MFMP: GS 5.3 - getting excess heat?

  • @magicsound Hey great test !!! I wish i managed to see it! Was any thing interesting seen during the test run? was anything similar to the "signal" seen?

    Talking about 100 year old Tech. Has anyone run a test by discharging a Tesla Coil or Van de Graaff generator near by? I wouldn't want to fry your electronics though.

  • I haven't noticed anything interesting from the Amptek CdTe detector, however as far as I'm aware of it was at some distance from the spark coil. The differential spectra all looked like this:

    Here is a folder with all the differential plots saved from the cumulative 1-minute spectra from the CdTe detector:

    Total Counts from the 1-minute spectra didn't seem to be showing anything like last time either:

    Here are the cumulative counts from which the above graph was derived from. No jump to be seen (btw: the labels read "CPM", but they're not actually CPM here):

    From saved webcam images it doesn't look like there was any GS5.2-like signal form the UCS-30 spectrometer, so I'm not sure if it's worth the effort of a more detailed look. Here's how a typical webcam image showing a fully converged UCS-30 spectrum (lower-left portion of the screen) looked like:

  • @Dan21 There is no significant phase shift in this system. The heater coil self-inductance is just 0.8 microhenry and the frequency is 60 Hz, pure sine wave. I measured the -3 dB corner frequency to be >50 kHz, using a swept sine wave source.

  • The use of an arc might be a tricky technique in LENR. It might work in some type systems and not work in others.

    In a Rossi type system, it might not work because the arc generates a high magnetic field that might disrupt the LENR reaction where superconductivity pays a major role.

    However, in very high temperature systems such as the Rossi's fuel prep, Papp engine, the SunCell, and Holmlid's system, use of a spark might be OK where the long term maintenance of sustained superconductivity is not a concern. In these high temperature systems, the Reaction is more transactional, being based on the spark. The reaction starts with the spark and then immediately dies away.

  • Just to clarify, this test had nothing to do with spark stimulus of the reactor. The Ford buzzer coil and spark plug were merely a convenient source of broad-band RF noise to test the susceptibility of the UCS-30 spectrometer. When time permits, the test will be repeated for the other x-ray sensors. For those interested, the 1-minute screen captures are compiled in two videos (long and short) at

  • In a Rossi type system, it might not work because the arc generates a high magnetic field that might disrupt the LENR reaction where superconductivity pays a major role.

    Don't write a novel now, but superconductivity at several 100 K, how does that work? It would be a sensation if true.

  • Don't write a novel now, but superconductivity at several 100 K, how does that work? It would be a sensation if true.…liest-superconductor.html

    When a hydride is compressed, its hydrogen chemical bonds tend to become symmetric. This produces high temperature superconductivity. Any hydride that is sufficiently compressed will become superconducting. These compressed hydrides are important in LENR.


    When a hydride is compressed, its hydrogen chemical bonds tend to become symmetric. This produces high temperature superconductivity. Any hydride that is sufficiently compressed will become superconducting. These compressed hydrides are important in LENR.

    "Last year, German researchers identified the highest temperature superconductor yet - hydrogen sulphide, the same compound that gives rotten eggs their distinctive odour. When subjected to extreme pressure - about one million times higher than the Earth's atmospheric pressure - this stinky compound displays superconducting behaviour at temperatures as high as 203 Kelvin (-70 degrees Celsius), which is far higher than any other high temperature superconductor yet discovered."

    A million atmospheres and -70 degrees C. Not very relevant for LENR. I do not think you advance LENR by mystifying it! There is fusion in the sun, but that is hardly relevant here.

  • "Last year, German researchers identified the highest temperature superconductor yet - hydrogen sulphide, the same compound that gives rotten eggs their distinctive odour. When subjected to extreme pressure - about one million times higher than the Earth's atmospheric pressure - this stinky compound displays superconducting behaviour at temperatures as high as 203 Kelvin (-70 degrees Celsius), which is far higher than any other high temperature superconductor yet discovered."

    A million atmospheres and -70 degrees C. Not very relevant for LENR. I do not think you advance LENR by mystifying it! There is fusion in the sun, but that is hardly relevant here.

    The liquid sun theory shows that metalized hydrogen can retain its liquid nature upto the 10s of thousands of centigrade.

    There is fusion in the sun...cold fusion.

  • Quote from Peter Ekstrom: “Quote from axil: “…liest-superconductor.html

    When a hydride is compressed, its hydrogen chemical bonds tend to become symmetric. This produces high temperature superconductivity. Any hydride…

    Highly compressed Hydrogen becomes conducting not superconducting (and as higly compressed H2O it also undergoes nuclear tunneling!) . Try to imagine to bild a wire (or a coil) of highly compressed hydrogen, which would be able to transport an externaly provided current (or to hold a magnet field for ever) ...

    If we belive in high T super C then look at C6H6 (Bezol) which has a highly conducting conjugate of p-electrons which can be interpreted as an atomar/molecular superconducting current but not as a super-conductor! (organic conductors work with Phi-conjucated e-transfers!)

    We should definitely not mix macroscopic theories with atomic level theories! HT in LENR is always over 300K! Or do we have to propose a new field like U-LENR ?..

  • Highly compressed Hydrogen becomes conducting not superconducting (and as higly compressed H2O it also undergoes nuclear tunneling!) . Try to imagine to bild a wire (or a coil) of highly compressed hydrogen, which would be able to transport an externaly provided current (or to hold a magnet field for ever) ...

    If we belive in high T super C then look at C6H6 (Bezol) which has a highly conducting conjugate of p-electrons which can be interpreted as an atomar/molecular superconducting current but not as a super-conductor! (organic conductors work with Phi-conjucated e-transfers!)

    We should definitely not mix macroscopic theories with atomic level theories! HT in LENR is always over 300K! Or do we have to propose a new field like U-LENR ?..

    ESSO has just posted the metalized hydrogen can retain its structure beyond 700C. Superconductivity is topological meaning it depends on the relative position of the atoms and the chemical bonds connecting those atoms. If a substance is superconductive at room temperature based on its topology, it will be superconductive at any temperature where that shape and structure is maintained. A Rossi reactor meltdown show that LENR is active at 3000K and above.

    If metalized hydrogen produces LENR effects at 300K, it will continue to support the LENR effect at 3000K and even up to 30000K and so on up.

    This is the reason why heat production by high pressure compounds at the center of planetary cores are important to the LENR concept.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • @axil, I guess you or maybe some one might be able to shed some light on some questions I have been wondering about.

    Do you know if there are any cases where LENR has occurred in a fully ionized plasma? Or is it only occurring in cases where at least some bound electrons are present?

    If the latter is the case is LENR observed only in atoms that are partially ionized? Or can it occur in Non ionized atoms?

    If the latter is the case do the those non ionized atoms require electrons in conduction bands?

    Also if If the latter is the case is LENR observed in atoms that are in ground state that are not excited to some extent? Or do they need to be at least excited above ground level to some extent.

    If you know the answers and have some examples in these cases I'm would be happy to see them. Thanks

  • Thanks Axil for your quick reply, answers and especially the interesting link.

    Just to check is the plasma in this case fully ionized i.e. All electrons stripped from the nuclei?

    I wasnt clear about that from he poster but it maybe given the X-rays and high temperature, unless the inner electrons we're excited to higher levels or removed by some other process or something. Perhaps I missed it.

  • Thanks Axil for your quick reply, answers and especially the interesting link.

    Just to check is the plasma in this case fully ionized i.e. All electrons stripped from the nuclei?

    I wasnt clear about that from he poster but it maybe given the X-rays and high temperature, unless the inner electrons we're excited to higher levels or removed by some other process or something. Perhaps I missed it.



    Swirl flow. Tangential velocity Vt ∼ Vz ∼ 30m/s. Te ∼ 6000 − 7000 K;TR ∼ 2300 K; T b ∼ 2000 K. Te >> Tb , TR

    Any plasma that is 7000K is fully ionized. The structure of the metalized hydrogen formed by the arc is in place at 30,000K or whatever the temperature of the arc is.

  • <Disclaimer>I am by NO means a scientist.</endDisclaimer>

    How on EARTH is a Bose condensate going to be formed at these temperatures?!? Just applying Occam's razor here: Isn't it FAR more likely that Rossi supplied the Ni62 from his stash that he's known to have purchased?

  • Occam's razor is just a shortcut. It is not a logical or scientific principle. It does not determine the likelihood of anything.
    It's purpose is to whittle an idea down to simplistic features which can then be tested, before advancing to a more detailed examination. This can help eliminate false leads in a multitude of possibilities, and the attendant wasting of time and resources.

    So, how does one test for the substitution of bought Ni62 and slight of hand?
    We can't test for slight of hand. You would have had to be there.
    Unless we get some of the Lugano ash, we are unlikely to determine whether the Ni62 is the same as bought material.
    So Occam's razor says the idea of slight of hand and inserting bought Ni62 is a waste of time to spend time and energy on, at least until a proper test can be arranged.

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