entertainments here.

    Next there was the QX generation by which the Cat/Mouse was managed by direct electricity.

    From this stage, Fabiani have had serious health problems, Rossi threw he away then only continued with low cost engineers from EU east side.

    The rest of the story is only blalbla bla from Rossi, he became old, over... You can see that, everyday on ECW ....

    To summarize:

    The Focardi release is working well.

    The Doral one managed by itself the hydrogen but it was the same way as previously, only an improvement.

    The Hotcat very different in engineering but on the same way considering the basic principles.

    Lugano way to avoid to me because neutrons able to do U235.

    QX interesting improvement by which cat/mouse were managed by direct electricity.

    Next ... Rossi was only the beginning because it exists other ways in the same spirit very interesting too, dusty plasma and full plasma.

    That 's all.... This is my postulates.

    I won't continue about AR here , i can however add to finish that Ryoji Furui thoughts are going in the same Lugano engineering hehehe....

    You don't know any things really with what you argued, only current blablabla we can heard everywhere.

    Didn't you know that your country (DOE/DOD) paid him for some of his technology so that he would shut up and USA could continue to make money from its oil ?

    I don't want to be rude but seeing Leonardo Corp. mentioned in your paper is a little off-putting considering there track record.

    You should stay in your aquarium.

    I was at ICCF 25 and read his abstract, I didn't find anything new there, I used to shoot everything on video myself, this time I didn't feel like doing it all. There were few reports on geology, physicists are being rebuilt and this is good, we need to think differently, otherwise everything is the same. Do as I do, watch movies and think...