Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time?

  • We present here a videographic description of the pilot-wave hydrodynamics arising when a fluid drop walks on a vibrating fluid bath.

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  • It seems that rapidly varying strong electric fields are instrumental to LENR. Jefimenko's solution to Maxwell's equations provides a theoretical framework that allows explaining unusually strong forces that may result under such conditions and accelerate the nuclei to energies sufficiently high for fusion. De Broiglie-Bohm theory offers yet another possible explanation. Originally formulated as an ontological interpretation of 'classical' quantum mechanics Bohmian mechanics associates particle's wavefunction with a physical field - quantum potential (which is a concept analogous to ether of Descartes). In derivation of his formulation Bohm spent a great deal of effort eliminating quantum effects on macroscopic level by invoking various plausible 'decoherence' mechanisms. Ironically, few decades after his death the entire branch of physics was dedicated to study of macroscopic quantum condensates - super-cooled liquids or gasses with quantum-mechanical properties. In other words macroscopic quantum objects do exist and Bohm's ideas naturally lead to the conditions necessary for their formation. Perhaps the most startling is the conclusion that if Bohmian quantum potential is in fact a physical field one can expect a constructive interference of this matter waves not only in quantum condensates but also (even if to a lesser extent) in resonant states of matter such as standing waves. Such constructive interference of the quantum potential fields of countless atoms in a liquid or gas may result in locally depressed potential barriers confining protons and neutrons to nuclei and thus reduce the energy barrier of nuclear fusion reactions.

    From: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2777019/posts

  • Dear Mike,
    you asked:


    Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time?

    My answer is yes, for what regards the interpretation of QM.
    As I said a few times in this Forum, Hidden Variable Theories (HVT) were dismissed (after Bell) because they were:

    My opinion:

    - Non lo cality is due to the time-less nature of the electromagnetic interaction. It is a fact that should not stop HV. The Aharonov–Bohm effect and Wheeler's delayed choice experiment show that particles know somehow both the (full) past and what we could interpret as "their future".
    - Contextuality was actually the main reason for the dismissal of HVT. But contextuality is due solely to the interpretation of the spin, which makes the Kochen Specker Theorem applicable to demonstrate contextuality of any HVT. However, as unbelievable as it may seem, the common interpretation of the spin is wrong (see the works of David Hestenes) and HV are not contextual.

    Hidden Variable Theories do make the same predictions of "standard" QM. They can not offer an advantage for understanding Cold Fusion. Another ingredient is necessary. After 26 years of unsuccessful theoretical attempts it is not possible that CF can be explained within the framework of the Standard Model. Something in it must be incorrect, possibly a non-proven part. Unfortunately the HV interpretation of QM does not lead to contradictions with experimental facts.

  • Thank you for the comment, I have a simple thought experiment that I have always wondered about. If you have a rod made of a non elastic material such as Neutrons or Kryptonite and it is very long, lets say a light year, then could it transmit information instantly just by its movement? So would it be possible to to transmit faster then light? How might this relate to Superfluid vacuum theories and quantum entanglement?

    Give it some thought, Thanks

    Edited once, last by MikeFid ().

  • @MikeFid,
    Your thought experiment is correct. Nevertheless, you are not the first person who had this idea. Maybe thousands had the same thought.
    Because everything in the universe is related to “each other part”, superfluid vacuum and entanglement are related to your thought experiment. Anyway, your thought experiment is directly related to the flat Higgs field (scalar field).

    • Official Post

    about rigid objects, it does not exist as rigidity is just elasticity caused by interactions (electrons for usual metal, or nuclear force for neutron stars). This is you push a rigid object, a wave of interactions propagates to the other side.

    About entangled particles I have an interpretation.

    First I refer to a recent experiment of Schrodinger Kitten about quantum decoherence.
    An atom entangled with a state-superposed photons can behave like a Schrodinger cat for some time in a very insulated cavity.
    the symptom of it's superposition disappear like the probability of an external photons to enter the cavity.

    now assume that you have an entangled pair of photons who goes , perfectly insulated from outside, to the two sides of the galaxy.
    they interact with instruments which measure their polarisation.

    since the two side of the universe are far away, no photons from one side can interact with the other side. a classical radio signal can indicate the result .
    This signal, as the laboratory, as the starts around, as the physicist are Schrodinger cat, saying either UP or DOWN, in fact saying <UP|+|DOWN>, with guaranteed opposite answers:

    at one moment the two sides of the galaxy are possibly connected by light and this there is decoherence and the two incoming radio signal say either UP or DOWN, but they agree on saying the opposite.

    the relativistic horizon create two schrodinger cats, until the two cats are connected

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • @AlaiCo,
    Sorry, but MikeFid hasn’t made an unrealistic assumption. You cannot introduce elasticity as an argument to reject his idea. Just because the verified elasticity is within the vector field (electric field). Rest mass is a property of “solid” particles and this is only possible by a local deformation of the scalar field. As a result, the formed particles will disrupt the vectors within the flat scalar field. In some theories these vectors within the scalar field are called “Einstein Pedolski-bridges”.

    Entanglement is a very difficult subject because the vector field (electric field) also can transmit information immediately (thanks to the topological properties of space). Unfortunately, this transfer of information cannot be calculated at the scale of elementairy particles: it is far too complicated. In general it must be radiated within the field like an expanding sphere (macro cosmos).

    Nevertheless, the scalar field and the vector field can only transfer information immediately in the form of a change of the local configuration. So both fields don’t transmit energy. The altering of a local configuration “is done” by the local energy and not by a transfer of quanta from one point to another point in space.

    Anyway, our universe is - mathematically - a closed infinite system (that's no contradiction). Thus it is extremely difficult to trace all the involved interactions of the fields. We all want to reduce observed phenomena to a simple concept but I doubt about the reality of this assumption.

  • I have a simple thought experiment that I have always wondered about. If you have a rod made of a non elastic material…

    As Alain says, good luck finding some inelastic material! Still, your thought experiment might have some interesting consequences... Check out section 5.2:


  • 186000 miles/second is the speed limit and is maintained by adjusting the denominator.
    As observers in this dimension we are wasting time with thought experiments. All our referential material deals with decay and the concept of infinity is completely foreign and beyond comprehension.
    Our viewpoint from earth relies on information from photons governed by this speed limit. That is until action at a distance becomes spooky.

  • &"Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time?"

    "quantum. In physics, discrete bundles in which radiation and other forms of energy occur."
    No not "the whole time", the initial concept was correct, some extrapolated concepts since may be crackpot.

  • Lots of recordings from interesting lectures on "emergent quantum mechanics" - including Couder's: http://www.emqm13.org/abstracts/

    Why it concerns fusion?
    Imagine two protons and electron in the center - the Coulomb law says it should collapse - perform fusion.
    If we start asking about the trajectories of electrons, analogous to these walking droplets, due to electron's magnetic dipole moment there are possible trajectories with electron kind of jumping between two nuclei - screening their Coulomb repulsion.

    Here is example of numerically found trajectory of electron with nucleus in zero - now imagine there is a proton approaching from the right ...

    thread: Electron-assisted fusion

  • Could it be that the formation of untold numbers of SPP micro black holes in space throughout the entire volume of the universe might produce an excess of negative energy bubbles over their positive energy counterparts. These negative bubbles of vacuum energy might disrupt the normally neutral balance of gravity effects that characterizes the vacuum energy thus increasing a negative gravity excess. The positive balancing counterpart of the negative vacuum energy is converted to positive mass in a LENR reaction as has been seen in the Holmlid experiments. This negative gravity excess might account for the dark energy that is accelerating the expansion of the universe.

    This form of negative energy is a transformed manifestation of anti matter whose production was mediated by CPT symmetry violation. In other words, this negative energy is anti matter in another form.

    Could it also be that science will not solve the reason for the expansion of the universe until science accepts the reality of the LENR effect.

    • Official Post


    pep fusion is a good candidate for me, as Ed Storms push.
    one reason is that because of symmetry it conserve null momentum, and requires no gamma to balance.

    anyway there is two miracle to solve, probably by collective quantum effect.
    one is to break the weak-interaction barrier.
    another is to dissipate the energy in small quantum , to avoid hard radiations.

    Edmund Storms proposes that this happen in a strange way, energy being dissipated before the fusion. It is not absurd if the NAE is an independent quantum object build from many nucleus and electrons, allowing counterintuitive intermediate states and natural tunneling.

    for me the key mystery, but key symptom, of LENr is that it seems to avoid high energy radiation and unstable nucleus. I think it is not luck, but fundamental characteristic of LENR mechanism.
    The idea that it works by "cooling" a quantum object , is coherent with that vision.
    LENR seems, even in strange case like Lugano transmutations, or Iwamura transmutations, to move the system quietly, by small quanta, to more stable states, or not far.

    For me the key question to a mainstream physicist would be about this "schrodinger-cat-NAE" possibility, where keV interactions allow to dissipate the final energy of a fusion, step by step, in an insulated object.
    Ponderomotive force, SPP, LAV/discrete-breather, cracks,quasicrystals are probably among the key concepts.

  • Alain,
    the electron assistance is not limited to pep - one of nuclei can be larger (the second rather needs to have unitary charge).
    Remembering about the electron's magnetic dipole moment, there appear kind of bouncing trajectories like in the picture above (e.g. between the nuclei) - see materials here: Electron-assisted fusion

    Regarding the question of not releasing high energy gammas, I have speculated there that it could be explained by symmetry of collapse - in symmetric p-e-p collapse, the energy could be released as a cylindrical EM wave (instead of photon) - it quickly looses energy density.
    We are used to localized photons - for example due to change of atomic orbital, carrying angular momentum.
    But why p-e-p like symmetric collapse couldn't produce a cylindrical EM wave instead?

    • Official Post

    Myself, trying to play with [lexicon]Hydroton theory[/lexicon] I imagined a model of p-e-p fusion, then p-e-X-p, 2p2eX2p 3p3eX3p inspired by Iwamura results (1/2/3x2d in fact), and I finally I found that with naive geometry it could work if one electron was shared between pairs of p... (make me think of benzene delocalized electrons)...
    It is probably absurd.

    cylindrical or spherical waves seems uncommon, and why not impossible by QM? but have to check. It could be "the trick"!

    I would rather bet on collective effects, and the inverted sequence of edmund Storms seems very interesting. As i said, LENR show a paradox, preferring (S)low energy to quick hard radiation, and inverted sequence make this paradox quite logical.
    It is like someone who borrow money dollar by dollar to pay his expenses, using his house as guaranty, and finally sell his house to pay back the bank. this guy seems to have debt, but he have always a positive equity value.

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