Media/News/Video Library-No discussions please
From Ruby Carat's blog....
Fusion Consortium wants you for X-Prize
An effort to support breakthrough energy by the Fusion Consortium is focused on getting an X-prize launched for new fusion technology.
There is an Indiegogo page at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fusion-xprize#/ to financially-support the project.
Fusion Consortium is based in Pasadena, California and Executive Director Randall Volberg is also an Adjunct Fellow of the American Security Project, a think tank based in Washington, D.C.
The Fusion Consortium is a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit representing “a growing number of international development teams in a race to bring fusion power to the electrical grid, replace fossil fuels and support the next phase of human progress.”
Although LENR is not explicitly represented on their list of business support, a Fusion X-Prize will benefit everyone in the new energy sector and provide a platform for LENR participation in the mainstream movement for new energy.
From the Indigogo site:
List of 100+ publications (some in English) of Kronilova and Vysotskiy. Topics include biological trnasmutations and reserach of emissions (light, x-rays) caused by cavitating or high speed streams of liquid.
May 18, 2018, Pukyung National University, Busan, Korea.
Nuclear Transmutations and Stabilization of Unstable Nuclei in the Cold
Fusion Phenomenon*Hideo Kozima
Cold Fusion Research LaboratoryAbstract We summarize the nuclear transmutations observed in the cold fusion
phenomenon (CFP) putting a weight on the biotransmutation, i.e. nuclear transmutations
in biological systems. The CF materials, i.e. materials where occurs the CFP, are classified
into three groups; (1) the metallic material includes transition-metal hydrides (e.g. NiHx,
AuHx) and deuterides (e.g. PdDx, TiDx), (2) the carbonic material includes hydrogen
graphite (HCx) and XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) and (3) the biological material
includes microorganisms, microbial cultures and biological tissues or organs. We explain
these characteristics briefly in this paper. The stabilization of unstable nuclei, including
the decay-time shortening of radioactive nuclei, in the nuclear transmutation is especially
interesting from the applicatory point of view in relation to the treatment of the hazardous
nuclear waste accompanied to the nuclear power plant. A characteristic of biological
systems where occurs selective adsorption of specific ions seems especially useful for the
application. If we have a microorganism or microbial culture absorbing an ion of a
radioactive element selectively, we can remediate the radioactivity by the
biotransmutation. -
Off topic?
Blueberry Earth
Anders Sandberg
Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford
July 30, 2018
AbstractThis paper explores the physics of the what-if question “what if the entire Earth was instantaneously replaced with an equal volume of closely packed, but uncompressed blueberries?”. While the assumption may be absurd, the consequences can be explored rigorously using elementary physics. The result is not entirely dissimilar to a small ocean-world exoplanet.
Cutting edge experimental physics: Kasimir force in relation with super conductivity - basic physics:
Platform for measurements of the Casimir force between two superconductors
20 July 2018! (also in physics review letters: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.030405 (not linked!)
Insulator-metal transition in dense fluid deuterium
"Today, physicists have another exciting announcement to add to the Higgs saga: They have made the first unambiguous observation of Higgs bosons decaying into a matter-antimatter pair of bottom quarks. Surprisingly, the Higgs bosons decay most often in this way.
The new announcement shows a strong agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data, which could in turn set strict constraints on ideas of more fundamental physics that strive to explain why the Higgs boson even exists."
The new announcement shows a strong agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data, which could in turn set strict constraints on ideas of more fundamental physics that strive to explain why the Higgs boson even exists."
Sorry to say it: Did anybody see a theory that can predict a Quark mass??? Theory is about measurement of physical quantities no guessing, what is the CERN business since 20 years...
PS: As a said some months ago. The Higgs CERN measured is a simple, - with an exactly calculated mass- , predicted proton resonance.
But they have money to tell any nonsense they like to tell...
From Ruby Carat.
COLD FUSION NOW! has posted a new item, 'Winning LENR essay published in Navy magazine' on https://coldfusionnow.org.
Winning LENR essay published in Navy magazine September 2, 2018 11:04 PM -- The US Navy essay contest handed a LENR article second prize and featured in the September 2018 issue of U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings magazine. (members only)
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: A Potential New Source of Energy to Facilitate Emergent/Disruptive Technologies by Michael Ravnitzky was the second place winner.
COLD FUSION NOW! has posted a new item, 'MFMP's Alan Goldwater on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast' on https://coldfusionnow.org
MFMP's Alan Goldwater on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast September 3, 2018 - Alan Goldwater, an independent LENR researcher with the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Columbia University and studied architecture and computer science before having a successful career in electronic design and embedded software.
View the latest post at https://coldfusionnow.org/mfmp…-cold-fusion-now-podcast/
We are talking about it at Where is the LENR goal line, and how best do we get there? starting with #61.
ICCF-1 and ICCF-6 proceedings are uploaded:
All ICCF conferences: -
United States : MacB Wins $12M Plasma Physics Contract with the Naval Research Lab
Published: Sept 1, 2018 10:23 p.m. ET
Sep 01, 2018 (Euclid Infotech Ltd via COMTEX) -- MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (MacB), an Alion company, has been awarded a $12 million Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Plasma Physics Division. The division is involved in the research, design, development, integration, and testing of pulsed power sources. Most of the work on the five-year SeaPort-e task order will be performed at MacBs Commonwealth Technology Division (known as CTI) in Alexandria, Virginia.
Under this effort, MacB scientists, engineers, and technicians will perform on-site experimental and theoretical research in pulsed power physics and engineering, plasma physics, intense laser and charged particle-beam physics, advanced radiation production, and transport. Additional work will include electromagnetic-launcher technology, the physics of low-energy nuclear reactions and advanced energetics, production of high-power microwave sources, and the development of new techniques to diagnose and advance those experiments.
CTI has provided scientific expertise, custom engineering, and fabrication services for the Plasma Physics Division since the 1980s, said Greg Yadzinski, Vice President of the CTI organization under MacBs National Security Group (NSG). This new work will build on CTIs long history of service to expand our capabilities into the divisions broad theoretical and experimental pulsed power physics, the interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasma, and other pulsed power architectures for future applications.
McKubre, M.C.H., A Brief History and Introduction to the International Conference Series. 2015, ICCF-19 Website.
Lots of old pix. -
Not much we do not already know, but this article is a good reference as it lists many of the companies involved with LENR/CF. He mixes in some of those more focused on HF, but good to know anyways.
We have renamed the thread as you can see. It had already become a de facto library already, so this makes it official. It is not intended to replace LENR-CANR, but supplement it. If you have something of interest, please feel free to place it here, and also under the appropriate thread where it can be discussed. That way we can keep news and videos of historical importance from being forgotten.
Thanks to ZOE for finding this. Discussion about it is here Woodford Patient Capital gets 357% energy boost (because of Industrial Heat upgraded to $112Mn$ value)
Fleischmann critique of N.H.E. Paper by Saito et al.
In which Fleischmann eviscerates the N.H.E.:
http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/Fleischmancritiqueof.pdfHarsh, even for him.
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