I think we are reaching sigma 5 tomorrow just does not make sense!
Oh, I forgot, yes that does sound like Rossi...
I think we are reaching sigma 5 tomorrow just does not make sense!
Oh, I forgot, yes that does sound like Rossi...
20 hours a day in a hot warehouse? I thought he claimed he was mostly in the air conditioned control room with the computers taking data. You spin a strange story. Do you have anything other than Rossi says?
How did he find time to buy all those condos and give money to the children with cancer?
Andrea Rossi
November 3, 2017 at 10:08 PM
Gabriel Berra:
No, because to get that result I had to live 352 days inside it 16 hours per day, from 6 P.M. to 10 A.M of the following day, and two other persons, one engineer and one electrician, had to cover from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., not to mention when I had to stay for 20 hours and the others of the Team had to reach me in the middle of the night for problems . It was a prototype, not a product, but the experience we made with it has generated the QX. We had strong problems and probably, from what we analyzed after the stop from all the components, it was close to die in short time after the end of the test. It was not ready to be a product, but it was a dam good prototype, by means of which an enormous experience has been made.
Warm Regards,
If the reactors were not functional and seldom running why stay and watch them? I see others spinning a story, a story of defamation that is not logical and selfserving.
I am a bit tired today, so excuse me if this seems like a silly question:
If the total input voltage is 0.1 V, and the voltage drops 0.1 V across the 1 ohm series resistor, then does that not mean the voltage is zero on the other side of the resistor?
I think we are reaching sigma 5 tomorrow just does not make sense!
Oh, I forgot, yes that does sound like Rossi...
Or is it something that you just don't want to hear?
At some point, an inventor with IP but no money for development has to bite the bullet. Sell the IP? License it? Or just keep it secret for fear someone might steal it?
Straw man. How do you know Rossi doesn't have enough money to proceed with his current research? He already has a partner. He talked about selling heat to an industrial company so he can make some money and still keep the reactor secret and test it. (If he can find customers)
I know he has been talking to ABB Robotics and he could possibly make a deal with them to supply the automated factory. It could be done in small modular units as the E-Cat QX is so small, adding more modules as required..
Straw man. How do you know Rossi doesn't have enough money to proceed with his current research?
That 'Straw man" argument might be more a hope than a fact.
I see the trolls are back.
For those that have suggested a light show, if the E-Cat QX shell is transparent boron nitride, it is not stable in air at those temperatures and requires a sheath. Possibly a quartz sheath filled with flowing clear oil might work.
Adrian, you are an engineer - any idea how such a little "glow stick" with 1mm diameter and 30 mm long can be manufactured / hand made? Not to think of several layers, quartz, ultra hard boron nitride, filled with oil (which kind of oil btw can be used at 2700°C ??), connected to line power and heat exchangers?. It seems to be really miraculous and I am more than curious to learn if witnesses of the upcoming demo can get a glimpse of this super-hyper piece of technology, that should save the world. Sorry for my sarcasm, but being a physicist it is often hard to follow some peoples imagination of how his toys maybe designed or work at all. His JONP diary where he is mostly talking to himself, is an open book, from any perspective. You should have a look, if you want to really understand what happened in the past years (from AR's perspective) and why some folks here are more than concerned about what can be expected later this month...
I am a bit tired today, so excuse me if this seems like a silly question:
If the total input voltage is 0.1 V, and the voltage drops 0.1 V across the 1 ohm series resistor, then does that not mean the voltage is zero on the other side of the resistor?
keep in mind that the Quark is generating electrical power from electron creation and some portions of its circuits may have negative resistance.
Adrian, you are an engineer - any idea how such a little "glow stick" with 1mm diameter and 30 mm long can be manufactured / hand made? Not to think of several layers, quartz, ultra hard boron nitride, filled with oil (which kind of oil btw can be used at 2700°C ??), connected to line power and heat exchangers?. It seems to be really miraculous and I am more than curious to learn if witnesses of the upcoming demo can get a glimpse of this super-hyper piece of technology, that should save the world. Sorry for my sarcasm, but being a physicist it is often hard to follow some peoples imagination of how his toys maybe designed or work at all. His JONP diary where he is mostly talking to himself, is an open book, from any perspective. You should have a look, if you want to really understand what happened in the past years (from AR's perspective) and why some folks here are more than concerned about what can be expected later this month...
The tube can be hard pressed with a thin gaged soft refractory metal wire paced at the center of the tube to reserve space for the gas envelope. After formation and cooling, the soft refractory metal core is drilled out. This is an industry standard method where many such tubes can be formed in molds in batches as required,
When a heat exchange is required, what is usually done in high temperature heat conditions is an argon envelope covers the surface of the tube that transfers heat to a tungsten outer protective cover. The argon protects the surface of the tube from corrosion.
Alan Smith has reported first hand observation of light produced by the Quark. There could also be UV light produced to account for the report of radiation damaging the unshielded eye. Boron nitride is very transparent to UV if I recall.
My impression from the photo was that the light came from a small hole (window) in the sheath. It wasn't clear enough to tell for sure.
f the total input voltage is 0.1 V, and the voltage drops 0.1 V across the 1 ohm series resistor, then does that not mean the voltage is zero on the other side of the resistor?
My eyes are glazing over now...
axil ,
So why is current flowing at all then? Is the voltage reversed at the resistor compared to the power supply?
According to the patent, after the tube reaches operating temperature, a high tension electrostatic field is applied as a reaction trigger. This field keeps the LENR reaction active. It seem to me that any power measured in the reactor's circuits is self-produced by the reactor itself. As per the patent, the heater is turned off and does not contribute to any current flow during online operations.
Axil "soft refractory metal"
Can you give one example? Zr Mo Nb....?
My impression from the photo was that the light came from a small hole (window) in the sheath. It wasn't clear enough to tell for sure.
The light produced by the Quark can tell so much about what is going on inside the LENR reaction. Spectroscopic clues from that light will lay out the design of the Quark to be easily determined. That is why the light was masked.
Axil "soft refractory metal"
Axil "soft refractory metal"
Can you give one example? Zr Mo Nb....?
Something that stays solid above 3000C. Hit the element characteristic tables to find the best fit.
Then there are the oxides carbides and nitrides to cover. Too much work for me at this juncture.
"Hit the element characteristic tables to find the best fit."
If I hit any refractory element it hits me back
It is not soft
"Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions, and spirit, Do give thee five-fold blazon. Not too fast:—soft, soft!"
A passion for LENR often times intrepid be
Display More"Hit the element characteristic tables to find the best fit."
If I hit any refractory element it hits me back
It is not soft
Soft enough to excavate with a diamond drill. A laser or cavitation drill can also be used. The softer the filler material is, the easier and faster the manufacturing process.