@sengaku on his blog cite a publication of MHI
here is the English version
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Transmutation Reaction Induced by Deuterium Permeation Through Nanostructured Multi-layer Thin Film
The new method of nuclear transmutation is a simple method of nuclear transmutation that uses Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.’s (MHI) original nanostructure multi-layer reactional film (hereinafter, reactional film) to transmute elements at low energy cost. So far, transmutation from cesium (Cs) to praseodymium (Pr), from barium (Ba) to samarium (Sm), from strontium (Sr) to molybdenum (Mo), etc., has been observed. If this technology is established, it is expected to contribute to society in the field of detoxification treatment of radioactive waste including the transmutation of radioactive cesium into a harmless nonradioactive element in the future.
As described above, although this technology has been developing toward commercialization with the increase in the reaction yield, the essential nature of this phenomenon including the principle of the reaction has yet to be clarified. There is a possibility, however, that this technology could become an innovative technology that could be developed for radioactive waste treatment, and we will promote research toward commercialization while continuing to make efforts to elucidate the phenomenon.
We are grateful to Mr. Iwamura, professor by special appointment at Tohoku University and Mr. Ito, visiting associate professor, who have made a significant contribution in the promotion of this research since joining MHI.
I see many things to notice.
First is a public corporate report on the subject.
Second is a new generation following Iwamura, but not subordinate.
Third is an interesting result : "Therefore, it is considered that under the present experimental conditions, the transmutation phenomenon occurs in the area of about 10 nm or less under the surface. ",
and fourth: " In many cases, the transmutation has been observed in elements with a low electronegativity such as alkali metal and alkali earth metal, and there is a possibility that chemical properties affect this phenomenon. "
maybe there is a link with the recently published patent application, under review.