Italian Contribution to LENR

  • Italian Contribution to LENR
    by Gianni Albertini- UNIVPM-Italy, Domenico Bassani- SIDOM-Italy, Fabio Cardone -CNR-Italy

    Among the news of “The Scientific Alliance”, recently a contribution was published concerning LENR: “Low Energy Nuclear Reactions may have much more potential than is generally realised, suggests The Scientific Alliance.” by Martin Livermore (
    While we congratulate the author for introducing the subject, we notice an added final note: “Cambridge Network does not endorse the content that members contribute and this posting may be seen as contentious”.
    We also noticed that no further comment was published offering a general view of the now-a-day international situation of the research on the subject.

    In this contest, we would like to add some information concerning the Italian contribution.
    In fact, a recent document of the USA House of Representatives (Report 114-537, 4th of May 2016; an extract can be found in, the full text in…pt537/CRPT-114hrpt537.pdf) declares that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) “has also assessed that Japan and Italy are leaders in the field” for what concerns Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
    Thus Italy is the sole country of Europe recognised as leader in the field.

    We remark some recent steps confirming this Italian leadership:
    - Last month (1-4 November 2016) Francesco Celani (INFN-LNF –Italy) was invited at the United Nations City Geneva to talk about “LENR Progress and Cooperation Plans” in the framework of the 25th Anniversary of the World Clean Energy Conference (WCEC) (http://www.newnuclearscience.e…uments/relaz_F.Celani.pdf in )

    - In a recent paper entitled “Energy spectra and fluence of the neutrons produced in deformed space-time conditions” by F.Cardone and A. Rosada - Modern Physics Letters B (MPLB) Volume No.30, Issue No. 28, - the energy spectra and the fluence of neutrons produced in LENRs were measured the first time. This is a huge result after tenths of years of investigations on LENRs.

    - In the paper “Nuclear Metamorphosis in Mercury” by F. Cardone,
G. Albertini, D. Bassani, G. Cherubini, E. Guerriero, R. Mignani, M. Monti, A. Petrucci, F. Ridolfi, A. Rosada, F. Rosetto, V. Sala, E. Santoro, G. Spera, International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 29 (2015) 1550239 (DOl: 10.1142/S0217979215502392) the conditions of local Lorentz invariance breakdown, which were assumed to occur in a previous experiment of neutron emission from a sonicated steel bar, were reproduced in a system made of a mole of Mercury. After three minutes, a part of the liquid transformed into solid state material, in which isotopes were found with both higher and lower atomic mass with respect to the starting material. Changes in the atomic weight without production of gamma radiation or radionuclides were thus made possible.

    - The paper “Deformed Space-Time Reactions and Their Phenomenology” by G.Albertini and D.Bassani, Physics Journal Vol. 1, No. 3, 2015, pp. 382-387 ( shows that those experimental results, obtained in the last years, that are not fully accepted by the scientific community due to their mismatch with the currently accepted theories, can find an explanation in the framework of the Deformed Space-Time Theory (DST-Theory). In particular some of its phenomenological consequence are put in evidence, which are common features of the different experimental observations. This theory is proposed to assume the role of unifying different fields, identified by using different names over the years: Cold-Fusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Piezo-Nuclear Reactions and Energy Catalyzer. From this unifying vision, suggestions can derive for future investigations. In fact, in order to check if the observed phenomena could be the consequences of underlying nuclear DST-reactions, the four main phenomenological characteristics can be checked: occurrence of an energy threshold; change of atomic weight; anisotropic emission of nuclear particles in intense beams having very short life span and absence of gamma radiation.

    The results were also presented, discussed and appreciated at the “10th International Symposium Honouring Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier”, held in Italy (2016, July 25-28). In particular, professor Brian Josephson (Nobel awarded, University of Cambridge) appreciated them.

  • Those papers sounds interesting at face value. It is too bad the experimentalists have combined experiment with theory. In this field, perhaps more than most, it is important to enforce a rigorous separation between the two. Often experimentalists have some thought-provoking results, but they interpret those results in the context of their pet theory, which more often than not gives the impression of being manifestly unphysical. Experiments do not need accompanying theories, and if there are several possible interpretations of the evidence, best to leave theory to a brief mention in the discussion section at the end of the paper, if at all.

  • Quote

    but they interpret those results in the context of their pet theory, which more often than not gives the impression of being manifestly unphysical

    Very good insight, it also applies to recent EMDrive tests by NASA, which could refrain of speculations about pilot wave theory and similar stuffs, which don't add anything to understanding, it just makes even more physicists biased and dismissive.

  • Facts without a supporting theory can also be unuseful !

    The Modern Physics, Engineering, Technology and Technics are all based on Inertia Principle, which was stated by Galileo Galilei making balls going down a slope!
    Balls down a slope is a play for any child, Inertia Principle changed opinions that lasted tens of centuries!

    Nowadays people thinks that the higher is the energy (and the higher are the corresponding costs!) the more we can see deep in the matter… It is true for some respects, it could no more be true as long as other aspects of the Nature are considered and explored.
    Reaching such a new knowledge only by trials is like to go from equator to North Pole despising any map: maybe you reach it, if you are lucky, but the wasted time is enormous…

    Good Luck!

  • An experiment can be guided or inspired by a particular theory, but with the results being reported purely in terms of observations: we did this, we then saw this, etc. The important thing is just to avoid a Frankenstein combination of experimental writeup with theoretical exposition. At the end of the paper the reporters can say something like, "we think these results are consistent with <some-far-out-unphyiscal-theory> because of (a), (b) and (c)." Short and sweet.

  • My point is, both of you are actually right and the explorative and analytical atitudes in science should be balanced. But the contemporary physics is way too biased toward analytical approach and it simply refuses every accidental findings without direct support of some mainstream theory. Instead of it, the experiments supporting the abstract theories (SuSy, stringy theories) are promoted in noncritical way. This should be corrected and the exploratory experiments should get more love. But the aether or scalar wave physics isn't without theories at all - on the contrary, these theories exist long time already, they're just ignored in the same way, like their experimental support itself. There is absolutely no need to start its research without any theory. Actually all previous experimenters followed their own models during their experiments rather consequentially.

    You can for example consider the Kozyrev research - his experiments are all ignored today, just because they contradict the established theories by now. But Kozyrev didn't his observations randomly - he systematically pursued the entropic model of gravity, which is sorta hot topic by now. The situation, when the dull theorists dismiss already existing experiments despite they could bring the experimental confirmation of their own theories isn't rare in contemporary physics at all - it applies also to EMDrive and similar technologies.

  • #G. Albertini

    What is your hypothesis (if there is) for the production of an apparent distinct groups of elements, namely Bromine, Hafnium, Ttanium, etc. from Mercury. - In other words, you have had an idea about a specific relationship that combines these elements? Or maybe the production is randomly?
    Thank you for your attention

  • @piolo:

    An answer to your question can be found in
    - Phenomenological Rules for Nuclear Metabarysis by Riccardo Capotosto and Francesca Rosetto, J. Adv. Phys. 5, 80-83 (2016) (http://www.newnuclearscience.e…clear-metabarysis-it.html)

    and is also reported in the final part of
    Deformed Space-Time Reactions: Towards Nuclear Metabarysis by Gianni Albertini and Riccardo Capotosto, J. Adv. Phys. 5, 84-89 (2016) (http://www.newnuclearscience.e…clear-metabarysis-it.html).

    In fact, some points are to be considered:
    1. While traditional nuclear reactions are fusion for nuclei lighter than Iron and fission for heavier than Iron (thus Iron is the final point, from which nuclear reactions are not produced), the DST-reactions can go toward both directions and Iron was also found to be an enhancing factor.

    2. Energy is a further coordinate, beside space and time. Furthermore, different energy thresholds occur for the different interactions: they separate the flat Space-Time (Minkowsky Space-Time) and the Deformed Space-Time.

    3. These Energy thresholds correspond to thresholds of Energy density.

    Thus, beside the binding energy per nucleon as a function of the number of neutron and of nucleons, a third axis (Energy density) can be introduced.
    The occurrence of energy thresholds in DST-reactions should correspond to particular surfaces in this four-dimensional plot and different nuclei can belong to the same surface with constant density of Energy. This way, transformation between nuclei that usually are forbidden can occur.

    It is interesting to note that in any case we observe from a non-deformed (Minkowskyan) Space-Time, external to the nucleus, the consequences of reactions occurring in zones of deformed (non-Minkowskyan) Space-Time inside the nucleus.

  • Michelangelo De Meo su Facebook:

    Cari amici, suggerisco a chi vuole un mondo più pulito ed economico di scrivere della presentazione del 31 gennaio dell'ECat SK alle segreterie dei Ministri ( Ambiente, Sviluppo Economico, Università e Ricerca ) affinché loro non possano dire che non lo sapevano. Allegate anche l'interrogazione di Di Maio sulle LENR che trovate nei precedenti post. Io L'ho fatto! chi lo farà?

    Capo Segreteria Ministro Università e ricerca: Dott. Biagio DEL PRETE

    telefono: (+39) 06 5849 2075 - 2076

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Responsabile Segreteria Tecnica Ministro Università e Ricerca: Dott. Nando MINNELLA

    telefono: (+39) 06 5849 3600 - 3972

    fax: (+39) 06 5849 2037

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    Direttrice Generale degli Uffici di diretta collaborazione Ministro Università e ricerca :

    Dott.ssa Marcella GARGANO

    telefono: 06 5849 3826 - 3827

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  • Cari amici, suggerisco a chi vuole un mondo più pulito ed economico di scrivere della presentazione del 31 gennaio dell'ECat SK alle segreterie dei Ministri ( Ambiente, Sviluppo Economico, Università e Ricerca ) affinché loro non possano dire che non lo sapevano. Allegate anche l'interrogazione di Di Maio sulle LENR che trovate nei precedenti post. Io L'ho fatto! chi lo farà?

    Ottima iniziativa, che spero venga seguita da molti altri, a cui raccomando di ricordare alle medesime autorità dei due Ministeri che sono in ritardo di almeno 8 anni nell'occuparsi seriamente della faccenda Ecat e di segnalare loro, a questo riguardo, anche i seguenti video:

    1/3 -

    2/3 -

    3/3 -

  • Ottima iniziativa, che spero venga seguita da molti altri, a cui raccomando di ricordare alle medesime autorità dei due Ministeri che sono in ritardo di almeno 8 anni nell'occuparsi seriamente della faccenda Ecat e di segnalare loro, a questo riguardo, anche i seguenti video:

    Esatto. Ricordiamo anche le interrogazioni parlamentari che dovrebbero interessare chiunque voglia sia fatta chiarezza sull'argomento,

    indipendentemente dalla propria opinione.

    Il governo ha la facoltà di non rispondere alla singola interrogazione indicando però il motivo.…ght=0&idAtto=7370&stile=8

    35 solleciti, un "record" storico per l'interrogazione di Ermete Realacci!

    SOLLECITO IL 18/11/2013

    SOLLECITO IL 10/12/2013

    SOLLECITO IL 23/12/2013

    SOLLECITO IL 08/01/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 05/02/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 24/03/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 05/05/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 05/06/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 02/07/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 01/08/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 01/09/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 03/10/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 05/11/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 05/12/2014

    SOLLECITO IL 08/01/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 02/02/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 05/03/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 01/04/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 05/05/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 11/06/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 09/07/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 03/08/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 07/09/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 01/10/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 02/11/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 01/12/2015

    SOLLECITO IL 11/01/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 03/02/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 03/03/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 04/04/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 02/05/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 01/06/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 04/07/2016

    SOLLECITO IL 01/08/2016

    altre interrogazioni:…50949&stile=6&highLight=1…ht=0&idAtto=64823&stile=7   <>…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=702825…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=704669…ght=0&idAtto=7370&stile=8…=Sindisp&leg=17&id=719513

  • Esatto. Ricordiamo anche le interrogazioni parlamentari che dovrebbero interessare chiunque voglia sia fatta chiarezza sull'argomento,

    indipendentemente dalla propria opinione.

    Il governo ha la facoltà di non rispondere alla singola interrogazione indicando però il motivo.

    D'accordissimo, le regole andavano rispettate. Oramai le interrogazioni sono scadute, ma non le questioni epocali che ponevano e quindi i Ministeri competenti farebbero bene ad interessarsene comunque: il MIUR per rendere ragione di tutti gli scheletri nell'armadio accumulatisi durante la lunga sbornia FF, il MISE, che controlla l'ENEA, per evitare che continuino ad accumularsene degli altri.

  • It is a good thing that Celani's laboratory stayed open in 2013.

    Petition( to stop it closing )to parliament from REALACCI Ermete on 2 ottobre 2013, was useful

    1.The latest results (after June,2018) with constantan wire cappuccino knots are very good…origin=publication_detail


    As a comparison, previous experiments18 reported at ICCF21, gave a stable excess power of 6-7 W with

    an input power of 100-120 W19. With the new knot design the excess reaches 20-25 W at similar input power."

    2.Also the direct electricity production potential is very good

    "The whole of the observations allows to speculate on a thermionic power converter able to generate

    electricity through the thermionic emission of a cathode, heated by AHE, and collected by an anode

    (colder and/or featuring a different work function with respect to the cathode)."


  • you are deep in the fantastic world of Foamyland?

    I doubt whether even Ascoli65 can find foam in this paper. even if he reads it ten times.

    I can't find any in the attached photo.

    The Celani et al speculations are interesting for me..even magnetic.

    Definitely a good use of Italian Lira for further research.

  • I doubt whether even Ascoli65 can find foam in this paper. even if he reads it ten times.

    I can't find any in the attached photo.

    Me neither. However, the magic Kingdom of Foamyland is much older and wider than the recent County of Knottingham, which is part of it. It was named after an ancient practice by which its founders were able to obtain extraordinary amounts of excess heat by transforming foam in boiling water. Many young knights have made practice at their court and developed their original magic formulas to obtain excess heat from the laws of physics. In particular, the Lord of Knottingham is specialized in using the law of the venerable Stefan and Boltzmann, which was also used by the first Kings of Foamyland. :)

  • Do you need to read a paper claiming improvements in nuclear AHE by making knot along a wire to jump to the conclusion that you are deep in the fantastic world of Foamyland?

    Standard model physics is fantasy land. May be you did stay there too long. Go back and study magnetism and you might understand why knots work different than straight wires.

    But may be we overestimate your skills by magnitudes.

  • I doubt whether even Ascoli65 can find foam in this paper.

    From your snap-shot: “Along the last 8 years our group observed Anomalous Heat Effects (AHE) in wire of...”

    How comes that other respected labs were not able to replicate?

    From the SKINR Final Report on Calorimetry-based Excess Heat Trials using Celani Treated NiCuMn (Constantan) Wires :

    ‘No excess heat was observed in a calorimeter of a sensitivity <10 mW when running either the initial or later test protocols during ∼ 200 days of testing.’

    And then there was also this replication fail by MFMP:…-possible-10-excess-heat/

    to which - btw - Celani commented this...

    ... before MFMP were made aware that they very obviously meassured / calculated the P-out wrong.


    Definitely a good use of Italian Lira for further research.

    I guess nobody cares this days how many “Italian Lira” are spend for investigating AHE from Celani

    wires... since anyway the only other way to get some heat from Italian Lira notes nowadays is to burn them in the oven.

  • ...

    This practice is strictly tied to "magnetism", i.e. the art of eating, from Italian "magnare", a regional variant of "mangiare" (to eat), very popular in Italy. From the same root, it comes also "magnificence", from Latin "magnum" "facere", i.e. to make somebody big, by means of eating a lot. :)

    Anyway, jokes aside, is it your physics model really able to explain the improved nuclear performances of Celani's knotted wires?

    you should also add that this popularity is strictly related to Italian food quality and variety, probably a consequence of a paradigm different from "fast food" culture. Celani, if I remember well, has been much more criticized for his electrolytic compression experiment, mainly in a long-lasting debate on a cold-fusion italian blog.Seems to me that he is following a path similar to that of Japanese researchers.

    If we look however at the "restaurant bill" USA and Japan are much better placed than italians "buongustai".

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