me356: Reactor parameters [part 2]

  • me356 may stop voluntarily participating in the discussion if you continuously question his motives. Let's report those posts as harassment.

    Let's be specific about which posts are harassment. Please target a specific "you" as above. I agree with your sentiment hendersonmj, but perhaps not the broad sweep.

  • /* me356 may stop voluntarily participating in the discussion if you continuously question his motives. Let's report those posts as harassment */

    LOL, you just inverted the meaning of this thread... :) The posts in question are just calling for better specification of me356's reactor parameters.
    Without it the posts of me356 can be considered as an OT spam here, instead (no matter how relevant they could be for another threads)...
    Not to say, just these posts were heavily upvoted at the beginning - now they're downvoted, despite their motivation remained the very same.

    /* me356 may stop voluntarily participating in the discussion */

    The question is, if we should expect something else by now...;-) I just perceive here the similar pattern in behavior, like with another researchers. For example the Roman Karnauchov (Akula) was very active at most overunity forums and he soaked the information and feedback of his peers as a sponge. Once he finally reached first success and he sold his know how to Belgian company, he suddenly became very secretive.

    Lets the readers judge it.

  • /* me356 may stop voluntarily participating in the discussion if you continuously question his motives. Let's report those posts as harassment */LOL, you just inverted the meaning of this thread... The posts in question are just calling for better specification of me356's reactor parameters.

    Ok that's fine but making the same request repeatedly as some have done = nagging.

    ./* me356 may stop voluntarily participating in the discussion */The question is, if we should expect something else by now...;-) I just perceive here the similar pattern in behavior, like with another researchers. For example the Roman Karnauchov (Akula) was very active at most overunity forums and he soaked the information and feedback of his peers as a sponge. Once he finally reached first success and he sold his know how to Belgian company, he suddenly became very secretive.Lets the readers judge it.

    See, now you're questioning his motives, which you just said people in this thread weren't doing.

  • Apparently Rossi was successful but secretive yet people kept on trying to replicate.People tried to replicate Parkhomov,Celani? and others I can't remember.As far as I can see nothing's changed? Do it for yourself if you have the interest and can afford it.Maybe you'll be one to find the trick.With so many teams claimng success it's unlikely to be a delusion or people who enjoy puppetry.Do it for yourself or spend the money on the kids.

  • @Tom Paulson Your FFT graph of a simulated SCR spectrum is nice to look at, but rather deceptive. The log scale obscures the reality that the harmonic at 1 MHz is ~110 dB (3 X 10^-6) below the fundamental. I'm not saying that a chopped waveform doesn't have higher harmonics. However, only those below around 100 kHz have significant ) amplitude.

    In addition, the self-inductance of a typical heater coil acts as a low-pass filter. I measured a corner frequency of 50 kHz for my Glowstick coils. Higher-frequency stimulus thus requires a different mechanism, perhaps rods passing through the reactor end seals. This feature is part of the GS6 design now under development.

    There have been several speculations which frequencies could be useful for stimulation, varying from X kHz to Y THz. One (not so safe) idea came to mind. Why not try e.g. the 2.45 GHz found in almost every kitchen inside a micro-wave oven ? No idea if this frequency is better or worse than any other proposition. Electronic hackers could also tune the magnetron circuit to some other frequency if needed. The benefit of the oven is that the transmitter power is quite high, typically more than 500 W.

  • There have been several speculations which frequencies could be useful for stimulation, varying from X kHz to Y THz. One (not so safe) idea came to mind. Why not try e.g. the 2.45 GHz found in almost every kitchen inside a micro-wave oven ? No idea if this frequency is better or worse than any other proposition. Electronic hackers could also tune the magnetron circuit to some other frequency if needed. The benefit of the oven is that the transmitter power is quite high, typically more than 500 W.

    A microwave has already been shown to produce the LENR reaction in experiments by Egely.

  • /* See, now you're questioning his motives, which you just said people in this thread weren't doing */

    Me356's motives are clear enough for me. He already explicitly wrote that:

    "As I have written previously, I plan to make a real devices that can be used by anyone. If possible, we can sell the devices - if everything will be without any problem. Of course with respecting all the patents, safety issues, etc. I believe that this way is the best one to help mankind."

    Of course he just wants to monetize his work - who wouldn't want to do it here? The embargoing experimental details for fear of radiation? Oh, come on - this is just a silly evasion: exactly the opposite must be done, if we want to protect the further experimenters.

  • /* Why not try e.g. the 2.45 GHz found in almost every kitchen inside a micro-wave oven ? No idea if this frequency is better or worse than any other proposition. */

    It depends on character of signal. Common induction heaters generate high enough portion of higher harmonics, despite they operate at 25 kHz frequency only. Rossi once noted, that the ECat doesn't start, until it's not powered with 220 V AC and thyristor/triak regulation is not used. So that even common AC current may work well for LENR, if it gets chopped fast enough.

    The emission and catalysis of LENR by EM waves has most quantitative support in Frank Znidarsic theory of cold fusion, according to which both atom nuclei, both the orbitals behave like the elastic bodies across which longitudinal and transverse waves resonate mutually. Frank derived the characteristic frequency of this resonance at the case of so-called impedance matching: under such a condition the orbitals undulate heavily together with atom nuclei in standing waves, which would enable the merging of atom nuclei by selective resonance tunneling. I presume, multiple atom orbitals could undulate at the same moment being entangled - so that Znidarscic's predictions of resonance frequencies are substantially higher, than these experimentally observed - nevertheless the principle remains the same.

    /* A microwave has already been shown to produce the LENR reaction in experiments by Egely. */

    It hasn't - Egely just demonstrated the paramagnetism of pyrolitic graphite, which is rather commonly known stuff.…5/n11/full/nphys1399.html

  • @Zephir_AWT

    There is nearly 100,000 X difference between 25 KHz and 2.45 GHz. That's over 12 harmonic octaves. I suspect there is no chance an induction heater signal generator is making any level of measurable power in this kind of harmonic noise-- at all.

    BTW: A common microwave oven can and does readily make free protons from hydrogen gas. Not seen with induction heaters, that I know of.

    Also, I would suggest to you that Egely has published and patented a lot more than that reference you give. Look up Gyorgy Egely for example.

  • How do you make free protons with a microwave oven?

    The microwave oven photons have an energy of around 10-5 eV each.
    Dissociation of one H2 molecule requires 4.25 eV.
    Ionization of on H atom requires 13.6 eV.

    How do you synchronize 1360000 photons to ionize one hydrogen atom?

  • Formation of nickel hydrides in reactive plasmas
    These plasma chemical experiments show a rather elegant and easy way to produce stable nickel hydride layers under soft plasma conditions. Stoichiometric nickel hydrides were formed under Ar/H2 plasma exposure in a microwave plasma at low pressure of 40 Pa and substrate temperatures of 200-250°C using different bias voltages (0 V to -100 V). This is quite remarkable because by solid gas reactions nickel hydride can only be form ed at high hydrogen pressures (109 Pa) at temperatures of 250°C.$002fbooks$002f9783486992588$002f9783486992588-039$002f9783486992588-039.pdf?t:ac=product/247840

  • How do you make free protons with a microwave oven?

    The microwave oven photons have an energy of around 10-5 eV each.
    Dissociation of one H2 molecule requires 4.25 eV.
    Ionization of on H atom requires 13.6 eV.

    How do you synchronize 1360000 photons to ionize one hydrogen atom?

    Perhaps this shows a worthy example of the hobbled thinking that may be pervasive among skeptic "physicists" with little knowledge of the real world. Microwave sourcing of protons from hydrogen is a long developed technology. Typical "how to" examples are seen in the AIP publication Review of Scientific Instruments, for example:…si/75/5/10.1063/1.1702110

    Even DC can generate and isolate protons. Back to the arithmetic Branzell.

  • It depends on character of signal. Common induction heaters generate high enough portion of higher harmonics, despite they operate at 25 kHz frequency only. Rossi once noted, that the ECat doesn't start, until it's not powered with 220 V AC and thyristor/triak regulation is not used. So that even common AC current may work well for LENR, if it gets chopped fast enough.

    In ICCF 11 there was a sonofusion reactor presented which used only a tricky back-coupled 40kHz sender/mirror.

    The idea was to show that part of the LENR reaction happens in cavities! Cavities do not need an electromagnetic spectrum to be stimulated. Instead your shake mechanically the casing!

  • Perhaps this shows a worthy example of the hobbled thinking that may be pervasive among skeptic "physicists" with little knowledge of the real world. Microwave sourcing of protons from hydrogen is a long developed technology. Typical "how to" examples are seen in the AIP publication Review of Scientific Instruments, for example:

    I find this answer offensive and arrogant! We all have different competences and no one of us knows everything. Maybe you could explain in a few sentences how it works?

    And skeptic is spelled sceptic. :)

  • I have no idea how "it" works. I have seen varied approaches of this sort over the last few years of interest in LENR / CF. For another of the many such references, see:…gh_proton_beam_production

    Perhaps you have permissions necessary to download the full text some such article and can bring us up to speed. I deduce from the word "discharge" in this particular reference title that the process involves ionization. It surely does not require aligning 1,360,000 photons as suggested by your skeptical associate. I mentioned DC potentials as being able to generate and isolate protons. No "aligning" of photons there, and one might find that process in any car battery, by the way. "Naked" protons are an interesting field of inquiry, and they are exceedingly reactive, so they are best generated in a rarefied atmosphere or in vacuo. Fortunately, from an experimental standpoint, the evidence accumulated over the last decades strongly suggests that protons per se are not the direct actors in CF / LENR.

    In a dictionary of choice for many Americans, Merriam-Webster's Third International, the word is first given as "skeptic" then as "sceptic". Indicating under the conventions of that dictionary that "skeptic" is either the preferred usage or is co-equal with "sceptic". Personally, as a native speaker, I find the appearance of "sceptic" to be somewhat odd and suggests a pronunciation like "septic" (no offense intended). Skeptic is also fitting since the etymology is putatively Greek "skeptikos", and over here we do pay some attention to origins, believe it or not.

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