Bob#2 Member
  • Member since May 27th 2019
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Posts by Bob#2

    Interesting that you think this. Care to explain why and where you got your ideas..... perhaps "Rossi says"?

    Note that several respected and true researchers continue to work for IH and seem very happy and content! Cravens, HIggins and others, who are real researchers, with real credentials and do not lie, cheat and defraud.

    So I find it very interesting that you raise Rossi on a pedestal, a person absolutely proven to be a continual liar, fraudster and deceiver (simply read his own blog) and yet you deplore IH! This tells a lot about either your own character or your ability to discern actual circumstances.

    Note that no one has publicly stood up for Rossi except for two people.... Mats Lewan and Frank Ackland. The Swedish profs certainly have not supported Rossi, National Instruments, Seimens, SGS, none of his "licensees", ABB, Cook, Gulstrom(sp) and even Penon does not publicly support him. Even though the so called "European Circle" supposedly believe Rossi's technology, they will not even out and out endorse him. (A true telling of their convictions)

    Rossi has stated over the years that many "Aerospace engineers" and experts in various fields have collaborated with him.... yet none have ever been made public and none have ever announced support.

    You stated he has been replicated, which is adamantly false, in that no one even knows what the eCat is made of. Can you tell me what is inside the little blue flash light reactor? Can you tell me the contents of the gas cat, the 1MW plant cat, the SK, the QX, the Leonardo????? No, no one can. So he had not been replicated at all.

    Truly amazing how one can ascribe such loyalty to a convicted felon, who has continued to be proven to lie continuously and deceive and cast shade on an organization that you have ZERO proof that they are " a deplorable group".

    Unless you are like some here on the forum... believe that by being a capitalistic venture group, that makes them inherently evil and should be castigated and banned. Regardless of what they are actually like in person and deed.

    "Rossi's legal entity was a portfolio company of IH. "

    This is entirely made up or you are simply entirely mistaken. Leonardo Corp. was in existence before IH was.

    Rossi has had no legal entity other than Leonardo Corp. IH did not procure Leonardo Corp in any manner. Leonardo Corp was never owned by IH nor a legal partnership. The only transactions between IH and Leonardo Corp. was the contract for Rossi to provide all IP of the eCat and the license to sell eCats in North America. Leonardo Corp. was never owned nor connected to IH in any manner other than through the sale of the 1MW plant and the sale of licenses. Again, a customer IH purchasing a "1MW" plant from Leonardo Corp. Leonardo Corp. no longer retained any ownership of the plant. This was not a partnership it was a vendor customer relationship. A partnership is when there is joint ownership, share of stock or share of revenues. None of this was the case.

    IH then purchased the license or "rights" to sell 1MW plants in North America. There was no stock exchanged, no revenue sharing, no legal partnership. IH and Leonardo Corp where completely separate vendor and customer. There is no doubt nor clouded issue about this.

    As most believers, the story has to be twisted an stretched to try and defend Rossi. You are incorrect here but it matters little.

    But again, avoiding the real question as usual. Rossi himself has claimed to sell 13 reactors to multiple customers. You have ignored and avoided answering the question about what has happened to them. Simply because you realize it proves Rossi a liar and unreliable and as a believer, cannot admit it. So you dodge the question by dwelling on some arcane and silly side question!

    Again, what about the 13 plants and customers since 2011? Did Rossi abandon them? Or were they lies?

    "Last time i react on one of your post."

    Understandable if one cannot defend the situation in question. That is the same reason Rossi simply deletes all real questions on his blog. He cannot answer them, so he deletes them. :thumbup:

    If Rossi's work is all an elaborate con, there is no need to escape through some hatch for us Rossi believers. We'll take it on the chin, like men.

    I doubt that. It has been proven a con and yet most supporters refuse to acknowledge it.

    Proven? Per sworn court documents, many from Rossi's own mouth.

    1) Letter from Rossi to IH stating the Doral event was a "sale of heat" to an established customer. - Proven lie, there was no customer, it was Rossi himself.

    2) That the offer had to be accepted within a very short time frame as the customer had to move on to other heat sources. - Proven lie, there was no customer nor no actual time line commitment, other than to induce fraud.

    3) Invoices from the "customer" to IH was presented by Rossi. Proven fraud as there was no customer other than Rossi himself, and the heat was not consumed. IH never paid the fake invoices.

    4) Tours of the Doral facility by the "chief engineer". The person portraying the position was an out of work person with an IT background. The depositions established that the fake engineer spoke only what Rossi instructed him to while portraying him as chief engineer from the "customer". Proven lies.

    5) The Penon report showed on multiple occasions that the plant "consumed" more electricity than the power company provided. Clearly false data.

    6) The heat dissipation was originally stated by Rossi to be an exotic thermal manufacturing process, then a vent in the roof, then finallly during court depositions,

    a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is undoubtedly fake with no supporting evidence and various photos, calculations and testimonies indicating fraud as everything else. Note, if the exchanger did exist, Rossi lied about the manufacturing process, the roof vent and other issues around it.

    7) Rossi stated the "custmer" was using the heat to fabricate production product. The court depositions clearly showed the "customer side" was nothing but a set of pipes that circulated the water and no evidence at all for production.

    and the list goes on.

    Yet, I have not seen an ardent Rossi supporter yet acknowledge that Doral was a scam, despite all the evidence. So I doubt the claim "We'll take it on the chin, like men." is correct. Excuses are always made up! :!::whistling:

    Dear mods.

    Would you like me to use a more tactful way to remind posters that they are being obsessively and noisily repetitive?


    I got a ban for "repetitive posting" of a point! I guess it is only applicable if the posts are towards certain people? :/

    Is RB's juvenile and repetitive taunting allowed because of who it is directed to or because it supports the "Cause" although erroneously?

    Regardless, RB's continuous juvenile actions are a black eye to this forum and very tiresome.

    THH shows restraint that is quite astonishing. Yet he gets the green card for being correct!

    Let no one say there is no bias here!!! :/

    Uh... what do you mean "not a customer"?

    They bought a 1MW plant (the blue container) for $1.5 Million dollars! Last time I checked, if you bought something, you were a "customer".

    They entered a deal to pay Rossi 10 million dollars for his IP for WORKING eCats. Again, when you buy something, you are a "customer".

    I am quite well informed, it is you who seems to not understand that when one purchases something, you are indeed a customer.

    Anyway, you dodged the original question and try to deflect the indefensible as most Rossi supporters HAVE to do, because there is no good reply.

    Again, what did Rossi do with his previous customers that he sold the 13 1MW plants to? Or is it all lies?

    How does Rossi support those customers when he has no employees / t eam?

    Why would these companies not come public and use the tremendous PR about using an energy source that can save the planet? !

    Of course, there is no good answer to these but I can guess what you might reply...

    Rossi DID sell the plants and he is supporting them. (Although there is zero evidence this is true. Rossi himself refuses to mention the subject. Ask h;im the question on JONP yourself. It will get deleted. The court documents also stated there were no customers)

    Rossi DOES have a top notch team and IS supporting these plants! (Although there is zero evidence this is true and Rossi himself refuses to mention the subject. Ask him the question on JONP yourself. It will get deleted. The court documents also stated there was no support team other than Bass and Fabiani (sp))

    The customers stay quiet to keep ahead of their competition! (Sure. You really believe that. These companies are dodging all the regulations that would be required, the huge positive PR and exactly what would their competition do if they found out they were using a revolutionary energy source? Totally absurd)

    Yet I do not expect any logical answer at all because there is none. Perhaps more dodging the questions though.

    As often said, Rossi supporters go to great length to defend Rossi (with ridiculous scenarios) because Rossi cannot defend himself!


    Again, why do you believe Rossi? I have asked before and you do not seem to want to answer or perhaps can?

    Rossi always says things that will support his CURRENT situation. He once said he was sick from radiation.... after years of stating there was no radiation. This was after he stated radiation only at high power! Take your pick.

    He has said so many things before.

    But one thing is correct... "far from the LENR community, to which we, actually, never belonged." I agree with this absolutely!

    Cold Fusion / LENR is an actual phenomena, worked on by actual scientist, who are honest, truthful, genuine and above reproach.

    Rossi is NONE of the above and has never been. So it is true.... his lies, fraud and staged demos NEVER belonged in the LENR field!

    (Regardless of what the "European Circle Fraternity" still believes.)

    Save yourself continual disappointment and stop believing Rossi's continual lies.

    Rossi the conman, right?

    Exactly.... absolutely!

    Rossi was to transfer all IP and eCat knowledge to IH for the sum of $10 million dollars. IH indeed paid the $10 million dollars and Rossi defrauded them as a conman. I am glad you see that now!

    Please note ,that after failing to scam the $89 million from IH, Rossi dropped the eCat like a "hot potato" and has not mentioned it since. Because it was indeed a scam.

    Please answer this.... Rossi has stated he has sold at least 13 1MW plants over the years to "satisfied customers". Yet about every 18 months he drops the "Current Magnificense" for a new design, one that needs the bugs worked out, has some issues and requires at least another year of improvement.

    So answer this... what did Rossi do with the previous 13 1MW plants he sold to satisfied customers?

    1) They are still running and yet, somehow Rossi never mentions them as evidence that his reactors work?

    2) After 10 years, the "Satisfied customers" still refuse to make public, that they are running a world changing technology of CF and are happy with the eCat plants, yet for some strange reason stay quiet and secret?

    3) Rossi, who in the Doral trial depositions, was proven to have only (1) employee, James Bass, a fake "Chief Engineer". Fabiani (sp) was not an employee but a contractor. Who is providing all the support for these 13 1MW plants that Rossi sold to "satisfied customers"?

    4) Or the most obvious to all (except you and a very few others).... it was all simply a big lie like almost everything Rossi says?

    Please answer as I am sincerely interested how you reconcile Rossi's long standing statements of "Satisfied customers" that are using his power plants. Even as recently as this year! Yet after 11 years, not a single word for an;y of them!

    Wait... I am wrong about that.. There WAS one customer who came forward....! Whoops, they were not so satisfied and could get nothing to work did they!:)

    This last post of Rossi's is simply a ploy for attention. Not only does Rossi's history of "new devices and tests" repeat itself, but when people start to ignore him and posting about his "masterpieces" start slowing down, he always makes an "announcement" to give new fodder to his flock of believers to keep them sustained.

    The only good point.... Rossi is slowly fading into oblivion. Posting believers on this site is basically down to 2 people. The "non-posting" believers are even more quiet than before. (How about that technical content on the heat exchanger RB? :) You never have responded about that!)

    LENRs reputation will be far better off and those active researchers will have more credibility once Rossi is no longer associated with them. Some here state that "main stream" hostility to CF is a major stumbling block. I believe that support (active or passive) of Rossi is far more destructive to their credibility! It amazes me how some still cling to Rossi's illusions!

    So where is that scientific quote from the literature which reveals that 1000eV screening is predicted by conventional theory.

    Is this is a hope or a belief from THHnew?

    RB - What "technical content" does the above post have? (As you are always saying) Or is it just more of your usual juvenile BS that shows your maturity level?

    Yes indeed.

    Oh by the way... you have never answered :

    Was your support and technical contributions to ME356 " a hope or belief" from RobertBryant ? What did your "technical content" ability get your there?

    Was your support and technical contributions to Rossi " a hope of belief" from RobertBryant? What did your "technical content" ability show of your discernment here?

    Was your support and technical contributions to "he who shall not be named and has disappeared" a hope or belief from RobertBryant ? Indeed, "your technical content" has shown a lot of fruit? NOT.

    Let's see.... all those who RobertBryant have elevated to be the "Real Deal" and RobertBryant bought into has shown that RobertBryant's

    "technical ability" to discern or judge scientific matters amount to squat! Too bad!

    Yet he cannot keep his self righteous mouth shut and cannot learn from the past. He just keeps making a fool of himself in his juvenile taunts while his history shows his true ability! Quite sad indeed. ;( (Yes he is blocked but occasionally visit without logging in and his posts pop up)

    I did not suggest they work with you, but Mizuno.

    They offered a door opening. You are complaining no money is available and when there is a legitimate opportunity for a possible solution, you pretty much insult them by saying they need to come to you?

    From your post above, I do not see how any organization can satisfy or work. What are you asking for? "Give us 50 million and then leave us alone?" like that is reasonable.

    How about clearly posting what kind of partnership Mizuno would like to have?

    Perhaps then TG will contact him or you.

    So what the hell else do you want me to do? Please suggest something that does not cost large sums of money.

    I did.

    The Google Team has officially asked here to recommend what path they might consider to follow to prove LENR.

    One path is to recommend them (again they are now asking) for them to work with Mizuno. This could be in analyzing samples. It could be in monitoring him running a reactor in his lab. There are others ways... I do not see this as impossible.

    I would bet that it would be a consensus here to have the official reply to the Google Team (again they are officially asking) to start discussions with Mizuno to work on proving the R20 (or a R21) reactor. It does not appear there is anything inherently impossible in this path.

    So my suggestion...

    Shane, get Team Google on the phone as suggest this. Ask for what they think might be a workable partnership due to distance / locations, type of tests, type of analytical assistance. It does not have to be 100% full in day one. Start the dialog. Start a plan. Google has more money than some countries! If Mizuno can convince them (again they are asking, wiling to listen and HAVE the resources) what better way to proceed.

    Jed, it all starts with building a working relationship to them and they are HERE asking!

    If TG says they are interested, Shane.... call Jed and get him to start coordinating with Mizuno. Perhaps better yet... if Team Google has a member that speaks the language, have Jed introduce them and cut one middle man out.

    This is a rare opportunity... if possible it should be taken advantage of.

    If this does not work out.... I can come up with at least two more "suggestions" ..... lets see where this one goes first!


    I would contact them but I do not have the contact info, do not speak Japanese and neither know who I am! :thumbup:

    The claimed power level and COP both make this particular claim, assuming the R20 is continuing to operate, easy for observers to confirm or refute. Confirmation (even if not believed by many) would draw funds and researchers to the field. Refutation would limit the energy wasted on a wild-goose chase.

    This is a big issue with this field in general. How can there be such an unknown!!!

    1) If the R20 reactor works as described, it is world changing. Perhaps the biggest of the century! It would greatly impact/solve Global Warming which is being touted as a thread to humanities existence!

    2) Why are people farting around with replications, modifications, endless diatribe about this or that. Get Google or some other established, capable team to Mizuno's lab and confirm that R20 and get us started on the revolution. This is getting silly. Of course replications are needed, but having observed one working and confirmed would put the money, people and equipment on the task by several.

    3) We cannot even seem to get confirmations that a unit is running or not? What? I do not understand this at all. We cannot even get a list of who 12 reactors were sent to if at all? This is not the dark ages when communications between 1000 miles could take months. A phone call or email is instantaneous. If someone cannot answer quick questions because they are "improving" something that has not even be confirmed to work.... something is seriously wrong.

    4) Shane is evidently in contact with the Google Team. Shane, ask them that if a joint project with Mizuno could be arranged... they travel to Japan, visit his lab and monitor the working R20 with cooperation from him in measurements, etc. Would they be interested. If so, get Jed on the phone with Mizuno and get the project

    scheduled and moving ASAP!

    Why is 99% of the postings here happening? There should be one if not three capable teams at Mizuno's lab right now, monitoring the R20..... unless....

    it is not working and Mizuno cannot get it to work again. :(

    So what is the truth?

    Is there a reactor running now?

    If so, get a team there.

    What excuses could out weigh the importance of magnitude working LENR would bring to this world?

    (No, do not give me the BS about big oil and other's squashing this technology. That is paranoid, unclear thinking)

    ALL of his assertions, without exception, are physically impossible bullshit.

    That is a pretty big accusation!

    I do not feel I am blind and while some points that THH makes are seemingly minor (he normally states they are minor as well) and may not warrant much discussion, I do not see much bullshit. Most are questions regarding a possible situation in his opinion that he simply seeks clarification on.

    Again, interesting on how people perceive or read the same. It would be interesting on how others perceive the exchange between you two. (Although not in this thread.)

    Thanks for your opinion and I will exit this thread topic!

    Jed: you are masterfully good at misreading what i write.

    While I really do not want to get into the debate about power meters (or other issues in this historically conflicted dialog relationship), I wanted to point out that it seems to fall in the category of my other posts on how "people perceive or see facts" so differently. (I.E. why do some still believe Rossi)

    We have two posters, Jed and THH.

    They both are certainly educated, intelligent and have an interest in LENR.

    Jed often reads THH as being deceptive or "making stuff up". When I read THH's posts, I do not see that all.

    In fact, by a large margin, he seems to be giving LENR the benefit of doubt and does not dismiss it.

    I see him as a scientist who approaches projects with a very critical eye and philosophy... "one should try to disprove one's theory

    to insure it is correct". Examine every detail to make it iron clad. I see no hostile or ill will in this approach.

    Jed, evidently sees ill intent in this style of questioning and inquiry and it aggravates him to a high degree.

    To my point... is this because Jed does not read THH's post clearly and only briefs over them, with the "negative points" popping up

    in his observations? Similar to some only briefing over the facts concerning Rossi and picking up only the "positive" elements and

    ignoring the negative?

    Is it that the way THH posts, for some reason seems hostile to Jed, but reasonable to me and that the difference is how Jed and I

    perceive or read the way sentences are worded?

    The human mind is quite a marvel and interesting. With all that said I would encourage both parties to stay engaged.

    THH, perhaps you can word your sentences differently, inserting more positive language in the questions. (Not changing the

    point, but posting it as more inquiry or "what if" than "it is likely that".

    Jed, perhaps you can read THH's posts with a frame of mind that he is not hostile or making things up. I do not

    think most of us here see him that way at all. He is one of the more level headed posters here that does not bring

    personality into his equations!

    Thank you both for your contributions! Combined, you both will make this field more defined and realized!



    this will be my last contribution on this thread devoted to Rossi, I finished saying that I had to say about him.

    The only other one I can add is that Dewey Weaver, one day he was a bit drunk, told me that he was paid to do AR bashing on all websites.

    I leave you to your conclusions.

    Fair enough!

    I do you wish the best of luck in your ventures. Hopefully someone will be successful soon!



    Worth remembering the quite well hidden sentence in the report that states the dummy run temperatures were measured by TC and the book emissivities adjusted as needed to make the IR measurements fit the actual temperature!

    However, it is good that the calculated and actual temperatures here match well

    The problem with that experiment is that, in so many ways, the active test conditions were very different from the dummy test conditions.

    What really MUST be remembered (or even be made aware of) by those Rossi supporters who still think the Lugano test showed a positive COP, was that :

    1) Rossi on JONP stated several times that the Lugano test was ran completely independent of him.

    2) It came out and was verified that this claim (like most of Rossi's claims) was a pure lie. The Lugano profs did not run the active Lugano test.

    Rossi and Fabioini (sp) ran the test in it's entirety and the profs supposedly "dropped by" some unknown number of times.

    We do not know how often or when. It could have been as little as one time! It could have been more often, but it is now known they did not run the test.

    Again, a proven and major lie by Rossi. Rossi recorded and provided the test data and It would be foolish to trust any data that Rossi provided.

    3) The dummy calibration was not run to the high temperature of the fueled reactor. The fact that Rossi specifically would not allow the dummy run to be heated to the working temperature for calibration tells a lot about the story!

    For some reason, believers want to skip over the mountains of hard, known "negative" evidence but cling to "perhaps this" or "possible that" scenarios to keep hope alive. When comparing Rossi's years long history of deceit and continued lies, one needs to understand that is what he does..... continuously!

    Also, the excuse that Rossi is "improving his design" for his continual actions of dropping "working reactors" with high COP, "Sigma 5" reliability and "satisfied customers" is also clearly apparent. Why cannot some people see this?

    The facts and repetitive history are there! How can you ignore this?

    It is good to be able to have debate that is not personal or insulting! Thank you and I will strive to do the same!

    First his device, the 1MW eCat. I read all the court depositions, the Penon report and Rossi's own posting on JONP.

    The Penon report was deeply flawed and as Jed states, shows gross negligence or even fraud. There are times that the report shows more power consumed than was available by the power company for instance. This was not "at the end"

    There is much back story as well. IH could not get any reactor to work and when one unfueled reactor showed a positive COP, Rossi claimed the Russians stole it! He admitted that he salted reactor samples with copper and then stated it was transformation. This was all before the Doral test.

    Rossi has proven to lie about so much, one really cannot believe anything he says. One thing is certain, he is not to be trusted no one knows anything about the eCats except for "Rossi says". So it is hard to imagine how one can study how the eCats work when nothing is known about them.

    I have seen no information that Rossi has published giving any exact details about the eCats. Even his demos are clothed in secrecy about many things.

    Secondly, you ask why am I interested in Rossi at all? The answer is multi faceted.

    1) I am curious as to why some people still believe him after all that has been proven against him. It is a study of the human mind. Indeed, why can two smart people look at the same facts and come to such different conclusions. OR is it that they have NOT looked at the same facts, but only tidbits they are interested in? Things are often not black and white. But again, Rossi's long term history does tell a story and that story is not good. It is unlikely that he has changed.

    2) Rossi is damaging the LENR field to a great extent. It has been said here that Google would most likely NOT consider anything related to Rossi. I do not blame them. To mainstream, anyone who gives credence to Rossi is damaging their own reputation in many eyes. I have to agree. It casts doubts as to ones ability to discern facts from lies, reality from desire. LENR does not need this, it is having a hard enough time getting respect already.

    3) I personally strongly dislike seeing a conman get away with ripping people off. Rossi not only ripped off $10 million dollars (Do you really think IH got $10 millions dollars worth of anything from Rossi?) but that Rossi CONTINUES to slap his supporters in the face! On JONP he continues to lie and deceive to his own fans! He continues to tell of satisfied customers, working reactors, robotic factories, new super materials, certifications and the list goes on and on. He should be revealed for what he is and to most it is clear. But the main issue is that he continues to fish for another source to scam money from.

    But apparently, it is not seen that way by some. :thumbup:

    If somebody has the time it would be very useful (to me) to work out how much D2 Mizuno's 3kW reactor would transmute - I have done this calculation 'back of the envelope' style and cannot see how there's room for enough D2 at the known reactor volume and stated final gas pressure. 50 mg of Pd cannot hold a lot of gas - maybe a few mg, as as far as 'free' gas goes at a few pascals there isn't much in the reactor. Have I (as I often do) skipped a decimal point somewhere? I just cannot see how there's enough available energy to make this work for long

    Good idea.

    Para is looking into the anemometer and other aspects. Looking issues such as Alan's D2 question is logical as well.

    These all can be done while waiting for full replication and may point towards something specific for replicators to check or keep iin mind.

    Hopefully Alan has missed a decimal point. Not having enough energy available via standard physics would be pretty damning. We hsve enough unknowns as ut is!

    If somebody has the time it would be very useful (to me) to work out how much D2 Mizuno's 3kW reactor would transmute - I have done this calculation 'back of the envelope' style and cannot see how there's room for enough D2 at the known reactor volume and stated final gas pressure. 50 mg of Pd cannot hold a lot of gas - maybe a few mg, as as far as 'free' gas goes at a few pascals there isn't much in the reactor. Have I (as I often do) skipped a decimal point somewhere? I just cannot see how there's enough available energy to make this work for long

    Good idea.

    Para is looking into the anemometer and other aspects. Looking issues such as Alan's D2 question is logical as well.

    These all can be done while waiting for full replication and may point towards something specific for replicators to check or keep iin mind.

    Hopefully Alan has missed a decimal point. Not having enough energy available via standard physics would be pretty damning. We hsve enough unknowns as ut is!