Hi all
A simple set of questions
Why does IH refuse to publish the ERV report?
What evidence is IH afraid of revealing?
Why is IH and it's mouthpieces preventing people from viewing the evidence?
Guess that will do for a start
Kind Regards walker
Hi all
A simple set of questions
Why does IH refuse to publish the ERV report?
What evidence is IH afraid of revealing?
Why is IH and it's mouthpieces preventing people from viewing the evidence?
Guess that will do for a start
Kind Regards walker
I'm going to guess at this one: When you're a party to a lawsuit whose outcome is not yet clear, in order to avoid irritating the magistrate and to keep all of your options open, you avoid too much of a PR war, you try to be circumspect with the press and the public and you release as little information as you can into the public domain until the dust has settled. Perhaps all of this on Jones Day's recommendation.
Walker....a larger questions can actually answer all of your questions. What would IH's motivation be to publish the ERV? IH has nothing to prove to you personally, only the jury. The only thing that would come about from IH publishing the report right now would be more wild speculation and fantasy. IH gains absolutely nothing by releasing the report before the court case.
I can't see any reason for IH to release the report. With what Dewey claims, in their shoes I wouldn't. Why start a public mud fight? They supposedly have Rossi dead to rights, so no need to get down in the mud with a mud-wrestler. Speaking of mud wrestling you ever see the two girls...oh never mind. Ahem, where as I?..oh yeah, instead send out an emissary like Dewey, once or twice removed from the main players, to work the blogs so the strength of your case will bleed back to Rossi...drip, drip, drip. Just a reminder to him what he is up against. Take his fan base away so he gets real lonely, and can't sleep (notice he is making late night posts again?). Soften him up so he goes away real quiet, with maybe even a little "hush money" in his pocket.
Keep in mind also, that they (IH) want to keep this quiet to protect their other assets (BE, Piantelli), and their image. A good image will come in handy when they announce soon, real soon hopefully, that they have proven LENR+....right Dewey?
On the other hand, from a PR standpoint, I can see why Rossi *would* want to release the ERVs report -if he knows the 1MW really got COP50. If he knows though that he has nothing, he should sit on it as he is doing. Reason being, once released, the blog reviewers right away will see it's failings. Not only mechanically, but the fake factory, the non-neutral "customer", and will rip it and Rossi to shreds. Why do IH's homework for them?...not that IH hasn't already done so.
Rossi's only hope to win if he is a scammer, is to sit on the report, introduce it to the jury (if it ever gets that far), get Penon on the stand to tell of how smart and experienced he is, and hope the jury buys it.
Anyway, that is my take. By the way, I don't like to speculate.
Since we are into questions: How do you rig a 250kw heater, so that it looks like it is producing 1MW thermal? Rigged in such a way that isn't readily noticeable, as it appears it took quite a while for IH's observers, looking over Rossi's shoulder, to figure it out. Oh, and you can't cop out by saying Penon was in on it.
I think it would be fun to have some of our techies here venture a guess, and when we find out how Rossi did it, we can see who was right.
Since we are into questions: How do you rig a 250kw heater, so that it looks like it is producing 1MW thermal? Rigged in such a way that isn't readily noticeable, as it appears it took quite a while for IH's observers, looking over Rossi's shoulder, to…
Without direct access to the plant itself, that would be impossible for any of us to answer besides Rossi, but there are NUMEROUS ways that it could be achieved if you had complete control over the plant. I will not waste time speculating on different methods to hide what is necessary and/or monitoring tricks, the point is that it would be VERY easy for Rossi to do so as he had complete control over assembly before the test. I personally do not know if Penon was or was not in on anything...but I am not ruling it out as I have no trust in Rossi at this point.
Why didn't Rossi submit the ERV report when he filed his civil suit? I would think that since he is suing for non-payment for the Guaranteed Performance it would be in his best interest to provide this as evidence. (Note however that my reading of the contract states that a positive ERV report is necessary but not sufficient for payment.)
Why didn't Rossi submit the ERV report when he filed his civil suit? I would think that since he is suing for non-payment for the Guaranteed Performance it would be in his best interest to provide this as evidence. (Note however that my reading of the contract states that a positive ERV report is necessary but not sufficient for payment.)
Please expand your explanation to include a comprehensive list of all the requirements that the Licence agreement specifies and associated analysis that would allow the relationship between IH and Rossi to be successfully fulfilled.
... protect their other assets (BE, Piantelli)
can you please give a source for the I.H. and Piantelli/Nichernergy s.r.l. connection.
With best wishes
Display MoreShane,
can you please give a source for the I.H. and Piantelli/Nichernergy s.r.l. connection.
With best wishes
To be honest, off hand I can't say where I got that from, like so much in LENR. Guess that is why we need those timelines?
Usually though, when I throw something out there, I am more right, than wrong. Unfortunately, right now I am watching some great mud-wrestling videos, looking at some dregs, and in no mood for searching.
In the meantime, may I ask you: who do you think is in IHs portfolio? They do have one as you may have noticed? There are so many in the LENR+ field, so the list is pretty small.
Dewey...you want to say something?
Are you serious? I don't base anything off of Rossi or Siffer. I read their stuff, but that is all. Same with you. I actually gave you more credence than them...until this post of yours. Way off base. Makes me wonder about you, but then again, nothing new there. I suspect everyone involved. What a freak show at times.
Truth is, that I turned against Rossi for reasons I established long ago. I never even heard of you when I did, nor Sifferkoll. Rossi ran out of my trust early 2012. IH came along and resurrected him. From then on I based my belief, or should I say hope?, on how IH acted. I judged by the "actions of others" as Dr. Clarke often spoke out against. And yes, they (IH) acted pretty normal, elevating hope across LENR land...although there were some subtle signs which I commented of on ECNs. But I believed, as many of us did because of IH.
Until recently. Then there was no missing IH's message.Now I don't believe in Rossi. No reason anymore for me. IH does not believe, so I don't. So pardon me Dewey, while I have missed whatever message you were sent here to convey. Honestly, now I think you fit in well with the story...in a negative way, right along with the others with an agenda. Not impressed actually.
Start walking, talking straight, and maybe I will think otherwise. Until then, you are just another big talking character among'st many.
Dewey Weaver wrote
"The Planet Rossi folks are going to love it though until some facts appear before them and some truth sinks in."
I find this continued mention of the concept of "Planet Rossi" rather simplistic and I suspect its repetition is intended to be
inflammatory in the same manner as Donald Trump uses repetition
Can you discontinue it please .
I don't think "Planet Rossi" is any more offensive than when Rossi-faithers use "pathoskeptic". Tit for tat....
Hi all
Still no answers, what are they hiding?
Kind Regards walker
Still no answers, what are they hiding?
Are they hiding something? Your question already presumes they are. See:
Perhaps they were advised by Jones Day on how to proceed.
Apologies to those who are offended by the moniker "Planet Rossi" - it is a convenient term for all of the imaginary opinion makers and posters that Rossi and his co-conspirators have created as an attempt at force multiplication. We can now spot them from a solar system away. At times, the real and imaginary inhabitants of Planet Rossi account for over 60% of the traffic on ECW, mainly when the overlord gets riled-up. It has proven to be a fascinating part of this story and is actually quite useful as a glimpse into the mind of a genius who is not as smart has he thinks he is. This information is going to be useful in other ways as well.
Shane D - I do appreciate the dialogue with you and would like to ask the you consider the reliability of your fact source(s).
Walker - lets start with you on a fact source check - where did you learn that IH is refusing to release the "ERV" report?
@DW - maybe from here? Any comments on that one?
Mat Lewan Meets Rossi in Sweden, Rossi Bidding on Factory For QuarkX ProductionPosted on May 16, 2016 by Frank Acland
Greetings Zorid - How's the weather on Planet Rossi today? I haven't checked your timing but you may have an issue from the onset. The new blog release from Mats is very interesting and helpful. IH is not refusing to release the "ERV". Rossi never asked IH to release the "ERV" report. IH will release the "ERV" when it is most advantageous to IH.