Diadon Acs Experimenter/Researcher
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  • from Pacific NW, United States
  • Member since Oct 16th 2020
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Posts by Diadon Acs

    It has a very large amount of Vector DBs and databases it can pull from.
    It predicts and confirms when able too if the person who is prompting it engineers the GPT to do so.

    What I find more interesting atm in this space is this Q* leak?
    There is some talk about Self Taught Reasoning systems like AlphaGo or "Self Reinforcement Learning" by creating many GPT instances or "swarms" to solve things.

    In particular mathematic formulas that can certainly help this field as I had presented on at ICCF25.

    There is a lot of speculation about it's capabilities and why the name is Q* StaR being a Self Taught Reasoner language model and
    Listening to Mr. Altman however, he alludes many times to his interest in Fusion Energy, and that is exactly what we do in Engineering Fusion systems right?
    Multiply the Q values is always the goal isn't it?

    I just have a simple question, was there ever a single LENR device that generated at least 1 kW of energy outside of Mills' hydrino stuff? Not just a sudden burst or unreproducible devices.

    This is an excellent question and the short answer is no. I assume you mean on a long duration run is the excess heat constant wave or pulsed wave to put it into electrical output terms?

    The answer to that is there are several experimentalists who have achieved constant wave on lower power levels. However, for the complete duration of many tests, there has been a net gain on energy or COP>1. The issue is when the excitations reach certain levels in/on the atomic structure, it goes through phase shifts which can increase the phenomenological reaction rate or decrease it depending on how the reaction (excited substrate) sites are engineered.
    Examples of material changes can be but aren't limited to Curie temperatures, material phase shifts, and isotopic shifts into other elements which have been reported.

    Hopefully, that helps answer your question.

    Where are the studies on control samples? (i.e. similar materials that have been through other thermal or plasma processes?) Only looking at samples from purported "reactors" is a form of pathological science.

    Bob and magicsound both have samples from some experiments I ran using Electrolytic MHD Plasma. They both have control and samples from Electrolytic Plasma experiments (Project Proteus)
    A lot of experiments can be watched here: (https://www.youtube.com/@consciousenergies/streams) if your interested.
    From my preliminary examination from x50 Microscopy, there are indeed spheres of many sizes, but not sure if there is any Iron, as Nickel and Platinum were the electrode materials used with KOH with Nano-particles of Carbon.
    The shape doesn't concern me as much as testing it's energy extraction from heat and light in a reactor design.
    It would be fascinating if there was anything other than Ni, K, C, H, O, in my system as I took great care to eliminate any possibility of anything else.

    I can understand your frustration and do have some reservations about the entire spectacle myself.
    Once the analysis is done we will see the character of the people involved.
    Sometimes it seems far more advantageous to focus on the novelty of these experiments rather than there principle operation which is often highly theoretical.
    In going through theoretical postulations, two things are critical from my point of view. Can it be tested through hypothesis and what is the most likely to the least likely explanation based on what we already know in the shared body of science?
    Chemical vapor deposition and condensation was my lowest hanging fruit for the patterns and material formations in the Thunderstorm Generator.
    I still maintain that position until we see more analysis.

    It does feel like there is some clout chasing for greater public optics by Bob a little, but he has a family to feed and he has made this his profession.
    Which I don't believe is a very easy task to do or has that great of pay.
    We will likely need a little bit of patience for natures documents on reality to be revealed through observation and experimentation.
    As long as the data is open for all to review so that one can be there own arbiter of truth from the reproducible facts of physics, we can avoid the strictly faith based scientific approaches.

    It's great to have faith and conviction in matters of the unknown.
    However, without the ability to test our faith in some manner, the outcome becomes more of a religion than of scientific inquiry.

    I have some connections via social media and it seems that Ilya wants more closed source products.
    He doesn't agree with open sourcing LLMs and is pushing for more censorship.
    Altman and many other in silicon valley have an ideology called e/Acc, which stand for Effective Accelerationism.

    The idea is that these tools should be open to all people. There strongly feel that compute cost should be driven down and available for all people around the world.
    Many people on the board believe, Including Ilya the Israeli-Canadian Computer scientist, think they should slow down with a push to AGI like LLMs for safety reasons.
    However, one must ask one's self, should freedom of information and communication also be applied to LLMs?
    It may be more dangerous for a central group of people to have access to powerful LLMs, as they will be able to rapidly influence narratives and efficiently deploy information faster than any one person can keep up with.

    These power struggles are typical for us humans it seems and many scientists are upset that they are slowly closing the LLMs off.
    What is seldom discussed in most mainstream communities is how powerful these LLMs can be as Multi-Model Autonomous Agents which can be put to task on any form of information on the internet to isolate signal from noise for empirical data. I presented on this at ICCF-25 and also made a very extensive paper on how much this can help get to the fundamental truths from experimental observation about condensed matter nuclear science. All that is needed is the energy exchange of human time (money) for compute power to run predictive analysis from multiple LLM Agents that work together in specific knowledge domains.

    On this idea that AI (Which I define as Autonomous Intelligence or prefer the term Extended Intelligence) is better or worse, it is just like any technology. Many people are fearful of new things as they bring can socioeconomic disruptions and change. As far as I can gather from the Free Energy Principle and the action of least resistance physics abides by, these changes are the very fabric of reality and a universal constant for life to continue on.

    That's my two Satoshi on the matter.

    As far as Bendall is concerned, patterns on a surface are not strong evidence for anything other than condensation spots.
    There is too much hype with very little empirical evidence.

    As far as bringing any of this technology to market, I don't think it is possible with a classical Corporation structure or LLC.
    It will need to be done from a non-profit or foundation that gets government subsidies or philanthropic help.

    Corporations trying to create cheap power have too much upfront cost and a very delayed ROI from my interpretation on history.

    Otherwise, we would have had Nuclear Power across the world by now.
    It seems as though very few understand EROI, and in particular as it relates to what is valuable to society.
    How many times are we going to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result?

    I believe he is well versed in that field and X-ray emissions. I wonder if he is familiar with SLAC and what Stanford is doing?
    My understanding is he is interested in X-ray stimulation of deuterated lattices? I could be wrong though and I would have to do some digging which I can't make time for atm.

    We can lead a horse to water, but can't make them drink if they aren't thirsty. My apologies for the analogies, but I think it helps get the point across without writing a paragraph.
    Plank was quite an incredible man with a clear picture of science from what I can gather and he had a principle regarding this. I agree whole heartily with his quote.

    An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.

    Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950, p. 33, 97

    I don't think Death has to be only in the physical realm.
    I have died psychologically a few times in my life as nature smacked me with hard doses of reality.

    This particular scientific endeavor (LENR/CMNS) seems to be on the boundary of observable physics, so perhaps all one can really do is direct there line of questioning towards the patterns of nature, and do there best to listen without fooling one's self?

    I would take a bet that Mr. Messinger also gets similar responses from Professors and very intelligent academics when he brings up the topic of LENR and Condensed Matter Nuclear Science for energy production. 😅

    I think this may be one of many experiments which demonstrate a phenomenon that isn't well understand and even less agreed upon in scientific communities. 😅
    Not quite sure how to reconcile these challenges and perhaps it is something that will be worked out in time with diligent and consistent efforts? 🤷‍♀️

    With regards to liquid-arc devices, I've got a little further in trying to hunt down the 1970s TV show episode that I mentioned back here.

    I've been in contact with ITV plc who now encompass the old Yorkshire TV channel - and they have routed my query to the relevant department. It seems they sometimes give away odd copies of non-commercial historical programmes, for personal/educational use, without charge. However, I'll have to find it first - and since I can't quote a definite broadcast date, it might take some legwork.

    I'll find out more when they get back in touch, but I've already offered to do the work hunting through archive documentation that might still exist at the local studios.

    Wonderful! I am very curious about this and that is likely the only way to get ahold of the information. I appreciate you for doing this 🙏

    The article is well crafted and nuanced to be logically balanced.
    There are a few errors I noticed as well, but we should encourage exploration and different points of view on this topic.
    All the theories and opinions we have do very little to the body of science imo.

    If it is a healthy scientific dialogue we are after, then just give examples of where the article may be correct.
    One example is the statement that there is no "LENR is a field without a reference experiment and still subject to both understandable, but respectful, skepticism as well as dismissive scorn and uncollegial mockery."

    There is indeed many reference experiments which lack replication for there validity.

    Just like the foolish nature of isolating Nuclear from Chemical science, I don't think it is progressive for the field to isolate LENR-Forum from younger academics or more "accredited" institutions.
    This works both ways as I don't believe "accredited" institutions should just dismiss the creative endeavors of the independent researcher.

    "One never knows what a person is going through in there life, so above all, be kind".

    This is another company that seems to be working with pressurized water vapour arcs in a cylinder. It sounds a bit like Rohner's later games. No names known to me on their website.


    If anybody has more info about them please tell...

    They all have LinkedIn profiles and Gordon Ross is the only person I have a 2nd connection with from Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen.
    Certainly some interesting backgrounds and history in the mix.

    Please keep in mind I wrote " I think the implied hypothesis is the rotation is of + and - charge electrostatically, like a Lord Kelvin generator." One could hypothetically see how there is electrostatic potential between the spheres. It doesn't necessarily mean there is.
    One would have to test that hypothesis and considering they are enclosed concentric spheres, that might be a little challenging. 🤔

    This is necessary for a healthy scientific discourse in my opinion.

    Perhaps this Lord Kelvin Thunderstorm Generator is a better demonstration as it shows charge separation effects and the transfer of electrostatically charged water to angular momentum around the inductors.

    I enjoy this bit of science a lot and have done many of these experiments. The use of Triboelectric\Electret materials and strong dialectics is fascinating.
    One of my favorites was Oleg Jeffimenko's Electrostatic Corona Motor. I posted the experiment on Instagram if you are interested in seeing it.
    Of course Tesla experiments and designs are also fantastic, but I have yet to re-create this one ALTERNATE CURRENT ELECTRO-STATIC INDUCTION APPARATUS.

    Great conversation in this thread everyone! Get's my brain juices flowing and my imagination ignited to create experiments.

    Bob wanted to look at the residues in the natural gas generator exhaust pipe because of how he understands EVOs might be involved and looking for evidence of this. He found interesting structures that he thinks confirms the possibility of EVOs being produced.

    You know what I think EVOs could be called in "mainstream physics"?
    Probably not, but I will tell you anyways... 😂
    Charged Particles, Excited Matter, Energized Space... list goes on.
    It's not the names that really matter, it's the actions they take that develop a complex character profile😉
    It is my hope if we can indeed potentially to influence "their" actions as a community, perhaps we can apply them to human cohabitation?

    As mentioned here - they are not really using a Ranque-Hilsch vortex. The illustrated RHVT is just some extra guff to distract people.

    Well, that is puzzling then because there is no confirmed rotation of the cold side fluid and this gentlemen's diagram in the video is misleading.
    Now that I think about it though, I think the implied hypothesis is the rotation is of + and - charge electrostatically, like a Lord Kelvin generator.
    What is kind of funny, is I had a very lucid dream once of counter-rotating mediums once that I called the Multi-Potential Generator that converts in potential difference between fluid mediums into mechanical work or electrical power I have yet to put it onto paper or CAD as it will be a lot of work and I made a promise to myself that this fusion stuff takes priority. It's still kicking around in my head though ;)
    I am actually working on a vertical rotor/stator design to test magnetic contra-bearings design for it in the future, but I digress into fun little explorations of my imagination.
    Looks like Bob is getting to crack open an old THOR, we will see what the samples look like under SEM, that will be fun.

    As most of us suspected there is crystalline deposits on the walls of the Thunderstorm chamber.
    Bob is doing a great job of filling everyone in and getting to the heart of the device I think.

    This is a crude similarity to what occurs in Chemical Vapor Deposition I believe considering the various potential field vectors.

    Potential differences in Heat, Pressure, and Electrical Charge could theoretically exist in this system.
    However, as a person who wishes to do progressive science, I don't want to jump to any LENR conclusions. The easiest person to fool is usually ourselves right?
    Still, like I have said before, this is a very promising novel way to solve the carbon capture problem affordably.

    So my hats off to Mr. Bendall and I really appreciate he is maintaining openness and transparency for the world to see.
    If he or anyone connected to him is reading this, might I suggest sticking with the carbon capture narrative for now and just sharing your story with humility? It's wonderful to have faith, but sharing experiences and evidence is usually a better medium of communication I believe. I could be completely wrong though, and if so, would gladly admit it as it's like a shield of humility. As well as the sight of an eagle if you believe if one has faith in the philosophy? Tell your story and avoid the blame of "they" and "them" narrative in the scientific community. It does very little to add to the conversation and I believe many people are aware of the allure of self-aggrandizement and material gain. We never can truly know what another person has gone through or is going though
    Everyone is fighting a hard battle and one never knows what a person is going through.
    Who knows, he may get another shot at JRE with Mr. Carlson if we can come together as a community and put this novel technology through rigorous testing openly, to confirm or deny it's credibility.

    Some of us are irritated by people who put strong faith behind how something works theoretically. This is the essence of meta-physics which has become a taboo word in most scientific communities from what I can gather.
    However, the exploration of meta-physics is still being practiced today in science from my point of view, and it's called Theoretical Physics. The language of "meta-physics" has certainly expanded in both depth and width over the years.
    I was raised by very "meta-physical" people though, so perhaps I am overly bias to comment on any of this.. 😅

    Measuring close to 0% CO2 and CO in The exhaust of an ICE IMHO is an anomaly, don’t you think?

    LEN transmutations are the hypothesis to explain how this can happen, as potential sources of trickery have been discarded.

    I have mentioned this line of skepticism before, but it would be very important to examine any humidity and accumulation of distillation in the Ranque-Hilsch vortex sphere. It is important to do an analysis after a long run time of the walls of that chamber and exhaust port. This should discredit the novel use of such an apparatus for carbon capture, but one shouldn't jump to conclusions of OU or nuclear events with out strong empirical evidence. Right?

    So let's see the data of transmutation openly and then we can start bridging hypothesis with natures truth of the matter.
    That's just my two sats on the matter.


    I will keep trying to find episodes.

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    Frogfall Is there any keywords about the episode you remember so one could find it in the YT transcripts by scrapping all the episodes?
    I can scrape the data pretty quickly with some coding and an AI assistant.

    What do you say now if the claim in 'Eng8 is bogus' blog post is correct and he used bogus 'Cambridge International Science Publishing' to publish it? I saw him using this book as proof that his 'quantum of this and that' theory is endorsed internationally. That was unusually followed by a video presentation if a moving dolly claimed to be gravitation-defying device and claims that no one in the audience have security clearance level high enough to see other implementation now working for strengthening Russian already oh so powerful military might.

    I say that ENG8 is doing exactly as Frogfall suggested with

    Quote from Frogfall

    As far as I can see, their modus operandi might be to find people already working on some technology, offer them them a bit of "development money", and then claim the technology is theirs

    From meeting Mr. Black personally, I can confirm this is true. He asked me a lot of questions about my experimental design. I intentionally made it clear my work was Open Source and would not fall under any IP claims to contribute to the body of science. As far as Mr.Lenov, he has published papers and is ex-Russian Military Sci-Tech Officer. Mr. Black allegedly spent 3 months at his home outside of Moscow from our conversation at ICCF25.

    It is my understanding the Aquaous Reactor design is what Mr. Lenov worked on as well as a GUT (Grand Unified Theory) similar to Salvatore Pais's Theory on a "Super Force".
    I am working on a article and GitHub Repository to share my research on this work to hopefully stir up more collaboration on the matter, as I think there is a direct correlation with LENR as it can't be explained with our current generally accepted physical models. I don't really like to wax theoretic though, I would prefer to just test hypothesis.

    It is highly likely that Mr. Lenov's aqueous reactor is not a unique design and can't be really be patented since he wasn't the original discoverer of the technology.
    There is always ways to engineer around this of course with proprietary electronics and material designs etc.

    It's my greatest hope that people don't narrow the recent publicity down to an absolute dichotomy, as that does a disservice to scientific understand and physical truths in my opinion..

    I hope that answers your question and if you have any more I'm always open to discuss things further.