Document: Isotopic Composition of Rossi Fuel Sample (Unverified)

  • I already answered this question in detail: segregation. Now why don't you answer where the paper claims a measurement of an increase in rate at every pulse?


    The effect of exposure of the solution to different laser sources is shown in Fig. 4. One can see that the activity is decreased by a factor of 2 after 1 hour exposure to laser beam at intensity level of 1012 - 1013 W/cm2 .

    Measuring gamma is an invalid indicator in the LENR environment during the laser pulse because gamma's are suppressed or eliminated. Only after a period of irradiation when the laser pulse is off and the gamma rate is valid where the alpha intensity is shown to decrease. This accelerated decrease indicates that the half-life has been rapidly advanced in time toward isotope stabilization.

    A more vivid test is this one involving U238 where increase in fission decay produced are detected. Would you like to look at that?

    Edited 2 times, last by axil ().

  • Nobody thought to test my calculations?

    I had already made the calculation and I agree with you!

    Measuring gamma is an invalid indicator in the LENR environment

    That's why alphas are measured using Ortec 6519-P alpha-spectrometer!
    For the 2nd time of asking, "Can you quote the text where the alpha level increased please?".
    For the tird time, what is the evidence that, ""the weak force being amplified"?

  • I had already made the calculation and I agree with you!

    That's why alphas are measured using Ortec 6519-P alpha-spectrometer!
    For the 2nd time of asking, "Can you quote the text where the alpha level increased please?".
    For the tird time, what is the evidence that, ""the weak force being amplified"?

    That device cannot be used in water. It requires a vacuum. I don't beleive that you are worth talking to anymore, goodby.

  • For the 2nd time of asking, "Can you quote the text where the alpha level increased please?".

    If You are looking for an increase of the Alpha level, then I can understand your question. The deduction is indirect. After switching off the Laser the Alpha levels continue on a weaker level. The alpha level/Isotop are indentified by their energy levels. So your flattening everything assumption does not work out.
    The paper is not written in a very stringent manner. If they started with an U238 solution than U232 would be an intermediate level element and elliminating it could be measured by a on-coming increase in alphas. This would be more compelling.

    Further on this is one experiment. I expect that others must confirm it.

  • Quote

    Mary Yugo wrote:Quote: “This isotopic data could derive from anything but since Alan has given it some cred I made a few transmutation simulations with the same input data as I used for the Lugano samples. It did fit one particular model surprisingly well. If the data…
    Please explain how you arrive at the posted isotopic percentages by using natural Nickel and Ni62.

    Not my quote. But you can arrive at any desired mix by purchasing the necessary isotopes and adding them to natural nickel.

    • Official Post


    Great step by step on how to create a scam, and then make it last! I may start one myself now using that as a guide. :) If I do, I also intend to take another trick out of Rossi's playbook by creating a secretive company like his Leonardo, with a BODs no one will ever meet, and "trustees" no one will ever meet, to "oversee" my actions to give myself an air of legitimacy. Then tell everyone I have 33 employees that no one will ever meet, nor see listed in any government business directory, and to really throw everyone off...headquarter my company out of my condo (after I buy one)!

    And just to show I can be fair to my old Rossi believer buddies, I admit that my scam career would probably be a short one, as I just do not have his luck. And we all have to admit that he needed a lot of that to make it this far. If he were an outright scammer; starting the day he walked into Focardi's office, through the many demos both public and private, Ferrara, Lugano, and until the IH DD test on the 30 Ecat unit, he was in great jeopardy of being discovered a fraud, but somehow, remarkably, he avoided that.

    So much luck, it makes one wonder.

  • Shane, Rossi has indeed been massively lucky. I believe his luck has now mainly run out. And I would not discount his consummate skill in choosing his marks as a major major factor in his success thus far. It has long been my opinion that this is what he does best, by far, and he does it amazingly well. Look at the list, starting with Lewan and Levi. Well, also poor Focardi, who I am sure was both honest and sincere if insufficiently critical of gift horses.

    • Official Post


    The Rossi legend has been rich with accounts of how he selected those with the right mindset, and rejected -with staged temper tantrums, those that were a little too "skeptical" for his tastes. While that could fit in (with a shoe horn perhaps :) ) with the believer defense, it more comfortably segues with the skeps.

    By the way, congratulations...this is the first time in 5 years we have agreed on something (Rossi is one lucky SOB)! I just gave you my first "thumbs up", and they do not come easy, so cherish it.

  • Not my quote. But you can arrive at any desired mix by purchasing the necessary isotopes and adding them to natural nickel.

    The quote system is a bit weird.

    So you agree that Rossi might have needed to add more than just Ni62 within the Nickel isotopes. It's more elaborate than just adding Ni62, which is what Birger was getting at. You have to add amounts that make the final percentages consistent with LENR.

  • Quote from LENR Calender: “Please explain how you arrive at the posted isotopic percentages by using natural Nickel and Ni62”

    I have already posted how to do this. Nobody thought to test my calculations? I could have just made it up in that case.

    Is this the post you are referring to?


    Surprisingly it only takes about 3.6:1 Ni 62 to natural nickel, if the Ni62 has a bit of Ni64 in it. (About 0.5 to 0.6% Ni64 in the Ni62).Not an exact match, but pretty close.Just sayin....

    Adding only Ni62 and Ni64 wouldn't change the Ni58 to Ni60 ratio. That ratio is not natural in the analyzed sample. So Rossi would have had so spike the sample/fuel with Ni60 as well.

  • Surprisingly it only takes about 3.6:1 Ni 62 to natural nickel, if the Ni62 has a bit of Ni64 in it. (About 0.5 to 0.6% Ni64 in the Ni62).Not an exact match, but pretty close.Just sayin....

    Adding only Ni62 and Ni64 wouldn't change the Ni58 to Ni60 ratio. That ratio is not natural in the analyzed sample. So Rossi would have had so spike the sample/fuel with Ni60 as well.

    As Paradigmnoia says, it's pretty close. I would say the ratios were suspiciously close given the mass measurements have some uncertainty. No need to spike with 60Ni too. I would be a little less suspicious if there were some reaction model which predicted the isotopic ratios (and no penetrating radiation). There are few possibilities. Perhaps the best of a poor bunch would be Fisher's theory which can rearrange neutrons.

    What hints at fraud, is that only one sample was analysed. Rossi was trying to get $89M. Surely such a isotopic shifts would be evidence a major nuclear transmutation, and one would have expected a little more rigor in the sample handling. Did IH know of this analysis even?

    Edited once, last by Hermes ().

  • Jack,
    he was in great jeopardy of being discovered a fraud, but somehow, remarkably, he avoided that.
    So much luck, it makes one wonder.

    In my opinion, Rossi has been revealed with incorrect measurements or shams several times already:

    • Rossi began by measuring the emitted energy with steam he claimed to be dry. Which Mats Lewan showed was wrong when he connected a jar at the outlet of the first version of the fatcat (…n-testar-e-cat-i-italien- part-2-6352943 4:13 into the film).
    • Rossi then switched to measure energy by a heat exchanger. But it turned out that Rossi had mounted the temperature sensor on the heat exchanger instead of on the hose. Which probably gave false readings.
    • Rossi then switched to a completely new cat and let SP (Technical research Institute of Sweden) measure the input energy. It turned out that Rossi measured the energy input incorrect by a factor of three because he had not used instrument that measures RMS.
    • Rossi then switched to measure the radiated energy. In the way that was done in Lugano. But after a while Tomas Clarce and MFMP revealed that they had used an incorrect emissivity value in the report from Lugano.

    And every time Rossi incorect measrurmenst where reveled he changed to something completly new instead of corrceting the error and measure again.

    Other exposed shams from Rossi concerns the asch samples.

    • Rossi sent a sample of ash to Kulander. When it turned out that the sample could not be correct Rossi admitted that he bluffed with the sample in order to preserve its trade secret.
    • Also in the Lugano test they made an analysis of the ash. And when also this analysis showed that it could not be correct Rossi admitted that the sample was not representative.

    I would say if Rossi was lucky his luck is that he finds people whom belive in him in spite of being busted many times.

  • DNI, I think this was a good summary against Rossi. However the list of demonstrations and operations in front of knowledgable people (professionals, engineers) is much longer over the years. For example how come Fabiani and West endorse E-Cat after one year with it?…lvio-fabiani-e-cat-photo/

    Cherry picking is not enough to explain this story.

    I agree I was cherry picking. I just wanted to refute the statement I heard a couple of times that Rossi must be very lucky to not have had his trick revealed if it is a fraud. In my opinion many of Rossis trick have been reveled.

    I can't explain the behavior of Fabiani and Levi. I find it very hard to belive that they could have been fooled by Rossi. Regardning the rest Foccardi, Kullander, Essen, West, Penon and many more. I think they very well could have been fooled by Rossi. In some cases I even think I know how.

    Of course I have no proof that the e-cat doesn't work it's just my conviction after following this since 2011. If everything was crystal clear there would be no intrest in following the story.

  • Quote

    So you agree that Rossi might have needed to add more than just Ni62 within the Nickel isotopes. It's more elaborate than just adding Ni62, which is what Birger was getting at. You have to add amounts that make the final percentages consistent with LENR.

    It's possible. IIRC, the claim changed with time. Originally, again IIRC, the claim was that 99% of nickel in the sample was 62-Ni. I am not sure when that changed. I don't follow Rossifiction that closely.

    Who is Barry West and does he matter?


    I agree I was cherry picking. I just wanted to refute the statement I heard a couple of times that Rossi must be very lucky to not have had his trick revealed if it is a fraud. In my opinion many of Rossis trick have been reveled.I can't explain the behavior of Fabiani and Levi. I find it very hard to belive that they could have been fooled by Rossi. Regardning the rest Foccardi, Kullander, Essen, West, Penon and many more. I think they very well could have been fooled by Rossi. In some cases I even think I know how.

    Exactly. As to why follow the story, it's not so much about the possibility that the ecat can be real-- that is vanishingly small. It's about why people as smart as Lewan and the Swedish professors can't think their way out of the mire they put themselves in. I am especially disappointed in Essen and Lewan. The rest of them, I have not followed much. As for Levi, well, I already said what I think about his involvement if it survived the heavy censorship on this forum. If not, I'll eventually blog it myself if I can find the time. Rossi and Levi are no longer very important. Anybody who invests with them at THIS point has to be a complete moron and deserves what they get.

    As for Fabiani and perhaps Penon-- I suspect they are old friends of Rossi's and/or just saw an opportunity to cash in on Rossi's scheme at what they perceived as low risk.

    Edited 4 times, last by Mary Yugo ().

  • It's possible. IIRC, the claim changed with time. Originally, again IIRC, the claim was that 99% of nickel in the sample was 62-Ni. I am not sure when that changed. I don't follow Rossifiction that closely.

    MY, you do realize you are on a thread that talks about the following isotopic results?

    58Ni 60Ni 61Ni 62Ni 64Ni 6Li 7Li
    Natural comp 68.1 26.2 1.14 3.63 0.93 7.59 92.4
    Rossi sample 14.2 6.3 0.3 78.5 0.7 86.5 13.5

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