Update posting (02/02/15) by the author Matts Lewan on the LENR experiment confirmation and the equities market.
Media/News/Video Library-No discussions please
Current Science Journal (India) is planning a special issue dedicated to LENR. They have made available articles accepted by journal for publication, but uncorrected and unformatted, for a preview on their web site. From the initial glance appears like a very good collection of the articles on the LENR subjects ranging from theoretical and practical reviews, to the cataloguing of LENR/CNF efforts and publications previously done.
Here is the link to the page with article listing with links for download: http://www.currentscience.ac.in/php/fcarticles.php
they publish key (sometime old) articles, reviews on geographic zone or on subjects...
a reference issue! -
Yes, Alain, I agree - regarding the Current Science Journal from India, just a sheer volume of articles they plan to publish on the subject of LENR, suggests that those could not have been written specifically for this journal, especially just for one issues. Looks like they'll be reprinting "an editor's selection" of previously published articles, that I hope they got permissions from the authors to reprint. Nonetheless, this seems like a good collection of the articles in one place (and all in readable English!) that are also downloadable in PDF format. Amongst those there is also one interesting article by a Russian scientist Y.N. Bazhutov, that basically provides a good bibliography on the LENR-CNF related research in USSR and Russia/Ukraine over the past 40 years or so.
Of course they are allowed by authors who are happy, and probably have made specific reorganization (shorter, some review).
Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax for example is currently peer-reviewing his article with the community. -
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources is proposing to permit increase in the foreign ownership in oil fields (except for "strategic" ones) for up to 49%. Chinese investors are a specific target for this change in foreign ownership rules. Does this signal that Russian government is also understanding that carbohydrate based economic model is coming to an end?
http://lenta.ru/news/2015/03/02/oil/ (sorry, news in Russian only, but it was published by several media outlets in RF overtime, so it seems to be a reliable piece of information)
I've seen this news interpreted by some western dissenters and the alliance between Russia and China against what is happening today... Russia is currently creating an alternative to Swift (some proposed to close Swift for Russia), making currency agreements, preparing train lines....
The history of scientific discovery is littered with examples of "pathological science" - an area of research where experimenters are tricked into accepting false results by a combination of subjective effects, unrecognized experimental errors, and wishful thinking. The term was first used by Nobel-winning chemist Irving Langmuir in 1953. Langmuir described pathological science as an area of research that simply refuses to die long after it was given up on as false by the majority of scientists in the field. He called pathological science "the science of things that aren't so".
Enter Cold Fusion. From the initial spectacular announcement by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons (at a press conference, no less), to its equally spectacular flameout under the weight of irreproducible results, the lack of a theoretical framework, and scathing accusations of "incompetence and delusion" on the part of Fleischmann and Pons, cold fusion appears to have been consigned to the scientific landfill along with perpetual motion, polywater, and the canals on Mars.
Or perhaps not. Although mainstream science has long since turned its attentions elsewhere, Cold Fusion, these days known as Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), has been kept alive by a small but dedicated band of mostly fringe researchers, publishing in their own set of publications.
It's still infuriatingly difficult to reproduce experimental results, but 25 years of work have started to bear fruit. LENR effects have been observed in numerous experiments using a variety of methods, and theoretical explanations are beginning to take shape....
Today, Thursday, March 9, 2017 a Wall Street Journal article "North Korea tried to sell...." (p. A8 in my paper copy) of some possible interest to those hoping to work with lithium in a fusion context. I'll warn here that the subject is likely not perfectly covered from a nuclear physics standpoint, and that the motive behind this "news" might be similar to the infamous "aluminum tubes" under the younger Bush that very conveniently promoted a war harming many, except perhaps Defense contractors.
Anyone with a Linkout to above article, please?
WSJ link is
behind a paywall
foxnews have an article
It is about selling Li6 enriched lithium, that can be used to boost fission reactors or produce tritium for H-bomb.
Thanks Alain. IMHO that WSJ article has the flavor of "trumping up" a case for war. Granting that the young "Un" appears to deserve the worst.
My concern is that diligent and well-intentioned workers on LENR may now be wrongly databased as suspect, since there are application and perhaps theory overlaps with thermonuclear miniaturization work.
This news is not really LENR related however may eventually be used in conjunction with LENR devices for various purposes.
I know there are some here that have a chip against these folks, but ya can't please everybody!
Los Alamos Scientist Awarded Giuliano Preparata Medal
Los Alamos scientist Dr. Thomas Claytor was awarded the Giuliano Preparata Medal June 8 in Piedmont, Italy.
A Los Alamos scientist known for a modified cold fusion experiment in which he repeatedly got radioactive tritium produced in a low energy system, has been presented with the prestigious Giuliano Preparato Medal. Dr. Thomas Claytor, one of the first researchers to understand that low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) could be triggered outside an electrochemical cell and is primarily a near surface effect, received the medal June 8 at the 12th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals in Castigliole d’Asti in Piedmont, Italy. -
LENR focussed news report from Denmark, authored by engineer Jens Ramskov. Thanks to Deiter Britz for bringing it to my attention.
Interesting article in Russian posted by lenr.seplm.ru.
Google translate will work fine but just look at the pictures of tracks.
They used few mthods to obtain them:
- radioactive materials
- spinning metallic cones
- high voltage discharge
The author says a follow up article is coming soon.
(The Pioneer is an English language newspaper in India.)
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