Airbus Scientist Announces ‘Theoretical Breakthrough’ in Cold Fusion — To Be Revealed in October

    • Official Post

    Yes, my description looks like a potential energy.
    but there is more, like when I talk of the casimir effect.
    there is some minimal energy, minimal wave energy on that ocean.
    this energy cannot be harnessed at first look, because you cannot go lower.
    but like with the image of the pier casimir effect, maybe something can happen.

    I am not at all a reference, and I just relay my understanding of others explanations.

  • If you take a look at the experiments of George Egely…-nano-dust-fusion-40pages

    you will see the identical mechanism for vacuum excitation as those seen in the EmDrive resonator. Egely uses a spherical quartz resonator that is tuned to be a resonate microwave resonator by drilling holes at stratigic locations on the surface of the sphere; Those EMF based tuning holes produce LENR based transmutation effects using microwave radiation. EmDrive uses the same microwave resonator principle to produce thrust. I suspect that if you add some carbon dust to the EmDrive resonator, you would see the same LENR transmutation results that Egely has seen. If you add some radioactive isotope to the inside of the EmDrive resonator you would see the stabilization of that isotope.

    Conversely, if you put the Egely spherical quartz LENR resonator on a thrust measurement stand, you would see thrust.

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